
Creating an Email by Selecting Attachments in FYI

You can create an email by selecting one or more documents filed in FYI that you would like to send. Refer to Attachment limits for maximum number of documents that can be shared at one time.

For a video walkthrough refer to Creating an Email in FYI.

Select Attachments and create an Email

  1. In FYI from any list, select one or more documents you want to send.

    To select multiple documents, select the documents you want to send by clicking the checkboxes on the left-hand column next to the relevant documents/emails. Refer also to Selecting Documents in a List in Using the Documents Lists.

  2. If your practice is on the Pro or Elite plan, click the Share button.
    If your practice is on the Intermediate plan, click the Send button.
  3. The Create Email drawer is displayed with the documents listed in the Attachments section.

    Click Add Document to select any additional documents filed in FYI. To remove a selected document, click the X next to the name of the attachment.

  4. Update the fields in the Create Email drawer as required.
  5. In Send Attachments, select how the attachments will be included with the email - Collaborate, Email or Postal Service. The default setting for the client will be selected automatically.

    Collaborate 3345_Elite_plan_badge.png 3346_Pro_plan_badge.png 
    The attachment is uploaded to Collaborate, and will be displayed on the email as a link. The attached document will also be displayed in the Client - Collaborate tab. 

    Email 3345_Elite_plan_badge.png 3346_Pro_plan_badge.png 3347_Intermediate_plan_badge.png
    Documents are included in the email as attachments, either as PDFs or as a copy of the selected documents, according to how the Include as PDF field is selected in the next step.

    Postal Service
    Where Postal Service is selected, the Create button will be hidden. A prompt will be displayed at the bottom of the screen to remind the user to send the document by post. 

    Practices integrated with myprosperity will be able to select myprosperity from the drop-down.

  6. Set the Include as PDF switch to "On" to send the attachments as PDF files, or "Off" to send in their original file format. Your selection will be the default for the next email you create.

  7. Click Create.

The email is created with the document(s) attached and is either saved as a draft or sent immediately, depending on the selection in the Save or Send field. 

When the sent email is filed in FYI, the Attachments section of the Email drawer will display a list of the attachments on the email. Click on an attachment to display the drawer for that attachment. You can also click the Open icon to open the attachment immediately. The attachment will not be saved again as a separate document in FYI, as the document was already filed before creating the email.

Attachment Limits

Up to 10 files can be attached to an email.

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