
Client Summary

The Client - Summary tab gives a snapshot of what is happening for a client. This includes client and group information, client details, recent documents and tasks related to each client. This is where you can enter details of phone calls, file notes and meetings for the client.

The following is an example of the Client - Summary for an "Individual" client.


The following is the Client - Summary for a "Company" Client.


The Client Details (on the left-hand side of Client Summary) shows the general information for the client. The right-side allows users to easily record Client Interactions (phone calls, file notes, and meetings), with the most recent Documents and Tasks displayed further below.

Client Details

The Client Details section displays general information for the client, including the Client Name, Business Structure, and more. 

Client Detail Icons

Within the Client Details section, icons are displayed to represent key information and actions.

Icon Details

Edit Client

Displayed for FYI Admins and users with Edit Client permissions. Click the pencil icon to begin editing the client.

Open in PM

For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, this button will open the client record in XPM in a new browser tab.

Primary Contact

Displayed if a field has defaulted to the Primary Contact information, for example, the Email or Salutation. Click the icon to be redirected to the Contacts tab to view the details for the Primary Contact.


Displays when there is information relevant to that field. For example, where fields are not synchronised with Xero Practice Manager. Click on the tooltip to view further details.

Client Detail Fields

The Client Details section displays fields that provide key information about the client.

Field Details


The Group/s that the client belongs to.


The Business Structure associated with the Client. For example, Individual or Company. 


The client's Name, also displayed in the Clients box in the menu bar.

For practices using FYI as the Primary Source of Client data, the Name can be managed directly in FYI. For all other practices, the Name is maintained via your practice management software.

Note: For individuals, the Name field is independent of First and Last Name. For practices using FYI as the Primary Source of Client data, this field only displays when Editing Client Details.

For "Archived" or "Unmatched" clients, the Name of the client can be changed by clicking the Name field. Make the changes and then click the Tick icon to save the change (or click the X icon to not save the change). 

First Name
Last Name
Other Name

Displayed only when the client Structure is set to Individual.

Export Code
Client Code

The Export Code or Client Code can be used when searching for a client in FYI. Enter all or part of the Export Code or Client Code in the same way as you would enter all or part of the Client Name to find a client.

For "Archived" or "Unmatched" clients only, the Name of the client can be changed (refer to Archived Clients, Resolving Unmatched Clients and Unmatched Client Import). Click the Name field, make the change to the Name and click the Tick icon to save the change (or click the X icon to not save the change). This can be useful when clients are imported as part of the migration and if they have been imported as Unmatched Clients where they have the Client Codes instead of names.

Note: Client Code is not available for UK sites.

FYI Client ID

The FYI Client ID is a unique system-generated number assigned when a client is created in FYI, and used by New Collaborate as well as the Bulk Export and Migrate functions. For example, when a new Client Folder is created on the New Collaborate SharePoint site, the FYI Client ID code will be included in the folder name.


For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, the Contact field displays the name of the Primary Contact. If a Primary Contact has not been selected, the Contact field will be blank.


The preferred name for the Client, and can be used as a merge field when creating documents and emails.

The Salutation field will default to the Primary Contact's Salutation, or remain blank if a Primary Contact is not selected.

For practices where FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance is enabled, entering a Client Salutation on the Client - Summary tab will override the default Primary Contact details.

Client Email

The client's email address.

The Email field will default to the Primary Contact's email address, or remain blank if a Primary Contact is not selected.

For practices where FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance is enabled, entering a Client Email Address on the Client - Summary tab will override the default Primary Contact details.

Click the client's Email link to open the Create Email drawer with the Client and Email address added directly.

Phone Number

The client's phone number. 

Click the Phone number to create a Phone Call record.

Mobile Number

The client's mobile phone number.

The Mobile field will default to the Primary Contact's mobile number or remain blank if no Primary Contact is selected.

For practices where FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance is enabled, entering a Client Mobile Number on the Client - Summary tab will override the default Primary Contact details.

Click the Mobile Number to create a Phone Call record.

Tax & Company section
(click to expand)

The Tax & Company section holds details from your practice management software such as Business Structure, Tax Number, Account Number

Physical Address
Postal Address
(click to expand)

The Physical Address sections are used to maintain the addresses for the client. The Address Search field uses the Google Maps API to automatically search for addresses.

Click in the field and begin entering an address, autocomplete results will be displayed underneath and refined as you type more details. Click an address to automatically populate the address fields below.

If the Postal address is the same as the Physical Address, click the Same as Physical Address minus symbol to change it to a tick. The Postal Address fields will be hidden accordingly. When creating documents using the Client Postal Address, the Physical Address details will be used.

Group Members
(click to expand)

The Group Members section displays a list of all the clients that are members of the same Client Group as the displayed client. Click on a client in the Group Members for quick access to display that client.

Client Interactions

You can enter a record of any Phone Calls, File Notes or Meetings directly from the Client - Summary tab.

Refer to the section Recording Client Interactions.

Documents and Tasks

You can scroll down the Client Summary tab to display the Documents and Tasks with the most recent documents and tasks for that client. You can click on any of these to open Documents and Tasks directly from the Client - Summary.

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