
File Limits

When using FYI to add and share documents, there are file limitations you should be aware of.

Number of Files

This limit refers to the number of documents that can be actioned at one time.

Action Number of Files
New Collaborate - Sharing 10
Drag and Drop 10
Email Attachments 10

File Size Limits

This limit refers to the physical size of documents that can be added to FYI, or shared with external clients and third-party services (if known).

Adding Documents to FYI

Action Size Limit (each)
Bulk Upload 500MB
OneDrive FYI - My Imports folder 500MB
New Collaborate - Upload 476MB
Drag and Drop 250MB
New Collaborate - Sharing 100MB

Sending Documents

Action Size Limit (each)
Send for Signature: Annature 30MB
Sending Email Attachments 15MB
Send for Signature: myprosperity 15MB
Send for Signature: Adobe Sign 10MB

File Contents

Action Size Limit (each)
Automation CSV Import (Beta) 5000 rows
Excel Reports 65,530 hyperlinks (additional hyperlinks will be converted to plain text)
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