
Managing Categories

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Categories are used to tag documents to create a filing structure. Each practice can configure the categories depending on their specific requirements, for example, adding a new year category.

Category Options

Within each Category, are Options which are the values that are selected by users for that Category. For example, for the "Year" category, the values will be a list of years (2022, 2023, 2024 etc) from which users select the required financial year that the document or email relates to.

The order in which Options are saved in the Category settings controls the order in which they display in the drop-down list when making the selection in the drawer and the Cabinet Explorer tab. You can drag and drop the Options to place them in the order you want, for example, with the most commonly used at the top (refer to Using the Document Drawer and Using the Cabinet Explorer).

Note: Renaming the "Year" category will remove it from the In Tray and tabs in the My Home Workspace (My Recent, My Edits, My Starred, and My Approvals tabs).

Displaying the Categories

  1. Login to FYI as an FYI Admin.

  2. From FYI, click Settings in the top right-hand corner.

  3. Select Practice settings from the drop-down, then select Documents.

  4. Go to the Categories tab.

The Categories list displays as follows.


Adding or updating a Category displays the Create Category or Update Category drawer on the right-hand side of the list.

Adding a New Category

  1. From the Category list, click Add.

  2. Enter the Category Name.

  3. Click the Add Option to Category link and enter the Options that will display as values for the new Category. Refer below to Adding or Removing Options in a Category.

  4. Available in Tasks can be set on any category. This allows users to apply the category to any Tasks, use them as filters in the Tasks list, as well as set up views and Automation Processes. Refer below to Categories that are Available in Tasks.

  5. Available in In Tray can be set on any of the Categories. This automatically includes the Category as an additional column in the In Tray for all users.

  6. Click Save.

Note: When adding a new Category, check the Cabinets and, if relevant, include the new Category in the Cabinets that you want it available in. If you do not add a new Category to a Cabinet, it will not be available for users to select. Refer to Managing Cabinets.

Adding or Removing Options in a Category

To add a new Option to a Category:

  1. Click the Add Option to Category link, and enter the name of the new Options.

  2. Click the Add Option to Category link again and enter the additional Options.

  3. If needed, move any Options to change the order in which they appear when used. Refer below to Changing the Order in which Options Display in the Drawer and Cabinet Explorer Tab.

  4. Click Save to save the changes made to a Category.

To remove an Option:

  1. Click the Remove icon next to it.

Important Note: If the Option has been used as the filing details for any documents, the option will be removed from the filing details for those document(s). Subsequently, if the Option has been used as a filter in a Saved View, the view will be retained however the filter will be blank. We recommend filtering and using bulk update to refile the category before removing this as an option. Refer to Bulk Update Emails and Documents.

Changing the Order in which Options Display in the Drawer and Cabinet Explorer Tab

Click on a Category in the list to display its name and the Options. The Options are the values that can be selected for that Category.

Click the move icon on the left-hand side of the Option and drag and drop it up or down to change the order in which they display in the drop-down list when making the selection in the drawer and also when selecting a filter in the lists for that Category column. This allows you to show, for example, the most commonly used at the top.


Changing a Category

From the Category list, click the Category to display the Update Category drawer. From the drawer, you can change the Name of the Category, the Options that will be available for selection within that Category and the order in which they are displayed.

Note: Renaming the "Year" category will remove it from the In Tray and tabs in the My Home Workspace (My Recent, My Edits, My Starred, and My Approvals tabs).


Archived Categories

When a category has been archived, it will no longer appear as an option in FYI, for example, when filing documents.

Categories cannot be archived if they have been referenced by Users, Client AutoFile settings, Views, or Automation Processes.

Archiving a Category

  1. Select a Category from the List. To select multiple categories, click the checkbox on the left-hand side.

  2. Click the Archive button in the toolbar.
  3. A message will be displayed to confirm you would like to archive the category. Click Yes.

    If the Category cannot be archived, a message will be displayed to show where the category has been referenced, for example, in a Client AutoFile setting. Remove any references before archiving the Category.

  4. The Category will be archived. 

Viewing Archived Categories

  1. To view Archived Categories click the Unhide archived categories button.
  2. The list will be updated to show all categories.

  3. Archived categories will display an Archived label.
  4. To view active categories only, click the Hide archived categories button on the toolbar.

Restore an Archived Category

A category can be re-activated to make it available to select in FYI, for example, when filing a document.

  1. Click Unhide archived categories to view the archived categories in the list.

  2. Click the Category to be updated.

  3. Click the Archive button.
  4. The Category will be updated and the Archived label will be removed.

Deleting a Category

Before deleting a Category, check for any documents filed under the Category by displaying the All view in the documents list and using the Category as a filter. Use Bulk Update to first move any documents to a different Category. Refer to Bulk Update of Filing Details.

To delete a Category, select it in the list, click Delete and confirm.

Before deleting it, a message is displayed if the Category is assigned to any clients or users, or if the category is assigned in the Practice Filing Defaults.

  • If there are any users assigned to the Category, you can use Bulk Update in the Practice Settings - General - Users to update the users (refer to Managing Users).
  • If there are any clients that have the Category assigned in their Filing Defaults, you can filter the Clients list on the category and use Bulk Update in the Clients list to update the clients (refer to Clients Bulk Update).
  • If the Category has been assigned at the practice level as the Filing Defaults, a message is displayed.
    If you delete the Category, reset this in the Practice Filing Defaults (refer to Email AutoFile Settings, Exclusions and Practice Filing Defaults).


Conditional Categories/Filtered Categories

The values set up for a Category are available by default in all Cabinets with that Category selected.

For any of the Categories, you can apply a conditional Filter so the choices of the values that appear for that category display depending on which Cabinet is selected. This can be useful if you have a lot of options for a category. When a Cabinet is selected in the filing details, and any of the Category options have not been included in the Filter, those options are not displayed as one of the choices for selection.

For example, this could be set up so the Work Type category option "Tax Returns" is only available when the Cabinet "Financials and Tax" is selected, or the Work Type category options "Invoicing" and "Credits" are only applicable when the Cabinet "Practice Admin" is selected.

To set the Cabinet Filter for a Category option:

  1. Click the Filter cabinet icon next to the relevant Category option.
  2. Click the Filtered switch.
    The Cabinets display.
  3. Click to select the Cabinet(s) to include.
    The Filtered Cabinet(s) are displayed in green.
    In the following example, the Work Type option "Mortgage Broking" has been set with the Cabinet "Wealth as the filter.

  4. Click Save.

    In this example, the Category option only shows if the Cabinet "Wealth" is selected for an email or document.
    If another Cabinet is selected where this Category option is not filtered, the option is not available.


Categories for the Templates Cabinet

The Templates Cabinet is automatically added to the practice's Cabinets. All Templates, Word Stationery and Email Signatures are created in the Templates Cabinet and all users have access to the Templates Cabinet. Refer to Creating Templates for Word, Spreadsheet or Presentation and  Creating Email Templates and Signatures.
You can add Categories to the Templates Cabinet to further categorise the Templates, Stationery and Signatures. For example, you could add a Category such as "Team" (to indicate who would use the Template) and the Category "Work Type" (to indicate when they would be used).

Task Category - Categories that are Available in Tasks

Any of the Categories can be set up as Available in Tasks. This allows users to apply these Categories to any Tasks, and use them as filters in the Tasks list and when setting up views.

Available in Tasks can be set on Categories that are generally used for filing documents (such as Work Type or Year) or specific Categories can be set up that are used only for Tasks. An example of a Category used specifically for Tasks would be a Category Priority with the Options of "High", "Medium" and "Low", and set up with Available in Tasks enabled. This allows users to identify high-priority tasks which may require a separate view and Automation Process(es) to give greater oversight to key team members.

Categories can be set up that are specifically for Tasks and these do not need to be added to any Cabinets to be available when Tasks are created. A Category that is set as Available in Tasks can be added to any other Cabinets so it is also available when other types of documents are created for that Cabinet.


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