
Practice Employees

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The Employees list enables practices to manage their employees, such as filtering active users or those that have completed particular Learn courses. The Employee List displays a list of all employees for your practice. 

Accessing the Employee List

To access the Employee List, click the Practice menu and select the Employees tab.


Employee List Views

At the top of the Employees list is a drop-down which shows the Views that can be selected for that list.

Employees are displayed in alphabetical order. If the user is assigned to a User Group with Employees - Management, they will only be able to view the employees where the user has been assigned as the "Manager" for those employees. Refer to Managing User Groups.

Where there are more than 10 Views for the list, the View selector displays with a scroll bar. You can change the view by selecting from the View selector.


Refreshing the Employees List

The time that the Employees list was refreshed is displayed at the top.

2289 New Lists Last Refreshed.gif

  • If you log out and log in again, the information will be reloaded and the Refreshed time is updated.
  • The list is automatically refreshed every 3 hours.
  • You can also refresh the list yourself at any time to see the latest information (please refer to the section Refreshing the Information in the List).

Using the Employee List Columns

You can use the column headings to sort, pin, or autosize columns. You can also filter the results and include or exclude columns in the list.

List Icon

Hover over a column heading and click the List icon.


The options display that are used to change the Filters for that column, the Autosize columns, or to change which Columns are included in the list.

Initially, this displays the Filters settings for that column. Not all columns have the ability to filter data, so may display the Autosize columns tab instead. Refer to Autosize Columns below.


When clicking the List icon, the option that was last selected for any of the columns (that is, the Filters, Autosize Columns or Columns) is re-displayed.

To change the columns that are included in the list from the menu in any of the column headings, click the Columns option.


Autosize Columns

Click the Autosize Columns icon to display the options to pin that column or to set Autosize.


Autosize This Column/Autosize All Columns

All or any columns can be set to Autosize This Column. This sets the column width(s) to automatically fit the contents.

You can also select Autosize All Columns to set the widths of all the columns currently included in the list to automatically fit the contents.

Unless you save the view with the column(s) set to Autosize, leaving the list or selecting a different view resets the column(s) back to the default width.

Pin Column

One or more columns can be set to Pin Column so it is "pinned" to the left or right of the list. This keeps the pinned column(s) displayed when scrolling left or right so they are always visible. This is similar to the Freeze Panes feature in an Excel spreadsheet.

When any columns are pinned, they display with a vertical line in the list.


Dragging the Column Headings to Change the Column Width

You can drag the edge of the column heading to increase or decrease the column width.


Using the Columns and Filters Tabs

On the left-hand side of the lists are the Columns and Filters tabs.


Click on Columns or Filters to expand the tab and display the selections and options for each of these.

Click on Columns or Filters again to collapse the tabs.

Resetting the List

When any columns have been sorted or filtered, or any changes made to the columns that are shown, or if you have entered any search criteria, you can reset the list to the default settings of the selected View by selecting Reset View from the View Tools.


Opening the Employee Workspace

From the Employees list you can open the workspace for an Employee by clicking on the Employee Name in the list. 

Displaying Inactive Employees

If inactive employees aren't already displayed (for example, if using the All Employees view) you can add the Active column to the list, then filter on the "No" status. 

Employee Email

From the Employee list, you can click the Email link to open the Create Email drawer. The Employee email will be added directly, and the "Employees" cabinet will be selected automatically.


Employee Phone or Mobile Number

From the Employees list, you can click the Phone number or Mobile number link. If your computer has a phone registered on it, this automatically loads your phone application and makes the connection with the number added directly from the link. It also automatically creates a Phone Call record within FYI and automatically adds the phone or mobile number to the Create Phone drawer. The "Employees" cabinet will be selected automatically.

Selecting Employees in the List

To select a single employee in the list, click the checkbox on the left-hand side. 

To select multiple employees, click the checkboxes on the left-hand column of the list.


You can also select consecutive employees in the list by pressing the Shift key on your keyboard and then clicking the first and the last.

You can also click the checkbox in the column heading to select multiple employees. This function is useful if you have filtered the list to show only what you want to select, for example, if you want to use Bulk Update on certain employees.


Clicking the checkbox in the column heading selects the first 50 employees that are displayed in the list. You can then use any relevant functions for the selected employees (such as Bulk Update, or functions that are relevant for the current list).

If required, you can click on the checkbox next to any individual employees to de-select these.

To cancel all the selections, click the checkbox in the column heading or click Cancel.

You can use the drop-down next to the checkbox in the column heading to select the option Select all.


This selects all the employees currently displayed in the list.  When employees have been selected in this way, you cannot then de-select individual employees so the selection is displayed as greyed out. You still have access to any relevant functions such as Bulk Update.

Displaying the Toolbar as a Pop-up Menu

You can also display the tools as a pop-up menu. This is also useful if you have scrolled down and are working on something that is at the bottom of the list so the toolbar is not visible. Refer to Using the Toolbar Actions.

To display the toolbar functions as a pop-up menu right-click over an employee name, email, or another column in the list.


You can copy a value from the list using the pop-up menu. Copy copies the value that the mouse is currently over when you right-click (for example the Employee Name) to the clipboard. Right-click over the value and select Copy from the pop-up menu. Ctrl+c can also be used to copy a value.

The Open in new tab option is only available when right-clicking on the Employee Name. Once clicked, the corresponding Employee - Summary Workspace will be opened in a new browser tab. Refer to Employee - Summary.

Saving Changes to a View

Changes to the layout can be saved as a View. This feature is only available to FYI Admins, or users in a User Group with permissions to Views. Refer to Managing User Groups.

Click the View Tools button which is at the end of the column headings, on the right-hand side of a list.


Note: The View Tools are unavailable if an employee is ticked to select it in the list.

Select Save View.

Refer also to Saving Changes to the View Layout, Modifying and Deleting Views.

Exporting a List

You can export the current employees in the list to a .csv file. The list will be exported with the columns currently displayed in the list. Add more columns to the view before exporting.

  1. Select a View that shows all the employees you want to export.
  2. Click the View Tools button which is at the end of the column headings, on the right-hand side of a list.
    Note: The View Tools are unavailable if an employee is selected and ticked in the list.
  3. Select CSV Export to export the displayed employees in the list to a .csv file (comma separated).
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