You can share one or more documents with external users using email, Collaborate, or myprosperity. You can also optionally share a document with a client without prompting an email by using the Share No Email option.
Sharing Documents via Collaborate
Documents can be shared with external users via Collaborate using the Additional Recipients field, by selecting Enter new Email and entering the external user email address. Practices can share individual documents only, to avoid giving the external user access to all documents within the Share folder.
For information on sharing documents via Collaborate, refer to Sharing Documents with Clients and External Users and to the section Collaborate.
Sharing Documents via Email
You can send one or more documents as an attachment to an email. This is either in their native form or as PDF attachments. Sharing via Collaborate is only available for practices on the Pro or Elite plan.
Note: Up to 10 documents can be shared at one time. To share more than 10 documents, refer to Share No Email below.
If your practice is on the Pro or Elite plan, this is done by selecting one or more documents, clicking the Share button and setting Send Attachments to "Email".
If your practice is on the "Intermediate" plan, this is done by selecting one or more documents and clicking the Send button.
The underlying email is automatically filed in FYI and a record of the send is shown in the Activity of each document that is sent.
Refer also to Creating an Email by Selecting Attachments in FYI, Sharing Documents with Clients and to Mail Register - Updating the Document Delivery Status as Sent or Received).
Sharing Documents via Share No Email
If using New Collaborate, you can share documents straight to the Collaborate Site without emailing the client. Refer to the section "Share No Email" in Sharing Documents with Clients.
If sharing multiple documents for different clients via Share No Email, the Client Name where the document is filed in FYI will be displayed under the Document Name. When the documents are shared, they will be uploaded to the relevant client folder.
Sharing Documents via myprosperity
If you have integrated with myprosperity, you will be able to select myprosperity as the service by which to Send Attachments. Refer to Sharing Documents via myprosperity.
Note: Ensure the client has been created in myprosperity before sharing a document. Refer to Digital Signatures using myprosperity.
Resending a Document
If you need to resend a document by email at any time, this can be done in the same way and the document will be sent as a new email.
Clearing the Delivery Status
To clear the Delivery Status, and reset this to blank:
- Select the document to clear.
- Click the Delivery button.
- Select Clear.