
August 2024 Release Notes


Take a look at this month's new features, enhancements, and resolutions.



  • For practices on the Elite plan with FYI selected as the Practice Management source: 

  • We have added new errors to Practice Activity when synchronising clients with Xero Practice Manager for greater visibility when a client fails to sync. Refer to Practice Activity.

  • When creating a new client, the Client - Activity tab will now display the date the client was created, the user or integration that created the client, and the initial field values. Refer to Client Activity.

  • A new Activity section has been added to the Client Contact drawer. The date the contact was created, and all the inital values will be displayed. Any changes to the contact will also be captured. If a contact is deleted, an entry will be added to the Client - Activity tab. Refer to Client - Contacts.

  • For practices on the Universal Merge Fields (Beta), the Merge Field Validation Check has been expanded to when creating and editing Task and Job Templates. An error will be displayed after editing a field if the Merge Field formatting is invalid, allowing users to easily identify if corrections are required. Refer to Universal Merge Fields (Beta).


  • The Export Client List permission can now be enabled for User Groups. 
  • For practices using the Practice Sync integration, when synchronising Tax Numbers, including Tax, IRD and VAT, any tax number exceeding 20 characters will not be synchronised, and an error will be displayed in Practice Activity. 
  • When creating Bulk Time entries, draft time will be created for documents even when not associated with a job.
  • When synchronising Custom Fields from MYOB, the text used for drop-down values will be retained.
  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan, after converting a Standard Job to a Workflow Job, the linked Billing Job will recalculate and display the total budget from all associated Workflow Jobs.
  • Client Contacts can now only be edited by FYI Admins or users in a User Group with the permission to edit client details.
  • For practices integrated with CCH Central using Practice Sync, the Job Start Date will be synchronised to FYI successfully.
  • For our implementers, we have resolved an issue when synchronising from Virtual Cabinet to ensure documents are uploaded successfully.



  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan, we have introduced a new Split Time function to Invoices. Time entries and interim invoices can be split to partially invoice WIP, with a new time entry created for the remaining value. Refer to Create an Invoice.


  • We have made several improvements to Xero Practice Manager to improve visibility of the remaining Rate Limit requests:

    • The Xero Practice Manager app, available to FYI Admins in Automation - Apps, now displays the number of remaining available requests, and the date it was last refreshed. Refer to Connecting Xero Practice Manager.

    • In addition to the Pro plan, practices on the FYI Elite plan will now be able to view the remaining requests when using Client and Jobs Bulk Update. Refer to Clients Bulk Update and Jobs Bulk Update.


  • When importing clients from a CSV file using the generic Practice Management Integration, the Physical and Postal Post Code will be imported successfully.
  • For practices integrated with Zapier:
    • When a Workflow Job is created, the Budget amount will be populated correctly from the Job Template in FYI.
    • When creating a Billing Job, Budget Amount & Hours fields are no longer available, as this information is calculated automatically from all linked Workflow Jobs.
  • When opening the Productivity Dashboard from Home - My Time using the Group option, the page will be displayed correctly instead of a "Loading" message.
  • When using the New Collaborate Sharing Settings to add an internal user to a client, an error will be displayed. Internal User access is managed from the Microsoft Group selected in the New Collaborate app settings. Refer to your FYI Admin and IT Administrator for more information.
  • When configuring the New Collaborate automation app, users can search for a Security Group by typing directly into the field. Matching results will be displayed in a drop-down underneath.
  • When adding time, if Show Jobs By Client has been selected in Practice - Job settings, only Jobs for the selected client will be displayed. If the option is not selected, or for practices on the FYI Elite plan where FYI is the selected Practice Management solution, jobs for all clients in the Client Group will be displayed. 
  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan:
    • Users will not be able to create a Progress or Final Invoice unless a job with outstanding WIP has been selected.
    • The Job - Summary tab will automatically recalculate the Financial Details section after performing a bulk update on time entries.
    • When viewing General Practice Settings, the FYI as Primary - Client Mobile/Salutation option will only be displayed if FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance has been enabled.



  • We have updated the Clients List to add several new optional columns to display the Contact name, Salutation, and Date of Birth of the Primary Contact synchronised from integrated practice management systems. Views can be customised to display the new columns, with the data then available for Reports, and CSV Exports. Refer to Using the Clients Lists.

  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan, the Job Templates list now displays the Template ID, a unique code automatically generated and assigned to each template. For practices using the Ignition integration via Zapier, this ID can be used to dynamically select a Workflow Job Template when creating a Workflow Job, depending on the Service from Ignition. Refer to Managing Job Templates and Integration with Ignition using Zapier.

  • For practices on the Universal Merge Fields Beta:

    • We have introduced new Merge Fields in the Automation Initiator section, used to insert the details of the user who manually triggered the automation, for example, creating and assigning a task to the user responsible for initiating the automation. Refer to Universal Merge Fields (Beta).

    • The Merge Field Validation Check has been expanded to be displayed when using Merge Fields, including when editing Templates, the Automation - Details tab and the drawer when managing Automation Steps. An error will be displayed when the Merge Field formatting is invalid, allowing users to easily identify if corrections are required. Refer to Universal Merge Fields (Beta).


  • When adding a user to the Client - Collaborate Sharing Settings window, an error will be displayed if the user is already associated to an existing Microsoft Entra User ID or Guest User.
  • When creating an email from a template and using Merge Fields to insert Phone and BSB information, leading zeros will be retained e.g. BSB 006123.
  • When deleting a Cabinet, a warning will be displayed if the Cabinet is currently selected in one or more Custom Automation step filing details. Users will be able to select another cabinet to replace the deleted cabinet for all impacted Custom Automation steps.
  • When editing an Automation Process and a View is deleted by another user or in another window, if a user tries to select a deleted View in the Automation, an error will be displayed.
  • When selecting a new Template in the Filing Details for a document, the selected job will be retained.
  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan, when creating Reports, the Job Category column will be populated correctly.



  • We have released a new version of the FYI App on Zapier. For practices integrated with Ignition, this update means you can now use Zapier to create Jobs and Web Links to proposals. Practices on the Elite plan will be able to create Billing, Workflow and Standard Jobs, while the Pro plan will be able to create Billing and Standard Jobs only. This also includes the ability to set the Job Code to the Proposal Reference (allowing invoices to sync) and to add Budget values for Standard and Workflow Jobs. Refer to Integration with Ignition using Zapier.

  • When archiving Job States, a warning will be displayed and the user will be unable to continue if the Job State has been used in a Job Template. A list of Job Template names will be displayed, and will need to be updated before the Job State can be archived. Refer to Managing Job States.

  • Users can now set a Default Timesheet Status in My Settings to automatically set the status to Draft or Submitted when creating time. By default, "Submitted" will be selected for existing users. Refer to Setting Defaults and Filing Defaults for your Own Login - My Settings.

  • We have introduced additional checks to the New Collaborate Status Check, to allow practices to easily identify and resolve issues with permissions for their New Collaborate SharePoint site.

    The Microsoft Group is applied on Collaborate site check confirms the selected group has been granted the correct permissions and has been added to the Collaborate site's Members Group on SharePoint.

    The Guest User added to SharePoint check will confirm the guest user email account exists in the SharePoint site's Visitor Group. New Collaborate will attempt to automatically add the user to the correct group, and display an event in Practice Activity of the outcome. If unsuccessful, an error will be displayed with a link to instructions to resolve the issue.

    Refer to Troubleshooting New Collaborate using Status Check.

  • For New Zealand practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, the Tax Agent field in FYI is now read-only to ensure the entered value matches the client in XPM. Refer to Synchronising Clients, Staff, Jobs, Time, Tax Returns with Xero Practice Manager and Synchronising with Xero Practice Manager where FYI is enabled for Primary Source of Client Data.

  • For practices integrated with IRIS, you can now sync Contacts into FYI by enabling the "Contacts" toggle in the IRIS Automation app. Refer to Practice Sync Integration with IRIS (United Kingdom only).

  • For practices on the Universal Merge Fields Beta:

    • You can now access Merge Fields for Companies House, BGL, and NowInfinity. For example, the Confirmation Statement Due Date. The new fields will be available in dedicated sections on the Merge Field picker window. Refer to Universal Merge Fields (Beta).

    • When customising a merge field with formatting, such as date formatting, a Validation Check will ensure the merge field is correctly formatted. An error will be displayed if the format is invalid, for example, if a curly bracket is missing. Refer to Universal Merge Fields (Beta).

  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan, you can now select a Chart of Account code when creating or editing a Workflow Job Template not linked with a Billing Job. Refer to Managing Job Templates.


  • For practices integrated with MYOB via Practice Sync, if a Custom Field type is modified in MYOB, during the next sync a new Custom Field will be created. The original Custom Field will remain, and should be deleted by an FYI Admin if not required.
  • We have improved the performance when loading the Client - Custom Fields tab.
  • When using the Merge Field formatting {{ "now" }}, the date will be added using the correct timezone.
  • When creating a new client folder on a New Collaborate site, leading spaces in the client's name will be removed to avoid creating duplicate folders.
  • Practices can now share a document via New Collaborate with external users (other than the main contact) when a client has not yet been added to the Sharing Settings window, and the client folder has not yet been created on the SharePoint site.
  • After a client's name has been updated, using the New Collaborate "Fix it" button on the Client - Settings tab will update the client folder on the SharePoint site with the new name. If there is a file in use, for example where a document is being Co-Edited, an error will be displayed. 
  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan:
    • When editing a Time entry with an Invoiced or Locked status, the Time field is now read-only.
    • When creating an invoice, only open and completed jobs with a WIP balance will be available to select.



  • Bulk Update is now available to update the Approver when using Workflow to review and approve documents. Refer to Bulk Update Emails and Documents.

  • When setting up New Collaborate, if an existing SharePoint site with multiple Document Libraries is selected, a warning will be displayed. It's recommended that practices either create a new site, or select a different existing SharePoint site, to avoid Guest users from being granted access to Document Libraries not intended for external users. Refer to Set up and Create a New Collaborate Site (Upgrade from Legacy Collaborate) and Set up and Create a New Collaborate Site (New Sites only).
  • For practices on Elite, when creating an Invoice and selecting jobs for WIP the Client Name will be displayed under the Job Name. Refer to Creating an Invoice.

  • For practices on the Elite plan with FYI as Primary for Client Maintenance enabled:

    • Client Relationships can now be added and removed on the Client - Relationships tab. When a new relationship is added, the relationship will be created automatically for the corresponding client. Refer to Creating and Editing Client Relationships.
      Note: Existing relationships for Husband and Wife will be displayed, but will not be available to select when creating new relationships.

    • You can now delete contacts in FYI from the Client - Contacts tab. In addition, if integrated with Xero Practice Manager, the contact will also be removed from the client in XPM. Refer to Client Contacts.

  • For practices on the Universal Merge Fields Beta, we have expanded the size of the text box displayed when inserting Merge Fields to make it easier to display longer Merge Fields, for example, when using advanced formatting or calculations. Refer to Universal Merge Fields (Beta). 


  • For practices integrated with MYOB, we have resolved an issue where mobile numbers were only displayed in the "Phone" column for Contacts, and not the "Mobile" column. 
    Please note: Practices will need to click Flush Cache in the MYOB app in FYI for this change to take effect, available under Automation - Apps.
  • When creating Workflow Jobs, either manually or from an integrated practice management solution, if a Job Number is not specified, a unique FYI Job Number will be assigned.
  • After a Guest User is added to New Collaborate, we have resolved an issue when sending an email to ensure the Display Name is used for the client, including when viewing the email in Outlook.
  • For practices on the Elite plan, when creating a Job via an automation, jobs will not be automatically assigned to the user that created the automation. To assign users to jobs, Custom User Roles should be mapping in Practice Settings - Jobs. Refer to Assigning Users to Jobs.
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