
Client Jobs

If Jobs have been enabled for your practice, the Jobs tab shows the jobs that have been synchronised from your practice management software for that client. This is a handy tool for monitoring jobs by clients across the team.

Using the Client - Jobs Tab

When displaying, opening and working with Jobs in the Client Jobs tab, the list is used in the same way as in the Jobs List, except that only jobs for the selected client are included. Refer to the section Jobs.

By default, the tab displays the View with "Open" jobs. You can change by selecting a different View to display a view such as "All", "Overdue", or "Planned".

If you select to view a Client Group at the top of the Clients List, the list shows the jobs for all clients in that Client group and the list includes the Client column.

The Client - Jobs tab displays as follows.

267 NL Client Jobs tab.gif

Displaying the Jobs Board

You can display the Jobs for a client as a Jobs Board by clicking the Board button. This is used in the same way as the Board from the Jobs List (refer to Using the Jobs Board).

You can easily change the Job State by dragging a Job from one State to another directly on the Jobs Board.

For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, the change in Job State is automatically updated in Xero Practice Manager.



Providing the option Maintain Jobs in FYI is set as "Off" in the Xero Practice Manager app in FYI, a manual sync can be performed if, for example, a job has been added or changed in your practice management software and needs to be available in FYI straight away. This can be done by any user from the Jobs list or from the Client - Jobs tab using the Sync function and this will only sync the Jobs. Refer also to Running a Manual Sync with Xero Practice Manager and Additional Notes on Syncing and Running a Manual Sync with GreatSoft and Additional Notes on Syncing.

The Sync function is accessed from the View Tools.


On the Jobs Board, the Sync is accessed with the Sync button.


When you have requested a Sync from the Jobs list, the following message displays and the Sync function is temporarily disabled. Re-display the Jobs list to check the Sync has finished.


For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager:

  • The synchronisation of Jobs from Xero Practice Manager with FYI runs automatically every 24 hours.
  • The Sync function is only available in the Client - Jobs tab if the option Maintain Jobs in FYI is set as "Off" in the Xero Practice Manager app.
  • If the Job details, such as State, Manager or Partner are changed for any jobs in FYI, this is synchronised with Xero Practice Manager within 15 minutes. Updates from a Bulk Update are run with an Automation Process (refer to Jobs Bulk Update).
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