
Process Step Details - Update Employee

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This article gives details and examples of the functions that are available in steps used to update Employees.

To use this process step, the Filter Employee - View Filters must be selected.

Update Employees

  1. From within the Custom Automation Process, click the Add Step button.

  2. Click FYI Actions.
  3. A list of functions will be displayed. Select Update Employee.

  4. The following is an example of the Update Employee Step.


    Prework - Allows you to set the Automation Status of the Prework for the employee, a series of tasks designed to guide new users through using FYI using sample data.  Refer to Prework for New Users.

    Set Custom Field - Automatically update a Custom Field against the Employee Record. Select the Custom Field from the drop-down to display the Custom Field in the Action section. You will then be able to update the Custom Field based on the type of field using Merge Fields.

    For example, when updating a Custom Field such as 'Start Employment Date' selecting Current Date from the General - Merge Field Section will populate the relevant date merge field. The Custom Field will be automatically updated with the date of when the automation runs.

    Custom Field values can only be maintained in FYI by an FYI Admin who can add, edit or remove Custom Fields. Refer to Managing Custom Fields.
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