
Bulk Export OneDrive

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FYI Admins

An FYI Admin can bulk export the entire FYI document store including key metadata to a designated OneDrive directory. This could be used in the event of a practice split to export all your documents, or to do a backup of documents to be stored in another location.


  • Bulk Export is only available to FYI Admins.
  • Bulk Export does not export Web Links, Phone Calls, File Notes or Meetings.
  • OneDrive Export is only recommended if exporting less than 500 documents. For more files, the recommended method is to use Bulk Export AWS

The backup is made into the folder FYI - Export in the user's OneDrive. Folders under this are added according to the Export structure set up for your practice (see Step 2 below).

Step 1 - Set up the Configuration Structure for the Exported files

Within the user's OneDrive, files are exported to a folder, FYI - Export. This top-level folder needs to be created manually. All subfolders within this (for example, for the client groups, client names, year, worktype etc) will be created dynamically using the metadata in the documents, according to the structure you set up in the Import/Export - Configure function.

  1. Login to FYI as an FYI Admin.

  2. From FYI, click Settings in the top right-hand corner.

  3. Select Practice settings from the drop-down, then select Documents.

  4. Go to the Export tab.
    This displays a log of the import and export functions that have been run or that are currently in progress.

  5. Click the Configure button.

    The Import/Export setup displays.

  6. Go to the Export tab.

The Structure List shows the hierarchy to create the sub-folders for the export.

This uses the metadata in the FYI documents. The documents are exported in a hierarchy of sub-folders according to how the Structure List is set up.

We recommend that the structure be set to Client / Year / Cabinet.

You can remove any of the metadata groupings from the Structure List, or add to it from the Available list. You can also change the sequence of the metadata in the Structure List.

  1. Click to select what you want to move.

  2. Drag and drop it either to the Structure List to include it, or drag it to the Available List to remove it from the Structure List.
    Drag it up or down in the Structure List to change the sequence.

  3. Click Save.

Important Note: If you need to change the structure at any time, and documents have already been stored under the existing structure, please contact the FYI Support Team before making any changes to discuss any implications.

Step 2 - Running the Export

  1. From FYI, click Settings in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Select Practice settings from the drop-down, then select Documents.

  3. Go to the Export tab.

  4. Click Run.

  5. Ensure the Medium is set as "OneDrive".

  6. Select a Client by selecting from the drop-down list, or typing at least three characters of the client name to display all clients containing those characters anywhere in the name.
  7. As relevant, select the Partner and/or Cabinet.

    When exporting documents for a specific Partner, client documents will be exported where the selected user is held as the Partner for the Client. You can include Partner as a column in the Clients and Documents lists to check the documents that will be exported.

    If you have moved the documents you want to export to a specific Cabinet, select the Cabinet that holds the documents you want to export. To export all Cabinets, leave this as "No option selected".
    Partner can be used in combination with the Cabinet.

  8. You can run the Export as Incremental so that it exports only documents since the export was last run, not the whole document system.

  9. Click Next.

  10. The Folder Structure will be displayed. Check this is correct for the export you want to run.

    You can make any changes to apply to the export as required (refer above to Step 1 - Set up the Configuration Structure for the Exported files).
  11. Click Next.

  12. Summary of the export will be displayed, including an Estimated Document Count (including archived documents).
  13. Click Create to request the export.

  14. The Request will be displayed on the Export tab. Click the down arrow to expand the section and view the Export Settings and Result.
  15. An entry will be added to Practice Activity when the export has begun.


    • Bulk Exports are only performed overnight between 6 pm - 6 am (depending on your location). Any processes that are still running at 6 am will be completed; all other requests will be delayed until 6 pm.
    • You can run multiple exports simultaneously. 
    • Depending on the number of documents being exported, this will take a lot of disk space and will take a long time to process.
    • For an incremental Export, in your OneDrive FYI - Export folder, use the Modified Date to check the date the Export was run.
    • The Export Request will be displayed on the Export tab. You can navigate away from this page and return to check on the progress.

Step 3 - View the Exported Files

The backup is made into the folder FYI - Export in the user's OneDrive that prompted the export.

Folders under this are added according to the Export structure set up for your practice, for example, Client Name, Year, and then Cabinet.


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