
Job Type Overview

fyi_arrow_HC_icon.png Plan Availability:





Jobs are used to record the time and costs of a project. 

Emails, documents, and tasks can be filed against the relevant job name. This allows documents to be filed dynamically depending on the sophistication of your client and the range of jobs.

There are different ways in which you can set up jobs to record the time and costs of client work and store relevant information. 

The Job Type is available in the columns that can be selected in the Jobs list (refer to Using the Jobs Lists).

Users can hover over the Job Type icon to indicate the type of job.


The following outlines the available Job Types and how they are used for practices that are on the Elite Plan.

Standard Jobs

Standard Jobs are recommended for practices when:

  • Using a job per item of work that is completed for a client (i.e. standalone job for GST work and another standalone job for Tax work). 
  • You are not billing on a fixed fee basis.

The Job Type displays in Job Lists and in the Job - Summary tab as "Standard". It displays with the following icon:

3235_Standard_Job_Icon.gifStandard Job

The Job Type is available in the columns that can be selected in the Jobs list (refer to Using the Jobs Lists). This shows as "Standard” and can be filtered on to save custom views.

Billing Jobs

Billing Jobs in FYI are the "main" job and contain "sub-jobs" (Workflow Jobs). Billing Jobs are recommended for practices when you are billing a client under a fixed fee arrangement that incorporates different projects.

The Budget Hours, Budget Amount and WIP are rolled up from the linked Workflow Jobs. Billing Jobs will display the sum of all Budget values from assigned Workflow Jobs, including inactive or completed Jobs. Remove the budget value from inactive jobs if this is not required.

The Job Type displays in Job Lists and in the Job - Summary tab as "Billing". It displays with the following icon:

2172_Billing_Job_Job_Type_Icon.gif Billing Job

The Job Type is available in the columns that can be selected in the Jobs list (refer to Using the Jobs Lists). This shows as "Billing” and can be filtered on to save custom views.

Workflow Jobs 

Workflow Jobs in FYI are the "sub-jobs" to Billing Jobs. Workflow Jobs are recommended for practices when:

  • You are not invoicing separately for each job.
  • You require time to be rolled up to a "main" job (Billing Job) for fixed fee billing and effective WIP reporting.

The Budget Hours and Budget Amount are entered for each Workflow Job and rolled up to the linked Billing Job.

The Job Type displays in Job Lists and in the Job - Summary tab as "Billing". It displays with the following icon:

2173_Workflow_Job_Job_Type_Icon.gif Workflow Job

The Job Type is available in the columns that can be selected in the Jobs list (refer to Using the Jobs Lists). This shows as "Workflow” and can be filtered on to save custom views.

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