
Managing your In Tray

In FYI, your Home - In Tray lists emails and documents that have been brought in from external services, either automatically or during an import.

The In Tray displays as follows.


Using your In Tray

  • Your In Tray includes Client emails that have been imported from your Outlook Inbox and Sent folder, ready for you to review before making them available to all FYI users across your practice.

  • The In Tray will only display emails with a Draft Filed status. If the status is changed to any other status, it will be removed from the In Tray.

  • Depending on your practice's Emails AutoFile Settings, and your own settings, emails and/or any attachments will have been auto-filed to a Client and Cabinet. External emails are also included. Usually, internal emails are excluded. Refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults and to AutoFile Mode in Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings.

Note: If a user's email address is specifically excluded from AutoFile with the Email AutoFile Exclusions, that user will not receive any emails or attachments in their In Tray to review. 

  • The Source column shows the source of the emails and documents in the In Tray. This gives additional information and can be used to filter the In Tray.

    The values for Source that are generally relevant for the In Tray are:
    - "FYI" for an email
    - "Attachment AutoFile" for a document that was attached to an email
    - "My Imports" for a document that has been imported to the In Tray from your FYI - My Imports folder.

  • Emails that are related to the same conversation are threaded. If there are threads on an email, the Email Thread icon displays next to relevant emails. This means you can file a thread of multiple emails in one go. Refer to Managing Email Threads.

  • Any of your Categories can be set up as Available in In Tray (refer to Managing Categories). This automatically includes the Category as an additional column in the In Tray for all users.

  • You can customise your In Tray by adding, removing and moving the columns that are included but changes cannot be saved to the In Tray view. For example, you can include the Delivery column in the In Tray to display whether an email/document has been received or sent. Refer to Adding/Removing/Moving Columns in the Documents Lists.

Note: To improve performance and reduce the load time, the In Tray is set to only show the first 500 emails and documents. If the total number of documents in your In Tray exceeds 500 emails and documents, as you file the emails and documents this will display additional entries.
You can also display all the emails and documents using the Draft Filed view in a documents list. Refer below to Viewing In Tray Contents from the Draft Filed View in a Documents List.

Using your In Tray when Another User has Shared their In Tray with you

If another user has shared their In Tray with you, your In Tray will include the unfiled emails and documents where that user is the Owner. However, the Draft Filed view in the Documents list will currently only show these emails or documents if you are an FYI Admin user.

Filing or Deleting Emails and Documents from your In Tray

When you file or delete an email, it will be cleared from your In Tray in FYI.

  • When you delete an item in your In Tray, it will not be deleted from Outlook.

  • When you file an item from in your In Tray, it will be marked as “Filed in FYI” in Outlook. So, you only need to file the email in one location. Refer to 'Filed in FYI’ Label in Outlook.

  • When you file an email directly from Outlook using the FYI Drawer, it will be automatically removed from your In Tray and filed in FYI.

  • If a secondary recipient files or deletes the email from their Outlook or FYI In Tray it is removed from your In Tray.

Video Walkthrough
For a video walkthrough of this feature, refer to Filing Emails.

Filing Email or Document from the In Tray

  1. From FYI, display the Home - In Tray tab.

  2. Click to select an item in the list, or use the checkbox on the left-hand side.
    The drawer displays for you to select the filing details.


  3. You can preview an email/document by clicking Preview on the side of the Drawer.

  4. In the Drawer, change or select any of the Filing details as relevant.

  5. Click File to file the selected email/document and leave the drawer open.
    Click File & Close to file the selected email/document and close the drawer.

    The selected Cabinet determines any fields which are not "Optional" and must be selected before you can file the email/document (refer to Managing Cabinets). If any required fields are not entered, a message displays at the top of the drawer.

The email or document is now available to everyone in the practice.

When an email is filed in FYI, it will display in your Outlook with the blue Filed in FYI message (refer to 'Filed in FYI' Label in Outlook).

If required, you can delete the email from your Outlook. This will not delete it from FYI.

Deleting an Email from your In Tray

If you wish to delete the selected email, click Delete in the toolbar. Or right-click and select Delete from the toolbar pop-up menu. Refer to Using the Document Action Tool Bar.

You can also select multiple emails in a list using the check-boxes on the left-hand side. and delete more than one at a time.

Deleting an email from your In Tray will not delete it from your Outlook.

You can delete any received or sent email in your In Tray, even when it has a Workflow Status of "Complete".

Note: Any unfiled documents that are deleted from your In Tray are not shown as deleted documents. Due to privacy considerations, they are hidden from view. To re-add the email to FYI, the email will need to be filed from Outlook. Refer to Filing Emails.

Emails with Attachments

Refer to Filing Email Attachments for details.

Filing Emails where the Address is Shared by Multiple Clients

Where an email address is shared by more than one client, you would usually have set which client to file these under by setting Include in AutoFile. Refer to Setting Filing Defaults for a Client and Nominating the Client to Include in AutoFile.

If an email is received where the email address is shared by more than one client, and if no client has been nominated as Include in AutoFile, the email is automatically marked as "Multiple Clients" and sent to the In Tray. When filing the email from the In Tray, a list of the clients who hold that email address is displayed in the drawer so you can select which client to file it under.

When filing the email from the In Tray, a list of the clients who hold that email address is displayed in the drawer so you can select which client to file it under. The list of clients excludes archived clients.


If the email with multiple clients has any attachments, you will also need to select the client to file the attachment(s) under.

If your practice has set Include Client's Contacts setting in Email AutoFile Settings and the email is sent to or received from a client Contact that is linked to multiple clients, the clients that the email is shared across will also be shown so the relevant client can be selected. Refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults.

Note: The selection of multiple clients does not appear if you have the FYI AutoFile function disabled.

Filing Email Using Bulk Update

You can use Bulk Update to file multiple emails and documents from your In Tray.

  1. Use the checkboxes on the left-hand side to multi-select all items that you want to file in the same location.
  2. Click Bulk Update.
  3. The Bulk Update Drawer displays with the fields that you can change.

  4. Make your selections for Client, Cabinet and for the fields you want to apply to all the selected documents. For details, refer to Bulk Update.
  5. Update Filing selection to 'Filed' for the emails and documents to be updated from a Draft Filed status and removed from your In Tray. 
  6. Click Run.

Using Bulk Update in your In Tray is also useful if you want to change the Owner or Workflow Status of an email or document without filing it. Changing the Owner of an email or document, without filing it, will add it to the In Tray of the new owner and it will also still be included in the In Tray of the original owner.

Refer to Bulk Update.

Filing Multiple Emails/Documents

You can also select multiple emails/documents in your In Tray. This allows you to delete multiple emails/documents from your In Tray.

When selecting multiple emails/documents, if they all have the required filing details selected, you can click the File button in the toolbar.


Note: If any of the selected emails/documents do not have all the required filing details selected, the File button is not enabled.

Moving Emails/Documents to another User's In Tray

You can move one or more emails and documents from your In Tray to another user's In Tray. The new user will then be able to file the emails or documents from their In Tray.

  1. Select one or more emails and or documents in your In Tray.
  2. Click Move in the toolbar. Or right-click and select Move from the toolbar pop-up menu (refer to Using the Document Action Tool Bar).

  3. You are prompted to select the User whose In Tray you want to move the emails/documents to. Only one user can be selected.
  4. Click to tick the relevant User.
  5. Click OK.
    A message displays that the emails/documents are being moved.
    The move is recorded in the Activity section of the document, for example, as "In Tray Document moved from Liz Hurst to Troy Steele".

If the email has any attachments, and only the email is moved, when the email is filed it is automatically filed with the same filing details as used for the email.

When the moved email is filed, it shows in the Home - My Recent of the original user.

Note: If you want to add an email or document to the In Tray of another user but also leave it in your In Tray, you can use Bulk Update in your In Tray to change the Owner of an email or document without filing it. Changing the Owner of an email or document, without filing it, will add it to the In Tray of the new owner and it will also still be included in the In Tray of the original owner.

Sharing your In Tray

If at any time you need to re-delegate unfiled documents in your In Tray, you can share your In Tray with one or more users. This can use useful, for example, if you are going to be away and you need someone else to check and file or delete documents in your In Tray for you. Refer to Sharing your In Tray.

If you have shared your In Tray, you can use the Filter by Owner button in the In Tray to select which documents to display.

Viewing In Tray Contents from the Draft Filed View in a Documents List

In a Documents list, you can select the Draft Filed view and show documents where you are the Owner to see the contents of your In Tray. This view shows only documents with the Filing Status of "Draft".

If there are more than 500 entries in your In Tray, you can view them all from a Documents list using the Draft Filed view.


If you are an FYI Admin, this will display all documents that have the Filing Status of "Draft" for all users and allows you to see the contents of all users' In Trays. Refer to FYI Admin view of all Users' In Trays.

Questions about your In Tray

For questions and issues relating to your In Tray, refer to the following:

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