
Filing Documents in FYI and Filing Defaults

There are multiple ways to import and file a document in FYI.

These include:

  • Filing documents directly from Office using the FYI Drawer
  • Drag and Drop documents directly from Windows Explorer or your desktop
  • Uploading documents using the Import Drawer
  • Using OneDrive to automatically import documents to your In Tray

There are also defaults for how documents are auto-filed in FYI.

Filing Documents Directly from Office

You can file documents in FYI directly from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint using the FYI Drawer.
Refer to Saving an Office Document to FYI.

Drag and Drop

You can Drag and Drop documents into FYI directly from Windows Explorer or from your desktop.

The standard filing defaults will be applied (either practice-wide or client defaults). When multiple files are added to FYI, the selected filing details will be applied to all the documents. 

Note: If the Cabinet is changed, the fields will be refreshed, and you will need to re-select the filing options for the document.

Drag and Drop is only available for practices on the Intermediate, Pro or Elite plan.

Refer to Drag and Drop.

Uploading Documents using the Import Drawer

You can use Upload to import any type and number of files into FYI. This is useful for images, zipped files and when adding multiple files.

Refer to Using Upload to Import a File and Bulk Upload to a Client.

Using OneDrive to Automatically Import Documents to your In Tray

FYI is integrated with OneDrive.

  • For every active user in FYI, a system folder is automatically created in each user's OneDrive. This is called FYI - My Imports. FYI is constantly monitoring this folder. Whenever files are added to this folder, FYI detects this and automatically imports them. This is especially useful when printing to PDF from any application. They are added to the relevant user's In Tray for review and filing. You can also manually sync files from your FYI - My Imports folder by clicking the FYI - My Imports button in your In Tray. Refer to Using OneDrive FYI - My Imports to Automatically Import to your In Tray.

  • The FYI - My Imports can also be used for scanned documents. This is often used where a specific member of your practice administration team is responsible for the scanning. This person can scan and upload the documents to their FYI - Imports OneDrive folder and then file them from their In Tray. Refer to Profiling Scanned Documents.

  • FYI integrates with Digital Signing Apps such as Annature, Adobe Sign, DocuSign, and FuseSign. These integrations can be configured so that signed documents are automatically imported back into FYI. Refer to the section Sending Documents for Signature.

Filing Defaults

Filing Defaults are used to set the Cabinet and Category/Categories that are applied when documents and emails are auto-filed. These Filing Defaults are also used as the defaults for the filing details when users create emails, documents, and tasks within FYI.

  • Filing Defaults can be set for Clients, Users, or the Practice.
  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan, Filing Defaults for Invoices created manually and Credit Notes synchronised from Xero, are managed separately and do not use Client AutoFile settings. Refer to Managing Invoices Settings
  • The Cabinet and Category can also be set when an email or document is created from an FYI Automation Process.
  • When creating an email or document in FYI, if Filing Defaults are set in the AutoFile Defaults section of the selected Template these will override all other defaults. Refer to Creating Email Templates and Signatures and Creating Templates for Word, Spreadsheet or Presentation.

Throughout FYI, when determining which defaults to apply, FYI checks the Cabinet and Category to use as the filing details in the following order:

  1. Automation step (if an email or document is being created from an Automation process)
  2. Template (if an email or document is being created in FYI and a Template is selected that has filing defaults set)
  3. Client
  4. User
  5. Practice
  • If an email or document is being created from an Automation process, FYI will check if the Cabinet and Category to apply is set in the Automation step.
  • If creating an email or document from a Template, filing defaults from the Template are used.

If these do not apply, Filing Defaults are applied in the following order:

  • Client
  • User
  • Practice Defaults

If none of these are set, the email cannot be auto-filed. The document will be set as Draft Filed and sent to the In Tray for review.

Note: If the Cabinet selected in the Filing Defaults that has been applied has any Categories set as "Required", a value for this must be available from the defaults. If these are not available, the email or document cannot be auto-filed.

Setting the Filing Defaults

When deciding how to set up the Filing Defaults for your practice, first consider what would be most useful so you determine whether to apply these at the Client, User, or Practice level. For example, you may decide to have a general setting for all clients, or for all users. This could be set for all clients, or all users, or it could be set at the Practice level. You can then have certain users (for example partners) with different settings which would override this. Or, you may have certain clients that you want specific settings applied to and these can be set at the Client level, which overrides any other settings.

Filing Defaults should be applied as broadly as possible across the practice. The best practice is to set a Cabinet and the Year by default. For example, all emails could be auto-filed as the "current" Year (using the Category Year) within the Cabinet “Correspondence”. If the current year is not relevant for any emails, these can be refiled to another year after the auto-filing. 

When setting up Filing Defaults, bear in mind that these are also offered as defaults when creating emails and documents within FYI, not only for the Email AutoFile.

Note: The Clients Bulk Update or Users Bulk Update can be used to update the Filing Defaults.
This is useful if you are using the current year as Filing Defaults. The Bulk Update functions can be used to update this for all clients/users at the end of the financial year. Refer to Clients Bulk Update and Managing Users.

Setting the Default for Year as the Calendar or Financial Year

It is up to your practice to decide whether you want to set the default for Year as the calendar year or the financial year. The majority of accounting practices utilise the year as the financial year to ensure that documents are kept to the relevant financial period.

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