You can export documents so you can view them outside of FYI for use offline. A separate copy of the file is exported, and the original is still held in FYI.
For example, you may wish to share a number of documents with a client. They can be copied to the client's One Drive or copied to a USB stick. You select the documents you wish to share and use the Export function. This will create a local copy of each document in Windows Explorer, which can then be copied.
- You can also export Filed emails. This may be useful if you cannot access its attachment(s) for some reason. After exporting the email, you can then open the email and see the attachment(s) it holds.
- For practices on the Elite plan using FYI as Practice Management, Invoice documents can be exported if the Invoice Status is Draft in Xero, Awaiting Payment or Paid. The Export function is only available from Document lists, for example in the Client workspace - Documents tab.
Export cannot be used for Draft emails.
- Export cannot be used for documents that are Web Links, File Notes, Meetings, Phone Calls.
In the Documents list, and you have selected 50 (or fewer) documents, you can use the Export function and the Export button is available.
- If more than 50 documents are selected, the Export button is not available.
- If any of the selected documents are Draft Emails, Web Links, File Notes, Meetings, or Phone Calls the Export button is not available.
- To export more than 50 documents, or to export Web Links, File Notes, Meetings or Phone Calls, you will need to use the Bulk Export function. Refer to Bulk Export AWS.
Hovering over the disabled Export button displays the following tool tip.
Exporting Document(s)
- In FYI, select the document(s) you want to export in one of the lists.
For information on how to select multiple documents, refer to Selecting Documents in a List in Using the Documents Lists.
- Click the Export button in the toolbar. Or, for a single document, right-click and select Open from the toolbar pop-up menu (refer to Using the Toolbar Actions).
Note: Export is not available on the right-click menu for invoices.
- A message displays in the Drawer that the document(s) are downloading.
- The export file is added to a folder locally and a link to the downloaded file(s) is shown in the bar at the bottom of the browser screen.
This folder the exported file(s) are added to can be specified in your browser settings (for example, in Chrome this is under Settings - Advanced - Downloads). The default for this is usually your Downloads folder. In the browser settings, you can also set whether a prompt is displayed to select the download location (for example, in Chrome, this is the setting "Ask where to save each file before downloading").
When exporting an office document, you should choose a folder location that is not included in the OneDrive sync or backup. We would recommend the Windows "Downloads" folder. The reason for this is that if the document is exported to a folder location that is being synced with OneDrive, the document will still be related to the original in FYI which could cause inappropriate updates or refiling.
If needed, you can upload a new version of the document back into FYI. Refer to Uploading a New Version of a Document.
Note: The Export function is only available for relevant types of documents and emails. It is not relevant for FYI internal client interactions such as Phone Calls, File Notes and Meetings.
Export with Reference
You can also select the Export with reference option from the Export button. This will append the FYI Reference Number to the exported file name. Refer to Unique Document Reference Number.
For example, if you are exporting a Word document "Engagement Letter" that has an FYI reference number 024169.
Export will export to a filename "Engagement_Letter.docx".
Export with reference will export to a filename "Engagement_Letter (FYI-024169).docx
(Documents created prior to 28 October 2020 will include the initials of the user who created the document in the reference number)
Exporting a List
In the Clients, Documents, Jobs or Tasks lists, you can export the information that is currently displayed as a .CSV file (Comma Delimited) which you can then open in Excel.
For Jobs lists, you can also use the Export Report function to export the list as an Excel spreadsheet.
Refer to Exporting Lists.
Bulk Export
An FYI Admin can run a bulk export of documents. Refer to Bulk Export AWS and Bulk Export OneDrive. Bulk Export is only available on demand and can be used to export Web Links, Phone Calls, File Notes and Meetings.