The Timer function allows users to accurately track and record time and create draft time in FYI.
When using the Timer:
- Time is rounded up to the nearest minute. For example, a timer of 29:32 minutes will be rounded up to 30:00.
Multiple timers can be run for the same user, or other users, at the same time.
- The timer can be run for a maximum of 23 hours and 59 minutes, displayed as 23:59. If the timer runs for over 24 hours, when the timer is stopped it will be rounded down to 23:59.
Start the Timer
To begin the Timer:
- You can add individual Time entries in the following ways in FYI:
- Click the + button in the menu bar and select I from the list of document types.
- Press the shortcut key I for a new Time entry.
- In the drawer from an open job, email, document or client interaction, click the Add time icon in the tools at the top of the Drawer.
- Expand the Time section in the drawer of an opened email or document and click the Add Time button.
- The Create Time drawer displays.
- By default, the Date will be set to the current date.
Note: you cannot use the Timer for a historical date.
- Select the User the timer will be running for.
You can start a time for any user in the practice. The User will be able to see any in-progress timers from their Home - My Time tab.
- The remaining fields are optional to start the timer.
Time Type
This will default to Chargeable but can be changed to any of the Time Types created for your practice. Time is categorised using Time Types, as either Chargeable, Non Productive or Capacity Reducing. Refer to Managing Time Types.
When creating chargeable time, select the client by typing at least three characters of the client name. A list will be displayed of all clients containing those characters anywhere in the Client Name. Locate and select the required client.
When creating a Time entry for a job, email, document or client interaction, this defaults to the client of the selected record and can be changed if relevant.
Select the Job for the client (refer to Jobs).
When creating a Time entry for an email or document filed to a specific job, this defaults to the Job of the selected document and can be changed if relevant. You can only select an active job.
When selecting a Job, both Standard Jobs and Workflow Jobs will display in the drop-down. Billing Jobs will be hidden to provide efficiency when creating a Time entry.
Show jobs by client will define the jobs available from the drop-down. When ticked, only the jobs for the specific client are included for selection. When Show jobs by client is not ticked, the list of jobs includes all jobs for all clients in the Client Group. When creating a Time entry, Show jobs by client will default to the Practice Settings Default. Refer to Managing Practice Settings for Jobs.
The Rates are used when invoicing time to a client, and will only be displayed once a Client and Job have been selected. A rate will be selected automatically if a default Time Rate has been assigned to the Client, Job, or User (in that order). For example, If there isn't a client default rate, the rate assigned to the job will be used. If a default rate hasn't been selected for either the client or the job, the default rate for the user will be selected. If required, click the drop-down to select a different rate. Archived rates will not be displayed.
The value of the Rate will be displayed first, followed by the name of the rate, and the source e.g. 180.00 (Accountant) (Client Rate).
To create new Rates, refer to Managing Rates for Time and Disbursements. Time Rates can be assigned on the Client - Settings tab, the Job - Summary tab, and in the Settings - General - Users list.
The Status will initially display as Submitted, but when the Timer is running, the Status will be displayed as In Progress, and cannot be changed until the timer has been stopped.
Add any notes for the Time. When creating a Time entry for an email, document, task or job, this defaults to the type and the name of the selected document, for example, "Letter: ATO Overdue Payment". The notes can be changed if required. Notes added to time entries are displayed when selecting WIP entries on an invoice, and can be added to the Invoice Description.
- Click Start Timer.
- The drawer will change to the Update Time drawer, and the active timer will be displayed in the Time field.
- The Status will be set to In Progress.
Once the timer has started, you can navigate away from the drawer to other pages in the platform. To find Timers currently in progress, refer to Displaying and Updating Time.
Pausing and Resuming a Timer
A timer can be paused at any time, for example, if you go on a lunch break or swap tasks temporarily.
- Open the In Progress timer from the Time List.
- The Update Time drawer will be open.
- Click the Pause button.
- The timer will be stopped, and the Status will remain as In Progress.
- Once paused, time can either be resumed by clicking the Play button. Click the Stop button to finish the timer and create the Draft timesheet.
Stopping the Timer and Creating a Draft Timesheet
When the timer is stopped, a Draft Timesheet will be created for the Client and the Job.
- Open the In Progress timer from the Time List.
- The Update Time drawer will be open.
- Click the Stop button.
- The time will be rounded up to the nearest minute, and changed to the status of "Draft".
To make any changes or submit the time, refer to Displaying and Updating Time.
Viewing the Timer Activity
Entries will be added to the Activity section of the Update Time drawer for the following events:
- The Timer is started.
- The Status is updated to "In Progress".
- The Timer is paused.
- The Timer is resumed.
- The Timer is stopped.
- The Time field is rounded up to the nearest minute.