
Previewing an Invoice

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You can display a Preview of an invoice document with the status Draft in Xero, Awaiting Payment or Paid. This gives a quick snapshot of the contents of the Invoice after it is created in your Practice Xero Ledger. 

You preview the invoice document using the Preview tab in the Drawer.

When the Preview pane is displayed for an invoice, and you click on a different invoice in the list, the Preview pane will remain open. 

If an invoice needs to be printed, the user must open and print the invoice directly in Xero. Refer to Opening Invoices from the List Toolbar in this article below. A Preview invoice can also be exported by pressing the Export button in the Preview drawer, or from the toolbar on a Documents lists.

If the invoice Status is Draft, the Preview option will not display in the Drawer as the invoice document is yet to be created. You can display the invoice details from the drawer under the details section, refer to Opening and Editing Invoices.

Preview Tab in the Drawer

  1. From the Documents or Invoices lists, click on an invoice to open the Invoice Drawer.
    Note: If the invoice Status is Draft, the Preview option will not display in the Drawer as the invoice document is yet to be created.
  2. Click the Preview tab. A preview of the invoice is displayed in the Drawer.
    Note that the billing address displayed on an Invoice is controlled by the contact in Xero. 

  3. To close the preview, click the Hide tab, or the X in the top of the preview.

Using Full Screen in the Preview
To display the preview as a full screen, click the Full screen tool at the top of the Preview pane.


The invoice displays as a full screen preview with the drawer open.

To close the Full Screen preview, click the X in the top right-hand corner or click the Exit Full Screen tool. 


Adding and Displaying Comments when the Preview Pane is Open

When the Preview pane is open, you can add comments or display the comments that have been added.

To add comments, click Comments at the top of the drawer. 


The Comment pane displays.


Type your message in the Your Comment area at the bottom of the Comment pane and click Comment. You can also notify another user of the Comment. Refer to Adding Comments and Notifying Team Members.

When Comments have been added to an invoice, and the Preview pane is displayed, the number of Comments displays at the top of the drawer. 


Clicking this displays the existing Comments and you can add additional Comments.


To close the Comments pane and re-display the drawer, click the Back button.


Adding a Task when the Preview Pane is Open

When the Preview pane is open, you can add a Task to the invoice.

Click Add Task at the top of the drawer. 


The Create Task displays in the drawer over the top of the Preview pane in the same way as creating a Task with the + button. Enter the details of the Task. Refer to Using the Task Drawer.

Tools in the Preview tab

You can also use the tools at the top of the Preview. The tools available for Invoice document types include Copy Doc Link, Share, Export, Time, and Staple, and more. For details on these tools, refer to Using the Document Action Tool Bar.


Opening Invoices from the List Toolbar 

From the Invoice List toolbar, you can Open Invoice for any invoices with the status of:

  • Draft in Xero
  • Awaiting Payment
  • Paid
  • Deleted
  • Voided

This will open the invoice in the Practice Xero Ledger.

Note: Xero will automatically open the last organisation the user was logged into. It's recommended to first open the relevant Practice Ledger in Xero in a new tab before clicking Open Invoice in FYI.


The Approved button is available for invoices with a status of Draft, refer to Approving Invoices.

The Resubmit button is available for any invoices with the status of Sync Exception, refer to Invoicing Overview.

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