
"Please enter a valid email address" displays when adding a user


I am trying to add a new user and I encounter the following error message:

  • Please enter a valid email address. user_email_unique error.


This issue can be caused by the following:

  • The email address is already in use by an active user, however, the user has not signed in to FYI.
  • The email address matches an existing user that has been made inactive.
  • The email alias field does not contain a valid email address.


If the email is in use by an active user, the user needs to sign in to FYI to activate the account. Refer to How to Login.

If the email alias field is being used, ensure that the field contains a valid email address.

If there isn't an active user with a matching email address, you can check the Inactive User list.

  1. From FYI, click Settings in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Select Practice settings from the drop-down, then select General.
  3. Go to the User tab. A list of users will be displayed. Active users will be displayed by default.
  4. To show the inactive users, click the Unhide inactive users button.
  5. Click the user's name to open the User Profile drawer.
  6. Click the Active toggle to set the option to "On".

Refer to Managing Users.


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