
Disconnecting Practice Sync integrations

The Practice Sync app is no longer required when changing to FYI or Xero Practice Manager as the Practice Management Source.

For information on changing the Practice Management Source refer to Practice Management Sync app.

To disconnect the Practice Sync app, you will need to complete the following:

  1. Disconnect the selected Practice Sync app from within FYI
  2. Uninstall the Practice Sync Desktop App from the computer/server

Disconnect the Practice Sync app

Once this process is complete, any changes made in your practice management solution will no longer sync to FYI.

  1. In FYI, click the Automation menu option.

  2. Click the Apps tab.

  3. Locate your chosen Practice Sync integration, for example, MYOB. Click the Settings cog icon.
  4. Your Practice Sync Settings will display. For example, the Practice Sync integration for MYOB is displayed as below.
    2636 Automation Apps Practice Sync MYOB Settings.gif

  5. Click the Disconnect button.

    Note: Once you proceed, any changes made in your practice management solution will no longer sync to FYI.

  6. The Disconnect FYI Sync window displays to confirm you wish to continue with disconnecting your Practice Sync integration. Click Continue to disconnect the Practice Sync integration.
    Or Cancel to return to the App.
  7.  The Practice Sync disconnected window will display confirming that the Practice Sync has stopped.

For more information on each integration, refer to:

Uninstalling FYI Practice Sync Desktop App

To remove the FYI Practice Sync Desktop app, you will need to follow the instructions below.

This process is completed in two steps. You will need to first uninstall the Practice Sync app via the Windows Add/Remove Programs, before manually deleting two remaining folders from Windows.

Note: Before uninstalling, ensure you are logged in as the user who installed the FYI Practice Sync app.

Step 1 - Add/Remove Programs

  1. In Windows, click the Start menu icon.

  2. Type Control Panel and open the Control Panel app.

  3. Click Programs and Features.
    Depending on your view you may need to click on Programs > Programs and Features.

  4. Locate FYI Practice Sync in the list.

  5. Right-click and select Uninstall.

  6. If prompted to allow changes to the device, click Yes.

  7. The program will be uninstalled

Complete the remaining steps to manually remove the folders.

Step 2 - Manually remove folders

You will need to manually remove folders from two AppData folders.

Note: Ensure you are logged in as the user that installed the FYI Practice Sync app.

  1. Open a Windows Explorer window.

  2. In the address/folder bar type in %appdata% and press Enter.

  3. The AppData\Roaming folder will open.

  4. Delete the FYI Practice Sync folder.

  5. Click the Up arrow to go one folder level up to the AppData folder.


  6. Open the Local folder.

  7. Delete the FYISync folder.

You have now completed the uninstallation of the FYI Practice Sync Desktop App.

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