
Filing to Cabinets and Categories

Cabinets represent the top level of FYI's filing structure. They allow you to store emails and documents in a way that is unique to your practice, using consistent filing rules to ensure information is easy to retrieve.

Each Cabinet can be set up with a unique filing structure beneath it. These are referred to as Categories and make it easy to locate Client emails and documents.

Watch this video to learn how to file to Cabinets, Categories and Jobs.


Cabinets are the top-level hierarchy for filing documents within the practice.

You can configure the number of cabinets and the naming conventions applied to reflect the broad divisions of operations in your practice.

FYI comes shipped with best practice default cabinets. When FYI is implemented, the following Cabinets are automatically added:

  • Corporate Affairs
  • Correspondence
  • Final Reports & Returns
  • Partner Files
  • Permanent
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Practice Admin
  • Workpapers

Defaults for Cabinets can also be held for each client. When filing a document for a selected client, the default is offered and can be changed as needed.

Defaults for Cabinets can also be held for each user. These will be offered if there is no default held for a selected client.

Access to documents within a Cabinet can be restricted to a specific User Group in order to secure access to information. Where a user does not have access to a Cabinet, they cannot see any of the documents stored within.

It is important that Cabinets are set up correctly for your practice before you set up your User Groups. 

Refer to Setting up your Cabinets and Categories.


Categories are the way in which documents in FYI are tagged with meta-data to create a filing structure. Categories can be used as filters on lists when displaying the information in FYI.

When FYI is implemented, the Category Year is automatically added.

You can set up additional Categories. For example a Category Work Type which can be set up to suit the requirements of your practice - for example, Tax, Audit, Administration and more.

When filing a document for a selected client, these defaults are offered and can be changed as needed.

Defaults for Categories can also be held for each user. These will be offered if there is no default held for a selected client.

Refer to Setting up your Cabinets and Categories.

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