
Collaborate error "There is an issue with your Collaborate Settings. Please run the Status Checks to resolve."


When accessing the Collaborate App, the following error message is displayed:

  • There is an issue with your Collaborate settings. Please run the Status check to resolve.


This error indicates the selected OneDrive Admin user doesn't have the Microsoft 365 permissions required for New Collaborate. 

This is typically caused when changing the selected OneDrive Admin user, and the previous user had only accepted the additional Collaborate permissions for their account, meaning the new user was not assigned the correct permissions.


To resolve the issue, you will need to:

  1. Log into FYI as the new OneDrive Admin User.

  2. Navigate to Automation - Apps - Collaborate.

  3. Click Status.

  4. The Status Check will begin running.

  5. For any identified issues, click Fix.

Refer to Checking your New Collaborate Status.

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