
Displaying Information for a Job

There are several ways to open a Job and view information specific to an individual Job.

  • In the Jobs List, click the Job Name in the list.

  • In other lists that include the Job Name (such as a Documents or Tasks lists) the Job Name is a hyperlink which you can click to directly display the Job Workspace.

  • You can open one of the last 5 Jobs you have used with the Quick Access by clicking the down arrow next to the Jobs menu option from any list or workspace Refer to Quick Access to Recently Used Jobs and Views.

Refer also to Opening a Job.

Job Workspace

The Job Workspace has tabbed pages from where you can view information about the Job as well as Documents, Tasks, Custom Fields, and Processes specific to the Job.

You can change the order in which you want the tabs to display. Drag and drop a tab to the position you want to show it. The sequence will be remembered so will stay in that sequence when you change to a different screen and also when you log out and log in again.

The Job - Summary tab displays initially.

Tip: Click and drag tabs to rearrange them in your preferred order. Refer to Changing the order of Workspace Tabs.

The following is an example of a job where the practice is on the Elite plan and FYI is selected as the Practice Management Source. Refer to Practice Management Sync. 3345_Elite_plan_Swish.png

569 Job Summary Not Workflow Jobs_Elite.gif

The following is an example of a job where the practice is on the Pro plan and Xero Practice Manager is selected as the Practice Management Source.


The Job Workspace includes the following tabbed pages:

  • Summary
    Provides a snapshot of the Job Details. You can also update the Job State from the Summary tab. This is also where you can create a record of a phone call, file note or meeting. Refer to Job Summary.

  • Custom Fields
    Displays any Job Custom Fields that have been set up in your Practice Management software or in FYI. Refer to Job Custom Fields.

  • Documents, Tasks
    Display documents and tasks that are specific to the Job. Refer to Job Documents, Tasks, XPM Milestones, XPM Tasks, Comments.

  • XPM Milestones, XPM Tasks 
    Only displayed for practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager. Refer to Job Documents, Tasks, XPM Milestones, XPM Tasks, Comments.

  • Comments
    Lists any Comments that have been added to the Job. Refer to Job Documents, Tasks, XPM Milestones, XPM Tasks, Comments.

  • Processes
    Lists any Automations and Custom Processes that have been set up to run manually and that can be run for a selected job.  These Processes can be run manually from the Processes tab. Refer to Job Processes, Process History and Process History Checklist.

  • Process History
    An automatic log of any automation Processes that have run for the client, with the Status as "Success", "Error" or "Progress". Refer to Job Processes, Process History and Process History Checklist.

  • Process History Checklist
    Displayed from the Process History and displays a summary of the steps in the process. and shows the Status of each step. To display the Process History Checklist, click an entry in the Process History list, to open the Process History Checklist for that process. Refer to Job Processes, Process History and Process History Checklist.

  • Activity
    Displays an audit trail of changes made to the Job. This includes changes made to the Job Custom Fields. Refer to Job Activity.

  • Billing Job or Workflow Jobs tab
    Displays jobs associated with the current job. When viewing the Job Workspace for a Billing Job, a Workflow Jobs tab will be displayed, which includes a list of all associated Workflow Jobs. When viewing a Job Workspace for a Workflow Job, a Billing Job tab will be displayed. Refer to Job Tabs for Billing and Workflow Jobs

  • Time 3345_Elite_plan_Swish.png
    Available for practices where FYI is set as the Practice Management source. This tab displays a list of timesheets entered by employees, including billable and invoiced values. Refer to Displaying and Updating Time and Disbursement Entries.

  • Invoices 3345_Elite_plan_Swish.png
    Displays a list of invoices that have been created for the job.
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