
Synchronising with Xero Practice Manager where FYI is enabled for Primary Source of Client Data

Elite Only.png

Practices on the Elite plan with FYI selected as the Practice Management solution are automatically enabled for FYI as Primary, meaning that FYI becomes the source of truth for client details.

In addition, practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager can choose to enable FYI as the primary for Mobile and Salutation. For practices not integrated with XPM, this setting will be automatically enabled and hidden from view.

Practices will be able to create clients directly in FYI if the user is an FYI Admin or belongs to a group with "Edit Clients" permissions toggled on. Refer to Creating Clients in FYI and Managing User Groups.

To reduce the impact on Xero Practice Manager Rate Limits, the synchronisation frequency with Xero Practice Manager will be adjusted accordingly. Refer to Client Synchronisation Details and List of Synchronised Fields and Sync Frequency below.

To update your settings, refer to Enabling FYI as Primary Source of Client Data.

Note: This feature is currently in Beta for practices on the Pro plan. Click here to join the Beta.

FYI as Primary Settings

Client Maintenance

After enabling FYI for Client Maintenance:

  • This setting cannot be disabled.
  • The frequency of client synchronisations with Xero Practice Manager will be reduced. 
  • Custom Fields will be synchronised from FYI to Xero Practice Manager, as a one-way synchronisation only.
  • The Client Manual Sync function is only available for FYI Admins, and users in a User Group with access to Automations. Refer to Running a Manual Sync with Xero Practice Manager.
  • Changes made to clients in FYI will not be updated back to the original state in Xero Practice Manager (XPM) if a manual Sync is requested before the change in FYI has been updated to XPM.

FYI Client Mobile & Salutation

This option can only be enabled once Client Maintenance has been enabled, and will only be displayed for practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager. For all other practices, this setting will be enabled automatically.

  • If the FYI Client Mobile & Salutation option is enabled, the Salutation and Mobile fields will become available for editing in FYI. These fields will then be maintained in FYI only, and will not synchronise to Xero Practice Manager.
  • Consider your Xero Practice Manager integrations with other app providers before enabling this option.

Client Synchronisation Details

Note: Clients that are archived in Xero Practice Manager before your initial connection to FYI will not sync to FYI.



Automatic Sync


Create or Edit
in FYI



Create or Edit
in XPM

Approx. 15 minutes

Archived Clients

in FYI


Archived Clients

in XPM

Approx. 15 minutes

Client Details

Create and Edit
in FYI


Client Details

Create, Edit or Delete
in XPM

Approx. 15 minutes

Client Groups

Create and Edit
in FYI


Client Groups

Create, Edit or Delete
in XPM

Approx. 15 minutes

Client Contacts

Create, Edit or Delete
in FYI


Client Contacts

Create, Edit or Delete
in XPM

Approx. 15 minutes

Client Relationships

Create, Edit or Delete
in FYI


Client Relationships

Create, Edit or Delete
in XPM

Approx. 15 minutes

Client Custom Fields
(Definitions and Values)

Add, Edit or Delete
in FYI


Client Custom Fields
(Definitions and Values)

Create, Edit or Delete
in XPM


List of Synchronised Fields and Sync Frequency

When FYI has been enabled as the primary source for both Client Maintenance and FYI Client Mobile & Salutation, the sync frequency is as per below.

Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
Groups Immediate Approx. 15mins
Business Structure Immediate
(when edited FYI)
Approx. 15mins
(when assigned to a client)
First Name Immediate Approx. 15mins
Last Name Immediate Approx. 15mins
Other Name Immediate Approx. 15mins
Name Immediate Approx. 15mins
Contact Immediate Approx. 15mins

(managed in FYI only)

Email Immediate Approx. 15mins
Phone Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
Mobile Number
(managed in FYI only)
Date of Birth Immediate Approx. 15mins
Export Code Immediate Approx. 15mins
Client Code
(Not synchronised for NZ clients)


Approx. 15mins

Manager Immediate Approx. 15mins
Partner Immediate Approx. 15mins
Custom Fields
(one-way synchronisation only)
Immediate N/A
Client Tax and Company

Different fields are displayed depending on your location.


Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
Business Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
Company Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
Tax Number
(When synchronised from XPM the Tax Number will be displayed partially masked, however the full value can be entered into FYI)
Immediate Approx. 15mins
Not recommended - will be partially masked in FYI.
BSB Number N/A Approx. 15mins
Account Number N/A Approx. 15mins
Account Name N/A Approx. 15mins
Financial Institute Name N/A Approx. 15mins
Balance Month Immediate Approx. 15mins
Provisional Tax Basis N/A Approx. 15mins
Prepare Activity Statements Immediate Approx. 15mins
Prepare Tax Form Immediate Approx. 15mins
Tax Agent N/A Approx. 15mins
Automatically Retrieve from the ATO N/A Approx. 15mins
Active ATO Client N/A Approx. 15mins
Branch/CAC/ICA N/A Approx. 15mins

New Zealand

Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
NZBN Immediate Approx. 15mins
Company Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
IRD Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
Balance Month Immediate Approx. 15mins
Signed Tax Authority Immediate Approx. 15mins
Return Type N/A Approx. 15mins
Provisional Tax Basis N/A Approx. 15mins
Agency Status N/A Approx. 15mins
Tax Agent N/A Approx. 15mins
GST Registered Immediate Approx. 15mins
Prepare GST Immediate Approx. 15mins
GST Period Immediate Approx. 15mins
GST Basis Immediate Approx. 15mins

United Kingdom

Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
Business Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
Company Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
VAT Number Immediate Approx. 15mins
Balance Month Immediate Approx. 15mins
Prepare Tax Return Immediate Approx. 15mins
Client Contacts
Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
Name Immediate Approx. 15mins
Email Immediate Approx. 15mins
Phone Immediate Approx. 15mins
Mobile N/A N/A
Position Immediate Approx. 15mins
Salutation N/A N/A
Client Addresses

Physical Address

Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
Address Immediate Approx. 15mins
City Immediate Approx. 15mins
State/Region Immediate Approx. 15mins
Postcode Immediate Approx. 15mins
Country Immediate Approx. 15mins

Postal Address

Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
Address Immediate Approx. 15mins
City Immediate Approx. 15mins
State/Region Immediate Approx. 15mins
Postcode Immediate Approx. 15mins
Country Immediate Approx. 15mins
Client Relationships

New relationships are synchronised from FYI immediately to Xero Practice Manager. The corresponding relationship will be created in Xero Practice Manager, and synchronised to FYI within approximately 15 minutes.

For example, if "Frank Marshall" is added as the "Trustee of" a Family Trust, the Family Trust entity will also be updated to create a corresponding relationship to show Frank Marshall as a Trustee. 

Individual fields are displayed below, however Client Relationships cannot be edited in FYI. A relationship would need to be deleted, and a new one created.

Field Sync Frequency
from FYI
Sync Frequency
from XPM
Type Immediate Approx. 15mins
Related Client Immediate Approx. 15mins
Start Date Immediate Approx. 15mins
End Date Immediate Approx. 15mins
Percentage (available if "Partner Of" is selected) Immediate Approx. 15mins
Shares (available if "Shareholder Of" is selected) Immediate Approx. 15mins

Data Not Synchronised

When FYI is enabled for FYI as the Primary Source for both Client Maintenance and Client Mobile & Salutation, the following data is not synchronised:

  • Client Code (not available for New Zealand practices)
  • Billing Entity
    Note: for practices on the FYI Elite plan, an alternative solution is to create Billing and Workflow Jobs in FYI, as Workflow Jobs may be assigned to any client in the group.
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