
May 2024 Release Notes


Take a look at this month's new features, enhancements and resolutions.



  • After integrating FYI with a practice management solution, for example, Xero Practice Manager, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the App configuration screen to remind users to select the integration as the Practice Management source in the Practice Management Sync app. Refer to your chosen solution below:
  • For practices on the FYI Elite plan:

    • When creating an Invoice, users can now easily add notes from Time and Disbursement entries to the bottom of the Invoice Description using a new Insert Notes link. For the Summary Invoice Layout, the link is displayed above the Invoice Description. On the Detailed Invoice Layout, clicking the Job Name in the Selected Jobs list will display both the Invoice Description and the Insert Notes link underneath the Time and Disbursement entries list. Refer to Create an Invoice

    • You can now set a default Budget Amount on Job Templates for both Standard and Workflow Jobs. When a job is created from the template, the Budget Amount will be populated automatically. Refer to Managing Job Templates

    • We have added Invoice Filing Defaults to the Practice Settings - Time & Billing - Invoices tab. When manually creating invoices or synchronising credit notes from Xero, the Cabinet and Categories will be automatically populated to match the defaults. If a default has not been selected, the Cabinet field will remain blank. Refer to Managing Invoices Settings


  • When using New Collaborate, if a client's name has changed, using the Fix button in the Client Settings tab of the Client Workspace will display an error if documents are still being edited. For detailed instructions on the process required when renaming a client, refer to Renaming a Client with New Collaborate Shared Folder and Files.
  • When integrated with IRIS the RegOfficeNumber will be synchronised to the Company Number field in FYI for Organisations only. Individual Clients will not synchronise a Company Number.
  • When updating the OneDrive Admin settings, an error message will be displayed if the selected Microsoft Group is invalid. If the practice is integrated with New Collaborate, applying changes to the OneDrive Admin settings will update both the User account and Microsoft Group in Microsoft 365 and the New Collaborate SharePoint site.
  • We have improved the error message displayed in Practice Activity when synchronising an Invoice with Xero if a Disbursement Tax Code in FYI is different to the Xero Chart of Accounts Tax Code. The error will include specific information on the affected codes, and include a link to the FYI Help Centre with instructions on how to resolve the issue.
  • We've updated My Settings - Status to add a new Outlook option. If the Outlook mailbox cannot be accessed, an error will be displayed "The mailbox is either inactive, soft-deleted, or is hosted on-premise". 
  • When integrated with NowInfinity, toggling on the setting Sync Sub Accounts will successfully update the configuration and synchronise data.
  • When Bulk updating clients, in the Send Attachments drop-down link we have renamed "OneDrive" to "Collaborate".
  • For practices on the Universal Merge Fields beta, sending attachments using the {{ DocumentAttachmentLink }} merge field will correctly populate a link to documents on the New Collaborate site.
  • For FYI Implementors:
    • When refiling documents based on a category, documents will be assigned based on the Client Name and not the Client Code.
    • Refile History will now only be displayed on the Refile tab, and not within Export results.



  • For FYI Admins, when documents are requested to be permanently deleted from the Deleted Documents List, an event will be added to Practice Activity with the number of documents, the user, and the date and time. Refer to Practice Activity

  • For practices on the Elite plan:

    • When deleting a Time Rate, a prompt will be displayed if the rate is currently assigned to a user. Refer to Managing Rates for Time and Disbursements

    • When FYI has been set as the Primary Source for Client Maintenance, additional Client fields can now be edited from the Client - Summary tab in FYI. If a field cannot be edited in FYI due to Xero Practice Manager API limitations, a tooltip will be displayed. Clicking the "Edit in PM" button at the top of the Client - Summary tab will open the client in XPM, ready for editing. Refer to Editing Client Details

    • We have introduced the ability to group the Time and Invoices Lists, available from the Practice menu, and the Client and Job Workspaces. With this feature, Time and Invoices can be grouped by one or more columns, for example, by Status, or by Client and Job. Clicking the new Enabled Grouped View will display the Grouped Rows section, where columns can be dragged to create the order of grouping. Refer to Grouping Practice Invoice and Time Lists

    • When creating Invoices and selecting the Time and Disbursement entries to be invoiced, Custom Fields from the time entries can be displayed by adding the columns to the list. Refer to Create an Invoice


  • To synchronise data from an integrated practice management solution, the Practice Management solution must be selected as the source in the Practice Management Sync app. If an integration has been connected to FYI but not selected as the source, data will not be synchronised. An alert will be added to Practice Activity to advise the integration is connected but not set as the Practice Manager source.
  • When using the Outlook Add-in, filing details for emails in the FYI - Drafts folder will not be available to be updated. Filing details for drafts must be updated from within FYI.
  • When using an Automation process to send an Email, a Partner or Manager will only be added as a CC or BCC if the Partner or Manager has been assigned to the Job or the Client relevant to the automation.
  • When sending an Email from an Email Template, the Author merge fields will be populated with the details of the user sending the email and not the user that created the email. Before the email is sent, the Author merge fields will be displayed e.g. {{ AuthorName }}.
  • When sending an Email with a Qualifications merge field included in the Email Signature, if the Author (sender of the email) has no qualifications the signature will not display the Email Owner's qualifications instead.
  • When a document is Auto Archived, the Activity section of the Document drawer will display an event to show the document was archived by "System".
  • When running a Custom Automation process with a Create Spreadsheet step, the spreadsheet will be created successfully without requiring the automation to be re-run.
  • When integrated with FuseSign with the Assign Documents to Individual Users enabled in the FuseSign app settings, sending a document for signing via an Automation process will assign the draft bundle to the user that triggered the automation. The bundle will not be assigned to the user who initially configured the integration.
  • When viewing the Jobs List and the practice has a large number of Active jobs, applying a filter will display all jobs matching the filter requirements.
  • The Practice Activity alert "No communication from Practice Sync" will only continue to display when there have been no successful synchronisations with Practice Sync.
  • For practices on the Elite plan:
    • The My Time - Productivity Dashboard is now only available to practices where the Time and Invoices toggle has been enabled in Practice Settings - Time & Invoices.
    • When viewing the Jobs List in the Job Board view, The Budget Amount and Actual Hours/Variance will be displayed.



  • We're excited to announce the new Time and Billing Learn Course is now available. In this course, users can learn how to create Time and Disbursements, manage WIP, and process Invoices in FYI. The course is available to all users, however to utilise these features, practices will need to be on the Elite plan with FYI selected as the Practice Management solution. Refer to FYI Learn


  • For practices on the Elite plan:

    • When managing Task Templates, FYI Admins can now select a default Time Type within each template. For example, time can be set as Chargeable, Admin time, or any other Time Type available to your practice. When a Task is created from the Template, the Time Type will be updated automatically. Refer to Creating and Maintaining Task Templates, and Managing Time Types

    • When selecting FYI as the Practice Manager Source, the "Completed" Job State will be updated to enable the Lock Time & Disbursements option to prevent users from entering additional entries against completed jobs. All existing practices on the Elite plan will be updated to enable this setting. Refer to Managing Job States and Practice Management Sync App

    • When in the Job Workspace for a Workflow Job, the default view on the Billing Job tab will be set to Unhide the inactive jobs so the associated Billing Job is displayed immediately. Click Refer to Job Tabs for Billing and Workflow Jobs

  • When migrating to the FYI Elite plan, we have introduced several new enhancements to the Onboarding process:

    • After upgrading to the Elite plan, a pop-up window will be displayed to redirect the user to the Elite Onboarding Wizard. Click OK to proceed, or the Help button to open the Onboarding Wizard Help article. Refer to FYI Elite Onboarding Wizard

    • For FYI Admins, the Elite Onboarding progress will be displayed in the FYI menu bar. Click the button to return to the Elite Onboarding Wizard. Once all steps have been completed, the button will be removed. Refer to FYI Elite Onboarding Wizard

  • The Elite plan is now available for practices in the United Kingdom. To upgrade refer to Changing your Plan, Billing Details or Practice Details

  • For our migrators, when importing documents from a Folder-based system, clients will be matched based on the following order: Client Code, Export Code, and Client Name. If a Custom Field has been selected in the Onboarding Wizard, the Custom Field will be used first, before following the order mentioned previously. Refer to Implementors: Live Import.


  • We have updated the scheduled Xero Practice Manager overnight synchronisations to begin an hour earlier, starting from 7pm AEST or GMT depending on your location.
  • When a client has the option Same as Physical Address ticked on the Client - Summary tab, when creating a Word document the Postal Address Merge Fields will display the Physical Address details.
  • When using the Client - Group workspace to view Documents and Tasks, filtering by the Group and Client columns will display matching clients only.
  • When updating Custom Fields either manually or by automation, the user that performed the change will be displayed in the Activity section. If the fields were cleared during a synchronisation with Xero Practice Manager, the user will be displayed as "Xero".
  • When documents are imported into FYI through the API and become part of a Thread, for example, signed documents from Annature, FuseSign etc, the Owner of the document will be set to the thread's original document owner, instead of "System".
  • When importing documents from VirtualCabinet with multiple filestores selected, the Audit Report will be generated successfully.
  • When creating a Capacity Planning Report, if a Custom User Role has been selected as the assignee in FYI, the User Role column of the generated report will display the assigned User Role successfully.
  • For practices using the Universal Merge Fields (UMF) Beta:
    • When using the Corporate Documents & ASICS Statements automation process, using the Merge Field {{ Compliance Year }} will set the correct Year based on the trigger document.
  • For practices on the Elite plan:
    • After processing a $0 invoice to remove the outstanding WIP, the Financial Details section of the Job - Summary tab will correctly display a nil WIP balance.
    • Existing Disbursement Rates without a Tax Rate can be updated by clicking the Disbursement and using the Update Rate drawer to select a Tax Rate. Once set, this field will be read-only.
    • We have removed the Business Structure tab from the General Practice Settings as this feature is still with our engineering team for future release.



  • The Automation - Apps page has been updated to allow FYI Admins to find and manage apps more efficiently. The new Search bar allows users to find Apps by the App Name, while the Show Active Apps and Category filter reduces the number of apps displayed. In addition, the new List mode displays the apps in a more streamlined format. Refer to Automation Apps

  • Learn has been updated with a new Learn for Elite section. The newest course, Time and Billing available soon. We'll provide another update when the course is available. In the meantime refer to the Practice Management and Elite Features Learning Resources section, and for more information on existing courses refer to FYI Learn

  • For practices on the Elite plan:

    • Users, Time and Jobs List Views are now available for Reports in practices where FYI has not been selected as the Practice Management source. Refer to Saving Changes to the View Layout, Modifying and Deleting Views

    • Interim Invoices can now be imported from Xero when a matching Client and Job in FYI is found. Approved invoices with an "Awaiting Payment" status will create a negative time entry in FYI, only if the Invoice Date falls after the date the practice enabled FYI as the Primary Source. Refer to Invoicing Overview

    • You can now set a default Job State on Job Templates. When creating a job from a Template, the Job State will automatically populate. If a Workflow Job Template does not have a State selected, the State from the Billing Job will be used instead when creating the job. Refer to Managing Job Templates

  • For our implementors, when using the FYI Onboarding Wizard, changes to the settings in the Migrate Documents section will be recorded in Practice Activity. Refer to Onboarding Wizard and Practice Activity


  • When managing User Profiles, changes will be automatically saved when updating fields. The Save and Cancel buttons are no longer displayed.
  • When synchronising Jobs with Xero Practice Manager, if Xero Practice Manager reports the amount of data to be synchronised is too large, an entry will be added to Practice Activity. Users can perform a manual sync of Jobs, and if the error continues, contact our support team.
  • After deleting a job from Xero Practice Manager, tasks will no longer synchronise to FYI. Existing Workflow Jobs will also be deleted.
  • For practices on the Client Relationship Beta, when adding a Client Relationship and entering a Start or End Date, it is no longer mandatory to enter both dates.
  • For practices on the Universal Merge Field Beta:
    • When creating an Email from a Template, the {{ ClientSalutation }} merge field will display client details correctly.
    • When importing Automations, if either Partner or Manager has been selected as the Task Assignee, the selection will be retained.
  • For practices on the Elite plan:
    • Where FYI has been selected as the PM source, when bulk creating Time entries the User Rate field is now mandatory.
    • The Practice - Invoices list can now be grouped successfully, for example, by Job, Type, Client Partner, and more.
    • The Employee Workspace successfully displays Email Threads when clicking the Thread icon.
    • When synchronising Invoices with Xero, mapped Custom Fields will be synchronised successfully.
  • For our Implementors, when matching documents to a category year, if the number is in the format of xxxx-xx and the difference between the numbers is greater than 1, for example, 2018-07, the former number will be used to set the year e.g. 2018.



  • For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, we have renamed the "Workflow Jobs" setting to Legacy Workflow Jobs in Practice Settings - Jobs, reducing confusion with the Elite plan Workflow Jobs feature. The name change is limited to the Settings area, and the existing Workflow Jobs functionality will not be affected. For example, Jobs will still be displayed as "Workflow Jobs", and filtered by the Job Type "Workflow Jobs" on the Jobs List. Refer to Managing Practice Settings for Jobs

  • When using the Force Stop Editing option on documents, an entry will be added to the Activity section of the Document Drawer. The user name, date, and time will be displayed. Refer to Opening, Editing and Finish Editing Documents

  • For practices integrated with MYOB using Practice Sync, we have introduced the ability to use the Assignment Name as the Job Name in FYI. Refer to Practice Sync Integration with MYOB AE/AO (Australia and New Zealand)

  • For practices integrating with Xero Practice Manager, after connecting the integration and to begin synchronising data, XPM must be selected as the Practice Management Source. To streamline this process for users, a pop-up will be displayed to remind users of the final configuration step, and direct users to the Practice Management Sync app. Refer to Connecting Xero Practice Manager

  • For practices migrating to the Elite plan, we have released several updates to the Onboarding process. For more details refer to FYI Elite Onboarding Wizard

    • A new tick button on individual steps within each section of the Elite Onboarding Wizard allows FYI Admins to mark the step as completed, making it easier to keep track of their progress.

    • We have added an additional step to the Onboarding Wizard, Disconnect Xero from Xero Practice Manager. This step can be found in the "Finalise Migration Reconciliation" step, and allows practices to set FYI as the point of truth for invoicing and contacts.

  • For practices on the Elite plan:

    • We have released version 3.2 of the Staff Productivity Report, which includes an update to the Pivot Table columns. The new version will need to be downloaded from the Help Centre, and uploaded to your FYI platform to replace the former report. Refer to Managing FYI Excel Master Report Templates

    • When creating an Interim Invoice, the Interim Timesheet used to reduce the WIP will be created on the date selected on the invoice, not the date the invoice was created. Refer to Create an Invoice

    • For clients on the Client Relationship Beta, if the Client Relationship cannot be synchronised with Xero Practice Manager an alert will be added to Practice Activity. Click the alert to retry the synchronisation. Refer to Practice Activity


  • The Contact Name field displayed on the Client - Summary tab has been updated to use the name of the Primary Contact selected in Xero Practice Manager. Where the existing Contact Name does not match, the data will be updated to match the Primary Contact. If no Primary Contact has been selected for the client, the Contact Name field will be blank.
    Please note:
    • The Merge Fields {{ ContactName }} (already set to use the Primary Contact Name) and {{ Addressee }} will not be impacted.
    • There is no impact on other practice integrations - Greatsoft, APS, CCH, IRIS and MYOB.

  • When filing emails from Outlook, any emails where a "Safe Attachments Scan In Progress" file attachment is present will be ignored. This attachment is displayed when a Safe Attachments policy is present and the email is still being reviewed. The next time the AutoFile process runs through Outlook, if the scan has been completed and the attachment has been removed, FYI will file the email as per the standard filing process.
  • We have improved the performance when loading the Automation - History list.
  • For practices on the Elite plan:
    • When creating an invoice and manually adjusting the value of the Workflow Jobs, Interim values are included in the Invoice Amount calculations.
    • We have resolved an error that would be displayed when using the My Time - Productivity Dashboard and grouping columns via the Row Groups function.
    • When viewing the Jobs List, the Job Template column will now display the name of the Job Template applied to the job.
    • When updating a Custom Field to select the "Applies To" option of either "Invoice" or "Time and Disbursement" the settings will be retained.
    • The WIP value displayed on the Job - Summary - Financial Details now includes Write on and Write off WIP values, and invoiced or locked Times and Disbursements.
    • We have removed the ability to create a Job State from within FYI, due to limitations with synchronising the Job State back to Xero Practice Manager. We are continuing to investigate this feature to reintroduce it in the future.
    • When viewing invoices on the Practice - Invoices list, grouping by Time and Invoice values will display line totals.
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