
Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults

Using Email AutoFile, emails in the Outlook Inbox and Sent Items folders are automatically filed in FYI, with the process running approximately every 15 minutes. Emails will then be filed in FYI depending on how the Email AutoFile settings have been configured, covered further in the article below.

New emails are auto-filed based on:

  • The filing details of the conversation thread, or
  • The filing details on the Template Filing Defaults, or
  • Using the Filing Defaults set for the Client, User or your Practice.

Refer also to Introduction to Email AutoFile.

The Exclusions feature also allows your practice to block emails that are sent from specific email addresses or domains from being filed automatically. These settings can only be managed by an FYI Admin, or a user in a User Group that has Permissions enabled for Automations.

Note: Changes made to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults will be applied to new emails received and sent after the date and time of change. These changes are not applied retrospectively or to existing email threads.

When FYI is first deployed, the practice's Email AutoFile setting will default to "AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails & attachments".

The AutoFile setting for users will be set to "Disabled" by default, including when a new user is added to FYI. Users will need to change this when going live with FYI, or when they have been added to the platform.

Editing the Email AutoFile

  1. From FYI, log in as an FYI Admin, or a user in a User Group with Permissions enabled for Automations.
  2. Click the Automation menu option.
  3. Go to the Apps tab.
  4. In Email AutoFile, click the cog icon to edit this.


There are three tabs, Settings, Exclusion and Defaults.

Email AutoFile - Settings


To change any settings, click the relevant switch to "On" or "Off".

Note: The Email AutoFile Settings for the practice cannot be disabled. This is maintained at the User level and can be updated by an FYI Admin in bulk using the "AutoFile mode" option or by the User. Refer to Changing Filing Defaults and Settings with Bulk Edit in Managing Users and Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings.

Client Emails

The following options determine how Client emails are imported and auto-filed:

  • AutoFile Else In Tray or In Tray Review
  • Include Client's Contacts
  • Exclude Email Stationery Images

AutoFile Else In Tray/In Tray Review

There are the following options that control whether emails are sent to the users In Tray.

  • AutoFile Else In Tray which is set as either
    • Emails & Attachments
    • Emails only (In Tray for attachments)
  • In Tray Review

Only one of these can be set to "On":

  • If one of the settings for AutoFile Else In Tray is "On", In Tray Review is "Off".
  • If In Tray Review is "On", the settings for AutoFile Else In Tray are "Off",

The review of any emails in the In Tray can be completed via Outlook or via your Home - In Tray in FYI.

AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails & Attachments

By setting AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails & Attachments "On", emails and any attachments are auto-filed where possible and the emails and documents have a Filing Status set as Filed.

With this setting, if any condition for filing is not met, the email is set with the Filing Status as Draft Filed and it is sent to the user's In Tray. For example, this could be if:

  • The Client is not detected.
  • Neither the User, Client or Practice has Filing Defaults set.
  • Filing Defaults are set for the User or Client but have not been provided for a category set as "Required".
  • If an email is received where the email address is shared by more than one client, and if one client has not been nominated as the primary client to Include in AutoFile, the email is automatically marked as "Multiple Clients" and sent to the In Tray. When filing the email, a list of the clients who hold that email address is displayed in the drawer so you can select which client to file it under.

The email and any associated attached document can be checked and the filing details entered and filed either from the In Tray or the FYI Drawer in Outlook.

If any emails do not need to be filed in FYI, they can be deleted by the user from the In Tray.

Note: If any specific users need to have the setting for AutoFile Else In Tray, they can change this in their own settings by setting their AutoFile Mode option to AutoFile Else In Tray.
Refer to Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings.

AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails only (In Tray for attachments)

By setting AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails only (In Tray for attachments) "On", emails are auto-filed where possible using the same conditions above and have a Filing Status set as Filed. Any attachments are always sent to the In Tray.

Note: When the AutoFile setting for your practice is AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails Only (In Tray for Attachments) the user's own settings must be selected as "Practice Default" (refer to Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your own Login - My Settings).
An FYI Admin can use the Bulk Update for Users to set this if needed (refer to Changing Filing Defaults and Settings with Bulk Edit in Managing Users).

In Tray Review

The alternative for this practice setting is In Tray Review. When In Tray Review is set "On", all emails are Draft Filed for review. This allows each user to review all auto-filed emails before they are shared with the entire practice. They can be filed either from the In Tray or from the FYI Drawer in Outlook. Filing details will still be set where possible from the Filing Defaults for Cabinet and Categories and these can be changed when filing the email and any attached documents.

Note: If any specific users need to always review their emails before filing (for example, a partner) they can change this in their own settings by setting their AutoFile Mode option to In Tray Review. The emails are then always set as Draft Filed and sent for review and can be filed from the In Tray or from Outlook.
Refer to Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings.

Include Client's Contacts

When Include Client's Contacts is set to "On", AutoFile searches the Client's Contacts to find a match for the Client Name. If an email is sent or received from the email address of one of the Contacts that is held for a client in your practice management software, this will match the client when an email is auto-filed. This allows emails to be filed to the client when they are sent or received to/from the client's contacts such as bookkeepers, advisers, etc.

Note: Contacts cannot use the same domain as the sender. If the domains match, the email will not be autofiled.

Exclude Email Stationery Images

When Exclude Email Stationery Images is turned "On", attachments with a file format of jpg, jpeg, png, gif, ico, SVG or bmp and are less than 40 Kb are excluded from being autofiled. Where these file types are equal to or greater than 40Kb, they will be autofiled.

The attachments initially have the same filing defaults as set for the email.

Where an excluded file should be filed in FYI, this will need to be filed from the Drawer. Refer to Filing Attachments from the Email Attachments Section in the Drawer

Exclude Internal emails

When set "On" this excludes any emails from auto-filing that have been sent from your internal team. This uses the email addresses that are recorded in your FYI Users.

Exclude External Emails

Setting Exclude External Emails as "Off" will include emails where the email address is not held for any clients. This ensures that any emails sent or received that relate to a client (such as for a client's lawyers, banker, bookkeeper, etc) can be filed against the client. It also allows emails for prospective clients to be filed. 

Note: This setting is best used in conjunction with the Exclusions list (to prevent emails from a specific email address from being auto-filed). Refer to the Email AutoFile - Exclusions section below.

Email AutoFile - Exclusions

On the Exclusion tab, click Add Exclusion and enter the email address or domain for any specific emails or domains you need to exclude from the auto-filing.

  • Click Add Exclusion to add an individual email address or domain.
  • Click the Remove link to remove an exclusion.

Note: If a user's email address is specifically excluded from AutoFile with the Email AutoFile Exclusions, that user will not receive any emails or attachments in their In Tray to review. 

Importing Email Addresses and Domains from a CSV file

The Import CSV can be used to import email addresses and domains from a .csv file. Refer to Email AutoFile Exclusion CSV Import.

Note: When adding a domain, in order to exclude an entire domain. this needs to be added in as "domain.com" not as "@domain.com".
When adding an email address for an individual account, this needs to be added as the full email address.
If the domain or email address is not entered correctly, the following message is displayed when you import the .csv file:
"Error: Please enter a valid email or domain".

Checking for Draft Filed Emails in FYI that are Never Required

An FYI Admin can use the Draft Filed view of the Documents list to check any email addresses or domains of emails that are being imported by the Email AutoFile and that are never required. By including the From, To and CC columns in the view, the email addresses display and an FYI Admin can use this as a source to check for email addresses or domains to add to the list of Exclusions in your Email AutoFile Settings. The view can be exported and the export file used to create a .csv file that can be imported into the Exclusions.  Refer to FYI Admin view of all Users' In Trays.


 Below is a list of some example exclusions that practices may want to add to their settings:



Email AutoFile - Filing Defaults for the Practice

Filing Defaults are used to set the defaults for the filing details when an email is auto-filed, as well as documents created in FYI. These can be set for clients, for users or for the practice.

When determining which defaults to apply, FYI checks these in the following order:

  1. Client
  2. User
  3. Practice
  4. Automation Apps

To explain further:

  1. A check is first made if there are defaults for the relevant Client and, if there are, these are used.
  2. If Filing Defaults are not set for the Client, a check is made if the relevant User has Filing Defaults and, if they are, these are used.
  3. If neither the Client nor User Filing Defaults are set, the Practice Filing Defaults are applied.
  4. If there are no defaults set for Client, User, or Practice, the Automation App settings are used.
  5. If none of these are set, or if any are not complete (for example, if a Category is required for the selected Cabinet and this has not been added as a default) the email cannot be auto-filed and it is sent to the In Tray for review.

The Practice Filing Defaults can be set according to your practice's requirements, for example, in case there are no defaults set for either the relevant client or the user.


Note: When FYI is first deployed, for Trial sites, the Filing Default is set at the Practice level with the Cabinet as "Correspondence" and the Year as the current financial year.


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