
Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings

There are various defaults you can set up to reflect your individual preferences. These configurations can be set up for your own login from Settings - My Settings. Refer also to Individual Settings and Status.

Displaying your Settings

  1. From FYI, click the User Menu in the top right-hand corner.
    A standard user will see My Settings as an option.
    730 Standard User Settings.gif
    An FYI Admin will also have access to the Practice Settings.
    731 Admin User Settings.gif
    If you have Use FYI Desktop enabled in your Profile, you see an additional option Download FYI Desktop in Settings. Refer to FYI Desktop App.

  2. Select My Settings from the drop-down. 

Individual Profile Settings

Each user can set defaults for their login via their Profile settings. This is where individual defaults can be set for notifications, how you want to use the Preview function and how you prefer to open Outlook and Office products (via the Desktop or Online). You can also choose to override the default setting for your practice for how emails are autofiled.

From Settings - My Settings go to the Profile tab.


Notification Mode

When set to "Disabled", no email notifications are sent. Refer to Comments and Notifications.

When set to "Email", you will be sent an email notification when:

  • You have been assigned to a task (refer to the section Tasks).
  • A task that you initiated has been completed.
  • You are tagged in a Comment (refer to the section Comments).
  • When you are sent a notification from an Automation Processes for a Comment in a Process, when a Process fails or when a Summary Notification is sent (refer to Automation Notifications).

Note: The Notification Mode can only be modified by the logged-in user. FYI Admins will not be able to change this setting.

Weekly Stats

This option is only available for FYI Admins. When set to "On" you will receive a weekly email summary of the transactions that have taken place with various apps connected to FYI.  The email is sent on a Sunday with the summary of transactions from the previous Monday through to the Sunday. The following is an example of the Weekly Stats email that is sent.


Preview Office Via OneDrive

This determines how the Preview function displays Office documents. This can be set as "On" or "Off" (refer to Previewing a Document).

  • When Preview Office via OneDrive is set as "On", the document displays in the Preview and retains the same formatting as when opening the document from the Office product on the desktop.

  • When Preview Office Via OneDrive is set as "Off", this is quicker to display, but you may find that the formatting of the content of the document may not be accurate, especially for more complex documents.
    Note: When previewing a document from the Documents list, the Preview Office Via OneDrive toggle displays in the Document Preview and can be enabled or disabled for individual documents.

Use FYI Desktop

The FYI Desktop App is a purpose-built desktop app that is used to edit any FYI document independently of OneDrive. When Use FYI Desktop is set as "On" in your settings, you can download the app from your Settings menu. Refer to FYI Desktop App and Opening, Editing and Finish Editing Documents with FYI Desktop.

Open Office using

Open Office using determine what happens when you click the Edit button to edit a Word, Excel or PowerPoint document. When editing an Office document, this opens the document using either the desktop or browser version of Office.  Refer to Opening, Editing and Finish Editing Documents.

If relevant, you can also set this as FYI Desktop App (see below).

Open Outlook using

Open Outlook using determines what happens when you use the Open button to open draft emails, or the Reply Reply All or Forward buttons to open a sent or received email. Refer also to Opening and Editing Emails

  • OneDrive Desktop does not automatically open the email via Outlook Desktop but moves the email to your FYI - Drafts folder. You can then open the email from your FYI - Drafts folder in Outlook Desktop.
  • OneDrive Online opens the email via the browser.
  • Practice Default uses the setting that is set by an FYI Admin from Practice Settings - Documents - Settings (refer to Managing Practice Settings for Documents). This is either OneDrive Online or OneDrive Desktop.

AutoFile mode

This setting controls whether emails from Outlook are added to your In Tray in FYI for review before they are shared with the entire practice, or autofiled without appearing in your In Tray.

AutoFile mode can be set as "Practice Default", "In Tray review", "AutoFile else in tray" or "Disabled".

The Practice Settings holds a practice-wide setting for AutoFile mode (refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults).

When FYI is first deployed, the practice's Email AutoFile setting will default to "AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails & attachments".

The AutoFile setting for users will be set to "Disabled" by default, including when a new user is added to FYI. Users will need to change this when going live with FYI, or when they have been added to the platform.

Users can override the default setting for the practice. This might be preferable, for example, if emails are normally autofiled for most users across the practice but you are a partner and want to always first review your emails from your In Tray before making them available practice-wide.

  • Practice Default - When set to "Practice Default", this uses the setting for your practice. This is either "AutoFile Else In Tray" (when possible, emails are autofiled without appearing in your In Tray) or "In Tray Review".

  • In Tray Review - When set to "In Tray Review", emails from Outlook are always added to your In Tray in FYI for review before they are shared with the entire practice.

  • AutoFile else in tray - When set to "AutoFile else in tray", emails are auto-filed where possible and the emails and documents have a Filing Status set as Filed.
    This is the equivalent of the practice setting AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails & Attachments (refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults).

    With this setting, if any condition for filing is not met, the email is set with the Filing Status as Draft Filed and it is sent to the user's In Tray. For example, this could be if:

    • The Client is not detected.
    • Neither the User, Client or Practice has Filing Defaults set.
    • Filing Defaults are set for the User or Client but have not been provided for a category that is set as "Required".
    • If an email is received where the email address is shared by more than one client, and if one client has not been nominated as the primary client to Include in AutoFile, the email is automatically marked as "Multiple Clients" and sent to the In Tray. When filing the email, a list of the clients who hold that email address will be displayed in the drawer so you can select which client to file it under.

    The email and any associated attached document can be checked and the filing details entered and then filed either from the In Tray or from the FYI Drawer in Outlook.

    If any emails do not need to be filed in FYI, they can be deleted by the user from the In Tray.

    Note: The practice settings also allow the AutoFile Else In Tray - Emails Only (In Tray for Attachments). With this practice setting, when the email can be autofiled only the email is autofiled and any attachments in incoming emails are always automatically sent to your In Tray.
    To use this option it must be applied in the practice settings (refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults) and then selected in your own settings as "Practice Default".

  • Disabled - When set to "Disabled", emails from Inbox or Sent Items will not be imported, and will instead display "Not Filed" in Outlook.

    Note: If there are multiple recipients different rules will apply, and the email will be shown in the In Tray in FYI until it has been filed. Refer to Emails with Multiple Recipients.

Default Timesheet Status

When Time entries are created, the status will automatically be set to match the Default Timesheet Status for the user. New users will have the status set to "Submitted" automatically.

When a Time entry has the status of "Submitted", the entry can be invoiced to a client (for Elite practices) or submitted to Xero Practice Manager (for Pro plans integrated with XPM).

"Draft" leaves the Time entry in FYI as a draft. For Elite practices, Draft time cannot be invoiced. To submit time refer to Displaying and Updating Time.

Filing Defaults - Individual Settings for Email and Document AutoFile

To save time filing documents for a specific client, FYI provides the ability to set filing defaults for the Cabinet and the Categories for each client. Refer to Setting Filing Defaults for a Client.

If filing defaults are not set up at a client level, FYI checks to see if the user who is filing the documents has their own personal defaults. Autofiling defaults can be set up to reflect the preferences of individual users.

These Filing Defaults are also used in Email Autofiling when filing defaults have not been set for the relevant client.

  1. From FYI, Settings - My Settings, go to the Documents tab.

  2. In the AutoFile Defaults, select the values for Cabinet and Categories that you would like to use as your Filing Defaults if these have not been set for the relevant client.


The defaults can also be set for you by an FYI Admin. Refer to Setting Defaults for a User in Managing Users.

Making Changes to your Defaults
Making any changes to these settings will only be reflected in any new emails or documents you create, or any new incoming emails, after you have made those changes. Any existing emails or documents are not adjusted and will still show with the previous settings.

Approval Signature - Adding your Electronic Signature

A digital scan of your signature can be held in FYI and added to Word documents when you want to sign a document as part of the document approval workflow.

This feature only available for practices on the Pro plan.

  1. Ensure you have a scan of your signature as a small image.
    This needs to be a file type of .png, .bmp, .jpg, or jpeg (or .PNG, .BMP, .JPG .JPEG).

  2. From FYI, Settings - My Settings, go to the Documents tab.

  3. In the Approval Signature section, click Upload new signature.

  4. Click Choose a file to select the filename from Windows Explorer or drag it to upload.
    The signature image displays.


You can add your signature to a Word document from the Signature section in the FYI Drawer in Word.

For information on how to insert the signature, refer to Inserting your Signature into a Document.

Share Tab

The Share tab is used to re-delegate unfiled documents in your In Tray. This can use useful, for example, if you are going to be away and you need someone else to check and file or delete documents in your In Tray for you. You can select one or more users to share your In Tray with. Refer to Sharing your In Tray

Security, Devices and Status Tabs

Refer to Individual Settings and Status for information on these Settings tabs.

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