If you are experiencing issues sharing documents with New Collaborate, you should first check if the error is listed in the Troubleshooting - New Collaborate Status Check or Troubleshooting - New Collaborate Sharing sections.
If not, we have listed below the most critical settings that can cause a variety of sharing issues.
Note: Each of the steps below must be completed by your Microsoft 365 Administrator.
Review the SharePoint Sharing Policies
- Open Microsoft 365 Admin Center by visiting https://admin.microsoft.com/.
- Log in using a Microsoft Global Admin account.
- From the menu on the left-hand side, locate the Admin Centers section and select SharePoint (you may need to first click Show All).
- From the menu on the left-hand side, select Policies, then select Sharing.
- Confirm the settings are as below. Refer to Setting up Microsoft 365 for New Collaborate:
- Content can be shared with slider - New and existing guests
- Limit external sharing by domain - unticked
- Allow only users in specific security groups to share externally - unticked
- Guests must sign in using the same account to which sharing invitations are sent - unticked
Guest access to a site or OneDrive will expire automatically after this many days - unticked
- Save the changes if any updates were made.
Review the SharePoint Sharing Settings
- Open Microsoft 365 Admin Center by visiting https://admin.microsoft.com/.
- Log in using a Microsoft Global Admin account.
- From the menu on the left-hand side, locate the Admin Centers section and select SharePoint (you may need to first click Show All).
- From the menu on the left select Sites - Active Sites.
- Locate the New Collaborate SharePoint Site.
- Hover over the site and click the circle to select the site without opening the settings.
- Click Sharing in the menu at the top.
- Ensure the settings are set to:
- External sharing - New and existing guests
- Advanced settings for external sharing - ensure "Limit sharing by domain" is unticked.
Confirm the OneDrive Admin is a Site Owner
You should confirm the OneDrive Admin is a site owner, and if not, add them to the list.
Refer to the Microsoft article Manage site admins.