You can see a summary of the Job by displaying the Drawer.
You can also open a Job to see additional information and access all the emails, documents and tasks that have been filed against a specific Job. Refer to Opening a Job.
Opening the Job Drawer
To open the Drawer, select a Job on the workspace by clicking in the list anywhere other than the Job Name, Client Group or Client. The Drawer is displayed on the right-hand side.
Information in the drawer is displayed in sections. To expand a section, click the section heading or the down arrow in the heading.
The Drawer is where you can:
- Change the Job State
- If your practice has Job Cabinet Security enabled, select a Cabinet
- Nominate the Primary Job for a client
- Update the Name, Budget, Start Date, and Due Date
- Update the Budget Hours
- Update the Manager and Partner
- Open the Job to see details of the job and related information
- Open the Job in Xero Practice Manager (if integrated with XPM for Practice Management)
- View or add Tasks related to the Job
- Access Recent Documents for the Job
- Display the Job Milestones
- Add Comments for your team
- Add Time information
The following is an example of the Job Drawer with the Details section expanded for a practice using the Elite plan.
The Job Drawer will be displayed as follows for practices using Workflow Jobs. Refer also to the articles in the section Workflow Jobs.
The following is an example of the Job Drawer with the Details section expanded for a practice integrated with Xero Practice Manager where Workflow Jobs are not enabled. Refer also to the articles in the section Workflow Jobs.
Selecting Jobs in the List
When the drawer is displayed for a Job, you can select another Job by clicking on it in the list. The drawer stays open and displays the details of the newly selected Job.
- If you have expanded a section in the drawer, the section stays expanded in the drawer for the newly selected Job.
- If you have displayed the Comments pane, this stays open for the newly selected Job.
- You can use the Back button in the drawer to re-display the previously displayed Job. Refer below to Using the Back Button in the Drawer.
Changing the Job State
Each Job holds a State, such as "In Progress", "Planned", "On Hold". You can change the Job State from FYI.
In the Details section of the drawer, select the State from the drop-down list.
For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, when a change is made, this is automatically updated to the Job in Xero Practice Manager as part of the synchronisation.
- When updating the State in a Job in FYI, this is synced to Xero Practice Manager within 15 minutes. The job will be marked with a 'Pending Sync' tag while waiting for the update to be synced with Xero Practice Manager. This tag is located beside the Job Name in the Job Summary and prevents updates from being overwritten by a user selecting the Sync from PM button. Once the updates have synced to Xero Practice Manager, the tag will be cleared.
Note: When a Job is marked as Pending Sync, custom field changes made in XPM will not be synchronised.
- When the State in a Job is updated in Xero Practice Manager, the change will be synchronised to FYI during the automatic overnight sync.
Note: If the "State Type" of a Job is changed in Xero Practice Manager to "On Hold", "Completed" or "Cancelled", the Job stops being synced in FYI. If you make any changes in Xero Practice Manager, such as to the Job Name or the due date, and the Job is not current in Xero Practice Manager (that is where the "State Type" is not "Standard") this update will not be changed in FYI. If any such changes are needed to a completed job, change the state in Xero Practice Manager so it is not completed and make the change, sync it to FYI then set it back to completed.
Job Cabinet
If your practice has Job Cabinet Security enabled in your Practice Settings, you can select a Cabinet for any relevant Jobs. As well as giving additional information about Jobs, this allows Cabinet Security to be set on any relevant Jobs. Users only have access to those Jobs for the Cabinets to which they have been given access via the User Group they belong to. Refer to Managing Practice Settings for Jobs and Managing User Groups.
If Job Cabinet Security is not enabled in your Practice Settings, the Cabinet field is not displayed in the Job drawer.
The Job Category field is only available to practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, or practices on the Elite plan. If using Xero Practice Management, users will need to manage the category from within XPM.
Where FYI is set as the PM source, you can select a Job Category from the drop-down. Refer to Managing Job Categories. The Category column can be added to the Jobs List to view and filter by active job categories.
Archived Job Categories are not available to select from the Job Summary screen.
Nominating the Primary Job for a Client
Nominating the primary Job for a client allows you to select one lead job to act as your tracking job but still gives the flexibility to maintain any other jobs, such as consulting, to be running in parallel. If the currently opened Job is the Primary Job for the client, it displays Primary as a green tick.
In the drawer of the job you want to nominate as the Primary job, in the Details section, click Primary to show this as check-marked. Refer also to Nominating the Primary Job.
For how to display only the Primary Jobs in the workspace, refer to Using the Jobs Lists.
Budget, Estimated, Actual
Budget is displayed as a monetary amount in a currency format, for example, 1,200.00 or 200.00.
Estimated and Actual display time allocations from Time that have been added for an XPM Task for the Job (with Time entries in FYI or Xero Practice Manager). These are shown as times, in hours and minutes, for example, 01:30 for 1 hour and 30 minutes or 01:45 for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Name, Budget, Start Date and Due Date
For practices on the Elite plan using FYI for Practice Management, or practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, FYI Admins and users in a User Group that has Permissions enabled for Edit Jobs can update the Job Name, Budget, Start Date and Due Date from the Job drawer. If integrated, changes will be synced to Xero Practice Manager.
The Budget Hours field is also available for practices on the Elite plan using FYI for Practice Management.
Enter the Budget for the Job as a monetary amount in a currency format, for example, 1,200.00 or 200.00.
FYI Admins or users in a User Group with permissions enabled for Edit Jobs can also update the Job Name, Budget, Start Date and Due Date using Bulk Update (refer to Jobs Bulk Update). These fields can also be updated with an Automation Process using the Update Job step (refer to Update Job in Process Step Details - Creating and Updating Jobs).
For practices integrated with GreatSoft, the Name, Budget, Start Date and Due Date display but cannot be edited.
Updating the Manager or Partner
FYI Admins and users in a User Group that has Permissions enabled for Edit Jobs can update the Job's Manager and Partner from the Job drawer.
These users can also update the Job's Manager or Partner using Bulk Update (refer to Jobs Bulk Update). These can also be updated with an Automation Process using the Update Job step (refer to Update Job in Process Step Details - Creating and Updating Jobs).
Opening the Job from the Drawer
From the Drawer, you can open a Job to see additional information and access all the emails, documents and tasks that have been filed against a specific Job.
To open the job and display the full details, click Open Job in the toolbar in the Drawer.
Opening the Job in your Practice Management Software
If integrated with Xero Practice Manager, you can open the job in your practice management software from the drawer.
From the drawer, click Open in PM in the Action Bar. You may be prompted to log in to your practice management software.
Other Sections in the Drawer
If any tasks have been created for that job, they are listed in the Tasks section. You can also add a new task from this section. Refer to Adding a Task to a Job.
Recent Documents
The Recent Documents section in the Drawer displays the recently added documents for that job. By selecting a document in the Recent Document section, you can use the Preview pane to easily show a preview of that document.
If integrated with Xero Practice Manager, the Milestones section displays the XPM Milestones for the job.
Assigned Users
The Assigned Users section displays the users that have been assigned to the job.
For practices where FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance is enabled, "User" type Custom Fields will be displayed, referred to as Custom User Roles.
Process History
Where a process has been executed from the job workspace (in the Processes tab) or when using a Job filter in a Custom Process, a record of the process displays in the Process History section of the Job drawer. To display additional processes in the history, click the Show more link.
You can click on an entry in the Process History to display the Process Activity in the drawer with more information about what was run and if there are any errors.
The Activity section shows activity on the Job such as when the Job State was changed. For a list of which events are included refer to Job Activity.
To display additional Activity in the history, click the Show more link.
Comments can be added to a Job by any team member. These can be used to add any notes and also allow team members to collaborate on the Job. If you want to notify any users that a Job's State has changed, you can add a Comment. Refer to Adding Comments and Notifying Team Members.
Using the Tools at the Top of the Drawer
At the top of the Drawer, as well as the Open Job and Open in PM, you can click the Add Time icon to add Time information. Refer to Time Overview.
Using the Back Button in the Drawer
When the drawer is displayed for a Job, you can select another Job by clicking on it in the list and this leaves the drawer open with the details of the newly selected Job.
At the top of the Job drawer, the Back button can be used to re-display in turn the previously selected Job in that list.
The history of which Jobs are displayed with the Back button is held until the drawer is closed.