
Document Migration for Folder Based Systems

This article details the steps in the FYI Migrate app when you have selected Windows Explorer, HowNow or HandiSoft as your current software. Refer to How to Use the FYI Migrate App.

Important Notes

The following must be discussed with your Onboarding Consultant or FYI Implementor before document migration begins:

  • If your folder structure consists of groups or major inconsistencies, it is important to understand the impact and outcomes of this before migration begins.
  • If the Client Code (that matches your practice management software) is not stored in the "Client Code" field or the "XPM ID", the correct custom field needs to be updated before the Migration begins. To update this, refer to Onboarding Wizard. This is most common for practices in the United Kingdom.
  • You will be syncing the underlying folders to FYI. For assistance locating the root directory containing your documents, please refer to your IT provider.
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Select your Folder(s) to Migrate

  1. When prompted to select your folder(s), click Add.

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    In the Select your folder(s) to Migrate screen:

    • Back button takes you back one screen
    • Add lets you add a folder or an additional folder
    • Remove removes the selected folder
    • Clear removes all the selected folders

  2. Select the Folder(s) from Windows Explorer that you want to sync.
    Note: An error will be displayed when selecting a folder if the folder has already been added to the list.

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    The folder name will be included automatically. If you are syncing more than one folder, for example, both client files and other internal files (such as "Clients" "Admin" and "HR" folders) this provides context to the type of documents.

  3. Once you have selected the appropriate folders, click Done.

  4. If one of the folders contains a metadata file (either metadata.csv or export-data\report.csv) the Document Metadata screen will be displayed. This screen is used to review and verify the data to be imported. For more information on how to use Metadata files refer to Creating a Document Metadata file for Windows Explorer Migrations.

  5. To begin syncing your documents with FYI simply select Start.

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    If you want to double-check your selection before selecting Start, you can click on Restart Wizard and it will return you to the first step in the process (but will remember what you have entered).

Once the Sync is Underway

Before beginning the sync, the application will check the selected directories for the number of documents. The Upload Status will advise what the application is doing while you wait for the sync to begin.

Once the first sync is complete, the app will return to the top and look for any new/edited documents and sync them also. For more information on these statuses, refer to FYI Migrate FAQs.

The syncing process will continue each hour, until either the app is closed or the sync is stopped. If the app stops during the migration process, refer to FYI Migrate FAQs.

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Modifying Files While the Migrate App is Running

You should be mindful of the following actions once the FYI Migrate App starts running:

Deleting Documents

Be cautious when deleting documents.

  • If a document has been uploaded via the Migrate App and then subsequently deleted from the folder, the document will need to be deleted manually from FYI
  • A warning will be displayed on the Migration Audit Report.

Renaming Folders

Do not rename folders. The Migrate App will treat the new folder name as a new set of documents and reupload them.

  • For example, if a document has been placed into a folder called "Corro" and uploaded via the Migrate App, renaming the folder to "Correspondence" will reupload the documents (duplicating the files).
  • A warning will be displayed on the Migration Audit Report as a warning, and the documents from the "Corro" folder will be treated as removed.

Renaming Documents

Do not rename documents. If a document has been uploaded via the Migrate App and then subsequently renamed it will reupload them.

  • For example, if a document was called "Engagement Ltr", uploaded by the Migrate App and then renamed to "Engagement Letter", it will be re-uploaded and cause duplication.
  • A warning will be displayed on the Migration Audit Report. The document "Engagement Ltr" will be treated as removed.

Moving Documents

Do not move documents (or cut/paste documents) between folders.

  • For example, if a document has been placed into a folder called "2022", uploaded via the Migrate App, and then moved to a different folder named "2023", the document will be re-uploaded by the Migrate app (causing duplication).
  • A warning will be displayed on the Migration Audit Report. The documents will be treated as removed from the "2022" folder.

Introduction to Live Import

When the syncing begins, your documents will start to import into FYI. The following behaviours will occur:

  • FYI will place the documents into Cabinets with the prefix Pre FYI and automatically append the name of the head folders selected in Migrate App. For example, "Pre FYI - Clients" and "Pre FYI - Admin".
  • FYI will also automatically create Categories (for example, Clients - Level 1), which will contain the sub-folder detail from the head folder above.
  • FYI will look to match Client Names and Client Codes with your practice management software where possible. Refer to Matching Clients and Creating Unmatched Clients in Implementors: Live Import.
  • FYI will automatically assign the Year category where possible (refer to Matching on Year in Implementors: Live Import).

How documents behave inside of FYI during the LIVE IMPORT

  • If a document appears in FYI, it can be selected, edited, refiled etc.
  • If FYI identifies a new version of the document, from your historical document store, FYI will version that on top of any edits made inside of FYI.

Note: We recommend users are careful when editing documents that are still live importing. However, if you refile a document and then a new version is uploaded, the refiling will remain in effect, that is, if you refiled the document from the "Pre FYI cabinet" to the required "cabinet", editing the document does not return the document to the "Pre FYI cabinet".


Once your initial and final data syncs are complete, the FYI team will conduct the refile following the agreed mapping instructions put in place with your Onboarding Consultant or FYI Implementor.

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