In Client Lists
When searching for a Client name (in the "Search clients" field in the Clients list or for the Client in the Filing section of the Drawer) FYI searches for all clients containing the search characters you enter anywhere in the Client Name. It also searches client email addresses. Refer to Searching for Clients.
In Document Lists
Refer also to Searching in Lists.
The search is used as follows:
- This searches through the relevant columns currently displayed in the list. In the Jobs list, this also searches in the columns if they are not currently displayed.
- The search text is not case-sensitive.
- You can search for multiple words. For example, you can search for "financial statements".
- Search may also find instances that are plurals. For example, searching for "statement" will also find "statements"
- Search will find singulars. For example, searching for "statements" will find "statement".
- Searching for numbers may also find them in the date fields.
- When searching in Documents lists, if Keywords and/or Tags are displayed in the list, this searches through Keywords, but not Tags.
- In Documents lists, in the same way as with legacy lists, you can use the Content Search button to perform a text search within the content of emails, phone calls, file notes and meetings. Refer to Search within Email, Phone Call, File Note and Meeting Content.
Note: Content Search does not find text in emails that are "Draft", only emails that have been sent or received.
In Jobs Lists
When searching in the Jobs List, the text you enter in the "Search jobs" field will find text in the Job Name, Client Name, Client Group, and Job State.
In the Jobs Board, the search will find text in the Job Name and Client Name.
FYI searches for any of these containing the search characters.
Refer to Searching for Jobs.