
Deleting and Voiding Invoices

Elite Only.png

Invoices can be either deleted or voided depending upon the status of the invoice in FYI and Xero:

  • Deleted - available for invoices with a status of Draft or Draft in Xero
  • Voided - available for invoices with a status of Awaiting Payment.

Paid invoices cannot be deleted or voided. 

When an invoice is deleted or voided, all Time and Disbursement entries associated with the invoice will return to a "Submitted" status, ready to be re-invoiced. The invoice will only be displayed in the Invoices list if Unhide Deleted and Voided Invoices option is enabled. Clicking the invoice will display the Invoices Drawer, to view the details of the invoice. Refer to Using the Invoices List

Note: Deleted and Voided invoices cannot be restored.

Invoices can only be managed in FYI by practices on the Elite plan with FYI set as the Practice Manager source. Refer to Practice Management Sync

Deleting an Invoice

Invoices with the status of Draft or Draft in Xero can be deleted. When the invoice is deleted, all Time and Disbursement entries associated with the invoice will return to a "Submitted" status, ready to be re-invoiced.

  1. From the Client - Invoice list, select the invoice to display the Invoice Drawer.

    Note: The invoice can be found on the Documents list, the Job - Invoices tab, or the Client Group and Client - Invoices tab.
  2. Click the Details heading to expand the section.

  3. Click the Edit or View button. The Update Invoice drawer will display.

  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Delete
    Note: To cancel, rather than delete, close the drawer by pressing the X in the top-right-hand corner. If you would like to navigate to the previous Invoice drawer, click the back arrow.
  5. Click Yes on the confirmation message.

The invoice will be deleted from both FYI and Xero Ledger (if synchronised). 

To display deleted invoices, refer to Displaying Deleted and Voided Invoices.

Void an Invoice

Invoices with the status of Awaiting Payment in FYI can be voided. When the invoice is voided, all Time and Disbursement entries associated with the invoice will return to a "Submitted" status, ready to be re-invoiced.

  1. From the Client - Invoice list, click the invoice to display the Invoice Drawer.

    Note: This can be done from the Documents list, the Job - Invoices tab, or the Client Group and Client - Invoices tab.

  2. Click the Details heading to expand the section.

  3. Click View. The Update Invoice drawer will be read only. As the invoice has been approved in Xero, the fields cannot be modified.

  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Void
    Note: Before clicking Void, if you would like to cancel this action you can close the drawer.  This can be done by pressing the X in the top-right hand corner. If you would like to navigate to the previous Invoice drawer, click the back arrow.
  5. Click Yes on the confirmation message.

The invoice will be voided in both FYI and Xero Ledger. 

Displaying Deleted and Voided Invoices

If a View or List has been set to hide Deleted and Voided invoices, the invoice will not be displayed. Click the Unhide Deleted and Voided invoices button in the toolbar to display Invoices with the Status of Deleted or Voided in the list.


To display all deleted and voided invoices for your practice. Refer to Practice - Invoices.

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