Merge Field for the client's Date of Birth has been added to Email and Word templates. Refer to the articles in the section Stationery and Templates and to Creating Email Templates and including Merge Fields.
In the Dashboard - My Workflows, Hide Threads is turned "off" as default so that any email threads are displayed. Refer to the section Workflow.
- In Version in the drawer for Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, you can delete a version of the document that has been saved in FYI. Refer to Creating a New Document Version.
In the Clients, Documents, Jobs or Tasks lists, you can Export the information that is currently displayed as a .CSV file (Comma Delimited) which you can then open in Excel. Refer to Exporting Lists.
- Cabinet can be selected as a column in document lists. Refer to Adding/Removing/Moving Columns in a List.
- An Export to CSV option has been added to the Resolve Clients function. This allows you to export a list of the Temporary Clients in FYI that are created for any clients that do not match your nominated folder structure for FYI during the import of your clients and documents from your practice management software. Refer to Resolving Unmatched Clients.
- For a selected Word document, you can use the Convert button in the tool bar to create a PDF copy of document. This is useful if you want to email the document as a PDF attachment. The PDF copy is filed in FYI with the same filing details as the Word document that it is a copy of. Refer to Tool Bar Functions.
- Change made to Onboarding. When you click Complete in the Discovery section, this triggers FYI to move you from "Trialing" to "Onboarding". Refer to Self Onboarding.
- When editing a document via OneDrive, the FYI Reference Number is added to the document name displayed at the top of the screen. Refer to Opening and Editing Documents and Unique Document Reference Number.
- When setting up Job States, this shows the colours that can be used for each Job State. Refer to Job States.
- Export function added to the In Tray. Refer to Clearing your In Tray.
- Changes made to the Onboarding screen to help guide users through the Onboarding functions. Refer to the section Onboarding.
- Workflows functions in FYI allow documents to be managed through their life-cycle from in progress and in review, to approval and, if relevant, client signature. The workflow also includes notifications to users and tracking functions. Refer to the section Workflow.
- Custom Fields can be selected as a column in Client and Job lists. Refer to Adding/Removing/Moving Columns in a List.
- Tooltip on the Draft icons in shows Draft in FY (for the blue Draft icon) and Draft in Outlook (for the grey Draft icon. Refer to Using the Documents Lists and Creating an Email within FYI.
- Draft in FYI display the To: email address and allows you to enter a CC: email address in the Editor. Refer to Creating a New Email in FYI as a Draft in FYI in Creating an Email within FYI.
- In Bulk Update, you can set the Filing status as "Draft" or "Filed".
Selecting "Filed" can be used to file the document(s) at the same time as updating any filing details. Selecting "Draft" will add or leave the document(s) in the In Tray of the relevant Owner of the documents. Refer to Bulk Update and Bulk Updating of Filing Details. - Client - Details now shows the option Include in Autofile. When clients are within a Client Group, it is likely they may share the same email address. Nominating one of these clients as Include in AutoFile determines which will be used as the primary contact when emails are automatically filed. Only clients nominated as Include in AutoFile will be considered during automatic filing of emails. Refer to Nominating the Client to Include in AutoFile and Setting Filing Defaults for a Client.
- When Editing a PDF, the Opening Document for Edit popup now shows the button Open Online instead of Preview. You can click this to open the PDF with your preferred PDF editing tool. You can also open the PDF from your OneDrive FYI - My Edits folder, From the PDF editing tool you can make changes to the PDF or print it. Refer to Editing or Printing a PDF.
- In the Clients list, you can open the Group, and display the Group Details, by clicking the Group name in the Client Group column. Refer to Navigating between Groups, Clients and Jobs.
- Template Link has been added to Knowledge. When a template is selected, you can click the Template Link button in the toolbar to copy a link to that template to your clipboard. The link can then be pasted, for example into an email or Word document, to give access to the template. Refer to Navigating the Main Menu.
- Updates and changes to creating emails in FYI. Emails can be saved as Draft in FYI, Draft in Outlook or sent with Send Immediately. Refer to Creating an Email within FYI.
- When creating a Word or an email template, you can include custom merge fields that are based on tax information from Xero Tax. Refer to Including Advanced Tax-Related Merge Fields in Word Templates and Including Advanced Tax-Related Merge Fields in Email Templates.
- Export function added to In Tray.
- The option of editing draft emails within FYI
- "Create New" email to use the universal email create wizard
- Attachments in the In Tray default filing settings to be updated per the parent email
Resolved Issues
- Attachments not saving when an email sent from Outlook
- Tasks & Emails - some previews don't show Edit button
- Saving Issue - Duplication of email attachments
- Not auto filing client details on email creation
- After sending from Outlook, then filing attachment, did not link to Email
- "Postal Service" not an option if OneDrive not setup
- Double up when a reply is from Gmail
- Replies are losing original email content
- Reply options should work the same
- "We encountered an error opening your document" when a saved email's reply/reply all/forward is selected.
- Filing Email as you are Sending from Outlook, Attachment goes to In Tray despite AutoFile being turned on
- Filing email after sending from Outlook, then filing Attachment, attachment not linked to the email
- Duplicate Tax Returns