
Job was updated in XPM, but the changes aren't displayed in FYI


I made changes to a job category in Xero Practice Manager, but the changes have not been applied to FYI even after a synchronisation has been completed.


Step 1 - Check Practice Activity

You should first check to confirm there were no errors in the sync, by checking Practice Activity. For example, there may have been a rate-limiting issue, which means the data has not yet been synchronised.

If this is the case, you can either prompt a manual synchronisation (once more requests become available so you can sync the data) or wait for the overnight sync.

Refer to Xero Practice Manager Rate Limiting and Running a Manual Sync with Xero Practice Manager and Additional Notes on Syncing.

Step 2 - Refresh the Cache

Check if the changes can be viewed in another browser, or by another user. If so, it's likely the user's cache will need to be refreshed.

In Chrome:

  1. Log out of FYI.
  2. Do a "hard browser refresh" by pressing Ctrl + F5 on the keyboard.
  3. The page will be refreshed.
  4. Log back in.
  5. Check if the changes can be displayed.
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