FYI's Reporting feature leverages the advanced capabilities of Excel to provide real-time insights directly from your FYI platform into predefined report templates for detailed data analysis within Excel.
Reports can be created manually in FYI, or can be added as a step as part of a process automation, allowing predefined reports to be scheduled to produce when required. Data can be refreshed in real time, meaning that practices do not need to produce new reports where they don't need to analyse past data.
Creating reports directly from FYI allows practices to produce data analysis from multiple workspaces, such as jobs, time, invoices, and documents.
FYI includes a range of reports to get you started, and practices have the ability to personalise these templates to suit their needs.
Please note: FYI Reports are best suited for users with advanced Excel skills, particularly with pivot tables.
Master Report Templates
A set of Master Report Templates is included with the Elite Plan, to get you started with your practice management reporting.
These Report Templates can be customised to suit your own requirements.
To add the Master Report Templates to your FYI platform, refer to Managing FYI Master Report Templates.
Report Summary
Report | Description | Default View |
Aged Receivables | Outstanding invoices categorised by the Invoice Date. | Invoices |
Aged WIP | Outstanding WIP categorised based on the age of the Time or Disbursement entries. | Time |
Average Hourly Rate | Calculates the average hourly rate based on the time invoiced to the client. | Time |
Capacity Planning | Displays the available capacity for users based on a forecast of the time required to complete tasks. | Jobs |
Invoices | A list of Outstanding Invoices grouped by Client and Job, including the Invoice Number, Date, and Total. | Invoices |
Job Profitability | Compares the Budget values with Actual Values of Jobs to determine their profitability, tracked against your estimated Job Completion Percentage for each Job State. | Jobs |
Revenue Per FTE | Displays the revenue generated by Full-Time Equivalent employees. | Time Users |
Staff Productivity | Compares a user's chargeable time to their capacity and non productive time, a productivity percentage is produced, based on a user's Target Productivity |
Time |
Time | Time and Disbursement entries added by users, grouped by Client and Job. | Time |
WIP Control | View the movements of WIP over a selected period, based on an opening and closing balance. | Time |
WIP LockUp | Provides the Average Invoiced Amount, and the Average LockUp Days amount. The Lockup is calculated by calculating the average length in days from when WIP is created (including Time, Disbursements, or Interim Invoices)to when the WIP is invoiced. |
Time |
Write Up Write Down | A view of jobs showing the Billable Amount, Invoiced Amount, and Write On/Off total for each user. | Time |
Master Report Templates
Viewing Report Templates
Report Templates ensure that Reports are always created with a consistent format across the practice, and save time by removing the need to manually configure the fields each time.
Report Templates can only be managed in FYI by practices on the Elite plan by an FYI Admin or a user in a User Group with permissions enabled for Templates.
Report Templates can be accessed from the Knowledge - Templates tab. Use the filters and Search bar to find your reports, for example, by searching for the word "Master". Refer to Managing FYI Excel Master Report Templates.
Filing Settings
The Report Template Filing Settings are used to manage a variety of settings for producing reports.
The Status must be set to Active to make the template available for selection when creating a report.
Both Merge Names and Excel Report must be toggled on to ensure that data is sent from FYI to populate the file correctly.
Cabinet AutoFile Defaults
Each Report contains AutoFile Defaults to automatically select the Cabinet when a report is generated from the Template, provided the user has access to the relevant Cabinet.
The AutoFile Defaults will override any Filing Defaults set at the User practice level.
For information on Cabinet Security, refer to Managing User Groups.
Updating Master Report Template Versions
When a new version of the Master Report Template becomes available, the update will not be automatically applied to your practice to avoid any changes from being overwritten.
An FYI Admin will need to upload the latest report as a new Version, which will archive the previous version of the report. Previous versions can be restored from the Versions section of the drawer.
To update to the latest version of a report, refer to Managing FYI Excel Master Report Templates.
New versions will be announced by email to FYI Champions, as well as in the Release Notes. To stay up-to-date, we recommend signing up to the FYI Champions list, and referring to the What's New section of the Help Centre.
Each report contains a Change log on the Settings tab, where details on changes to the report will be maintained.
Creating New Report Templates
To create a customised report for your practice, begin by selecting an existing report that contains data. Modify this report to suit your requirements, such as adding or removing columns from the pivot table, and then clear the information from the Data worksheet.
Creating Additional Calculation Columns
When modifying a customised report, you are able to create additional calculations in the Data tab to suit your practice. To ensure that the calculation is applied to each row of data when the report is generated, (Calc) must be added to the end of the row header. Note that this is case-sensitive. If this is not added to the column header, the calculation will only be applied to the first row of data.
Using the Change Log
The Change Log on the Settings worksheet can be used to document your changes, to maintain a version history. This is recommended wherever you make an update to your template, for example, adding in calculation columns.
Save the report, and then upload the file to the Master Report Templates. Refer to Managing FYI Excel Master Report Templates
Working with Reports
Creating Reports
Reports are created using the Master Report Templates and can be filed to a Client, or a Knowledge Cabinet, for example, Practice Admin. By default, the cabinet selected in the template will be selected.
To create a report, users must be an FYI Admin or belong to a User Group with permissions enabled for Reports.
Refer to Creating Reports from Excel Report Templates.
View Types
View Types determine the data included in a report by specifying which columns are displayed for a particular view. For instance, when running a Time report, to see data related to invoiced time only, you would select the View Type of "Time", then select the "Invoiced - All" View. You can also select multiple View Types within a single report to encompass various data sets.
The columns displayed in the selected View will be reflected in the generated Excel report. If you want to include all available columns and filters for a View, or you're unsure which data you require, select the Include All Columns option. Columns can then be added and removed from the report by adjusting the Microsoft Excel Pivot Table options.
To change which columns are displayed in a view, refer to Saving Changes to the View Layout, Modifying and Deleting Views. An example of the available columns for the Time view is displayed below.
Report Settings
Each Excel report contains a dedicated Settings worksheet, used to manage the configuration options for the report. The available settings will vary depending on the type of report. For example, the Job Profitability allows users to specify the % Completed for each Job State.
Refer to Opening, Editing and Finishing Editing Reports.
Customising the Report
When creating a report in FYI, practices can add multiple Views to gather data from various sources. For example, practices can personalise a "Reporting Pack" that includes jobs, time, documents, tasks, and more.
FYI Reports in Excel utilise Pivot Tables, enabling users to quickly summarise and analyse large sets of data. With Pivot Tables, users can filter, sort, and perform calculations.
For information on working with Pivot Tables, refer to the Microsoft Excel Help & Training articles on Pivot Tables.
Refreshing Report Data
When a report is first created, it captures the data as it exists at a specific point in time, referred to as a Static Report. This is useful where practices require data for historical analysis or comparison.
Refreshing Data in a Static Report
If changes have been made to the data tab in a Static Report, the Report Tab data can be updated by right-clicking any cell, and selecting "Refresh All" or by using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F5.
Note: This refresh does not update the report with live FYI Data. For instructions on refreshing a report with FYI Data, refer to the section below.
Refreshing a Report with FYI Data
Due to API limitations, the Refresh report data feature performs best when the Data tab contains 60,000 lines or less. It is recommended to run a new report when the data tab exceeds this amount. Our team are actively working on resolving this limitation.
Alternatively, using the FYI Office Add-in, the FYI Drawer can be used to refresh the report data, meaning the current data from the FYI platform is retrieved without re-running the report, or creating a new one.
To use live data, the report must be:
- Opened in the Desktop version of Excel
- Opened using Co-Edit mode
- Using OneDrive
When refreshing report data, the data in the report will be overridden with the current data in FYI.
Refer to Opening, Editing and Finishing Editing Reports.
Report Links Limit
Microsoft Excel has a limit of 65,530 hyperlinks per file. When running a report for a large amount of data, to avoid exceeding the link limit, any hyperlinks in the report will be converted to plain text, for example to Invoices or Jobs.
For example, the Aged Receivables report includes links to Invoices in both FYI and Xero.
Support Limitations for FYI Reports
FYI offers a set of Master Reports, along with detailed articles in the Reporting section of the Help Centre. We provide support for using the reports following these instructions, and when using the Master Reports without alteration. Refer to the articles in the Reporting section of our Help Centre.
As FYI releases enhancements and updates to the Master Reports, changes will be included in Release Notes, with the latest version of the Master Reports available to be downloaded from Managing FYI Excel Master Report Templates. Updates to Reports will not be auto-applied, to avoid inadvertently overwriting any customisations made by practices to the default templates. FYI Admins and users with access to Templates will be able to add the updated reports to their FYI platform at their convenience.
Please note that FYI does not provide support for troubleshooting, or support for issues caused by customisations made to the Master Reports. Customisation falls outside the scope of our support, and we encourage users to refer to the Help Centre for guidance on using the standard features effectively.
FYI also does not provide support or training on using Microsoft Excel functionality, for example, Pivot Tables. We would encourage practices to utilise the online Excel Video Training resources provided by Microsoft.