
Setting Filing Defaults for a Client

FYI provides the ability to set or change defaults for a Client to define which Cabinet, Categories, and Job (if relevant) are used when auto-filing emails, documents and tasks. For clients that are part of a Client Group, the defaults also set which client to nominate as the client to Include in AutoFile (refer to Nominating the Client to Include in AutoFile).

For practices on the FYI Elite plan, Filing Defaults for Invoices created manually, and Credit Notes synchronised from Xero, are managed separately in the Time & Invoices settings. Refer to Managing Invoices Settings. For invoices created through an Automation step, if AutoFile is enabled, the Client AutoFile settings will be used.

Setting the Client Filing Defaults

  1. From FYI, click Clients, search for and open a specific client.

  2. Go to the Settings tab (refer also to Client Settings).
  3. Select the default values for Cabinet.

  4. If Jobs have been enabled for the selected Cabinet, you can set a default Job. Refer to the section Jobs and Setting Up Jobs in FYI and Enabling Jobs and Setting the Default Job for a Client.
  5. Depending on the Cabinet selected, you can optionally select Categories set up for your practice, such as Work Type and Year.

  6. The Send Attachment option is used to select the default for how attachments are sent to the Client. This can be set as one of the following:

  7. Where the client is part of a Client Group, it is likely some of the clients in the group will have the same email address. Include in AutoFile determines whether this Client will be used for AutoFile when emails are automatically filed and there are other clients with the same email address. Only clients that have been nominated as Include in AutoFile will be considered during the automatic filing of emails. Refer to Nominating the Client to Include in AutoFile.

    If an email is received where the email address is shared by more than one client, and if no client has been nominated as Include in AutoFile, the email is automatically marked as "Multiple Clients" and sent to the In Tray. When filing the email from the In Tray, a list of the clients who hold that email address will be displayed in the drawer so you can select which client to file it under. Refer to Filing Emails where the Address is Shared by Multiple Clients in Managing your In Tray.

    Note: If you change the Include in AutoFile setting for a Client, this will only be used for new emails that are received from or sent to that client.

From the Clients List, you can also set certain defaults for more than one client at a time. Refer to Clients Bulk Update.

Clearing the Client Filing Defaults

Clearing the Client Filing Defaults can only be done at an individual client level. If you would like to clear the Client Filing Defaults or revert back to using the Practice Filing Defaults for the client, simply click the 'X' against the Cabinet

From that point on, the Practice Filing Defaults will then be used for this client moving forward.

Clearly filing defaults is recommended when using the same filing option for all clients, for example, Year.

Documents for the client will then be filed using the Practice Setting, rather than being set individually for each client (as this can be time-consuming to update at the end of each year). Refer to Setting Filing Defaults for your Practice.


Changing Filing Details after Auto-Filing

When emails, documents and tasks have been autofiled, the Cabinet and Categories can easily be changed by selecting the email, document or task in a list and changing the filing details in the Drawer.

In the same way, if the Include in AutoFile setting is set on a client, the client can easily be changed in the Drawer if it needs to be refiled under a different client in the group.

Note:  Default Cabinet, Categories and Job can also be set from Outlook. Refer to Setting Filing Defaults for a Client from Outlook.

Note:  You can also set filing defaults for your own login or at the practice level that will be applied if none are set at the client level. Refer to Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings and Setting Filing Defaults for your Practice.

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