
Navigating between Groups, Clients and Jobs

In the Client and Job workspace when a client or job has been selected, the Group, Client and Job display as relevant at the top of the workspace. You can use the selections to change the Group, Client or Job. 

The following is an example where the client has been selected for a group. Only the clients for that group will show as the selections for Client.


The following is an example of where a job has been displayed for a client. Only the jobs for that client will show as selections for Job.


To show inactive jobs in the selection, click Unhide the inactive jobs. This shows jobs that have a Status set in FYI with the Type set as "Completed", "Cancelled", "On Hold" or "Archived" (refer to Managing Job States). 


To hide inactive jobs, click the Hide the inactive jobs button.


Accounting Practices generally work with clients in Client Groups. FYI gives you the ability to view all documents for a Group or the flexibility to jump to a lower level, such as an individual entity or specific job. This is useful when working on multiple entities within a Client Group.

From the Clients list, you can navigate between a Group, Client or Job. Refer to Displaying Information for Client Groups.

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