
Creating an Email from Outlook

When creating an email in Outlook, you can access the FYI Drawer to apply a practice template and pre-file the email before sending it.

Note: The Signature applied to the email will be as per your email signature settings in Outlook, and will not import the signature configured in FYI.

This can all be done directly from your Outlook Inbox.

  1. Open a new email in Outlook, then click the FYI icon on the Outlook menu ribbon to open the FYI Drawer. Refer also to Displaying the Drawer in FYI, Outlook and Office.
  2. Make any changes to the email.
  3. Enter the filing details and check any defaults that are given (refer also to Using the Email Drawer).

    You can only pre-file the email to the required client and cabinet when the email content is saved. If the email content is blank or the email is still synchronising to the Outlook Exchange Server, an alert will be displayed in the Outlook FYI Drawer.

    Name -
    The Name is a mandatory field, used to identify the email internally and displayed in the lists in FYI.

    Client - Type at least three characters of the client name to display all clients containing those characters. Then click to select the required client. Refer also to Selecting a Client in the Filing Details and Refreshing the Clients.

    Cabinet - If the selected Client has Filing Defaults for the Cabinet and Category, or you have Filing Defaults for your own settings or at the practice level, these display. They can be changed if required.

    Defaults and options are displayed for additional filing fields depending on the cabinet selected, such as categories, jobs, and keywords

  4. If relevant, expand the Templates section in the Drawer and select from one of the templates.

    Click Insert Template.

    The template text, including any merged fields as relevant to the selected Client, will be added to your email. If relevant for the selected template, default values for one or more Categories are offered providing a Cabinet is selected that uses the relevant Category/Categories. You can change the value for the Categories if required. Refer to Creating Emails from Templates.

  5. Save and file the email.

    Before you send the email, you must save it. It is important this is the final step before sending it. If not, you may be filing an incomplete version of the email inside FYI.

    Save the email (using Ctrl+s) in the desktop version of Outlook. This saves the email and any changes you have made. Note, in the online version of Outlook, there is no need to save, this happens automatically.

    Once saved, it is useful to file the email before sending it by clicking Create in the FYI Drawer. This will file the email inside FYI. 

    Note: You can also file the email after it has been sent from within your Sent Items. There are no special requirements if filing using this method.

  6. Click Send to send using Outlook. The email will be synchronised with FYI within 15 minutes.
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