
Negative Email Alert

The Negative Email Alert process creates an automatic alert for any inbound client email that is highly likely to have a negative sentiment. The FYI sentiment detector checks the text in all emails and when relevant, the process creates a task which is assigned to the relative client's manager to review the email.

This process uses Artificial Intelligence to perform a sentiment analysis of the content of the email text. When it detects that the sentiment is negative, the automation is executed for that document.

FYI uses a tool which first looks for what it considers as the main phrase in the text. The sentiment analysis then returns the overall sentiment of the text and performs a score of four levels: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. It then looks at the scores for these four levels to work out the overall sentiment.

Notes: This technology is still cutting-edge. There may be examples where the negative sentiment will be triggered where it is not applicable to the accounting profession. For example, where the tax authority sends a standard email laying out tax obligations with clauses of what happens if you do not pay. Although this is standard text in the email, it may trigger a negative email alert.

FYI is working through these examples and will continue to fine-tune when the negative email is triggered.

When checking for negative sentiment, this looks at the first 5000 characters of the email.

If you feel the alert has been triggered for the wrong reasons, please let us know. 

Editing the Negative Email Alert

  1. From FYI, click the Automation menu option.
  2. Go to the Processes tab.
  3. In Negative Email Alert, click the cog icon to edit this process.

The Negative Email Alert is set up with the following:

Trigger - is "New Document"

Filter - is set as following:

Sentiment is "NEGATIVE"
Document Type is "Email"
Delivery Status is "Received"

Note: The Run from options are not available for Sample Processes included with FYI. Refer to Setting up Custom Processes.

044 Automation Negative Email.gif

Steps - there is one Alter Document Step with the below settings (these can be modified as required):

Create a Task is set to enabled
Assignee is Manager (to select the relative client's Manager)
Subject is set to "Possible negative client email alert for {{ Name }}"
Status is set to "Not Started"
The Due Date is set to 3 days
The Details are "The linked email from {{ Name }} has been flagged for your review based on possible negative comments."


When the email arrives, a task will be created automatically.

Note: If you need to reset the process, for example, if the step was deleted, click Reset. This will restore the process back to the default configurations. 

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