
Job Tabs for Billing and Workflow Jobs

For practices on the Elite plan or where Legacy Workflow Jobs has been enabled, the Job Workspace will display either a Billing Job or Workflow Job tab, depending on the current job selected.

For more information on the different types of jobs and when they should be used, refer to Job Type Overview.

Workflow Jobs tab on the Billing Job Workspace

Billing Jobs in FYI are the "main" job and contain "sub-jobs" (Workflow Jobs). Billing Jobs are recommended for practices when you are billing a client under a fixed fee arrangement that incorporates different projects. One Billing Job can have multiple assigned Workflow Jobs.

When the Job workspace for a Billing Job is open, a Workflow Jobs tab is displayed which includes the details of all the Workflow Jobs for that Billing Job.

Note: When integrated with Xero Practice Manager and Legacy Workflow Jobs has not been enabled, an XPM Tasks tab will be displayed on the Billing Job Workspace. Refer to Job Documents, Tasks, XPM Milestones, XPM Tasks, Comments

The information will change depending on which FYI plan you're on. 

For practices on the Intermediate or Pro plan, the Workflow Jobs tab will be displayed as per below.


For practices on the Elite plan with FYI as the Practice Manager source, columns will be added to include additional information on each job, including the Budget and Actual Amounts and Hours, and WIP.

2175 Job - Workflow Jobs - Elite.gif

Billing Job tab on the Workflow Job Workspace

Workflow Jobs in FYI are the "sub-jobs" to Billing Jobs. Only a single Billing Job can be assigned to a Workflow Job.

When the Job Workspace for a Workflow Job is open, a Billing Job tab will be displayed which lists the details of the Billing Job. 

For practices on the Intermediate or Pro plan, the Workflow Jobs tab will be displayed as per below. If a Job is not displayed, click the Unhide the inactive jobs button.
1875 Unhide button.gif

2180 Workflow Job Billing Job tab.gif

For practices on the Elite plan, the Unhide the inactive Jobs button will be selected by default so that all jobs are displayed, both Active and Inactive, even when the Job State is set to an Inactive state e.g. On Hold. 

1068 Hide inactive users button.gif

Additional information will be displayed for each job, including the Budget and Actual Amounts and Hours, and WIP.

The Billing Job tab for Elite plans is displayed as below.

2180 Workflow Job Billing Job tab Elite.gif

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