The Time function allows you to create time entries for a Job in FYI. This article includes details on how to create individual time entries, which can be created directly for the Job, or for an email, document or client interaction.
You can add time as "Draft" or "Submit". If integrated with Xero Practice Manager, time entries with the Status set as "Submit" are synchronised to Xero Practice Manager.
You can also use the Bulk Time Entry feature to add draft time for selected emails and documents, and then review and submit them. Refer to Using Bulk Time Entry to Create Draft Time.
Creating Individual Time Entries
- You can add individual Time entries in the following ways in FYI:
- Click the + button in the menu bar and select I from the list of document types.
- Press the shortcut key I for a new Time entry.
- In the drawer from an open job, email, document or client interaction, click the Add time icon in the tools at the top of the Drawer.
- Expand the Time section in the drawer of an opened email or document and click the Add Time button.
The Create Time drawer displays.
- Select or enter the Time fields, or change the defaults that display.
The following is an example of time created using the + button for a practice on the Elite plan.
When creating the Time entry for a selected email, document, task or job, the Client (and, if relevant, the Job) are shown as default but can be changed if needed. The following is an example of time created for a practice on the Pro plan integrated with Xero Practice Manager.
- The Date will default to today's date. To change this, click the Date field and select the relevant date for the time entry from the calendar.
Note: Time entries cannot be created before the Period Lock Date, which is set at a practice level. Refer to Managing Invoices Settings.
- The User is set by default to your name. If creating the Time for a different person, select the name from the drop-down list.
- Select the Time Type.
This will default to Chargeable but can be changed to any of the Time Types created for your practice. Time is categorised using Time Types, and are categorised as Chargeable, Non Productive or Capacity Reducing. Refer to Managing Time Types.
- Select a Client.
A draft time entry can be created without a client, but must be added before the Time can be marked as Submitted. When creating chargeable time, select the client by typing at least three characters of the client name. A list will be displayed of all clients containing those characters anywhere in the Client Name. Locate and select the required client.
When creating a Time entry for a job, email, document or client interaction, this defaults to the client of the selected record and can be changed if relevant.
- Select a Job.
A draft time entry can be created without a job, but must be added before the Time can be marked as Submitted. Select the Job for the client (refer to Jobs). If editing an existing time entry, selecting a Job will load the Job Custom Fields to the Time drawer.
When creating a Time entry for an email or document filed to a specific job, this defaults to the Job of the selected document and can be changed if relevant. You can only select an active job. If adding time to a Workflow Job, the Billing Job must be active.
- For practices on the FYI Pro Plan:
- When creating time for a Billing Job, the XPM Task drop-down will display in the Create Time drawer, displaying all linked XPM Workflow Jobs for the selected Billing Job. You must select an XPM Workflow Job to record time to. If creating Time from an XPM Workflow Job workspace, both the Billing and XPM Workflow Jobs will be selected automatically.
- Where FYI is not the Practice Management solution, the Jobs that are displayed depend on how the option Show jobs by client is set in your Practice Settings. When Show jobs by client is enabled in the Practice Settings, only the jobs for the specific client are included for selection. When Show jobs by client is not enabled in the Practice Settings, the list of jobs includes all jobs for all clients in the Client Group. Refer to Managing Practice Settings for Jobs.
- When creating time for a Billing Job, the XPM Task drop-down will display in the Create Time drawer, displaying all linked XPM Workflow Jobs for the selected Billing Job. You must select an XPM Workflow Job to record time to. If creating Time from an XPM Workflow Job workspace, both the Billing and XPM Workflow Jobs will be selected automatically.
- For practices on the FYI Elite plan:
- When selecting a Job, both Standard Jobs and Workflow Jobs will display in the drop-down. Billing Jobs will be hidden to provide efficiency when creating a Time entry.
Show jobs by client will define the jobs available from the drop-down. When ticked, only the jobs for the specific client are included for selection. When Show jobs by client is not ticked, the list of jobs includes all jobs for all clients in the Client Group. When creating a Time entry, Show jobs by client will default to the Practice Settings Default. Refer to Managing Practice Settings for Jobs.
- When selecting a Job, both Standard Jobs and Workflow Jobs will display in the drop-down. Billing Jobs will be hidden to provide efficiency when creating a Time entry.
- For practices on the FYI Pro Plan:
- Select an XPM Task.
If your practice is integrated with Xero Practice Manager and has the XPM Workflow Jobs setting enabled in Job Settings, if a Billing Job is selected in the Job drop-down, the corresponding XPM Workflow Jobs are displayed in the XPM Task drop-down.
If there is only one XPM Workflow Job, this is automatically selected as the XPM Task for the Time entry. Billing Jobs must have a Task in Xero Practice Manager to submit time against.
If your practice does not have the XPM Workflow Jobs setting enabled, when creating or editing a Time entry for a Standard Job, the XPM Tasks are shown. If there is only one XPM Task for the Job this is automatically selected for the Time entry.
- Enter your Time taken. To change the time entered, click the X in the Time field to delete it and then enter it again.
Time can be added using the hours and minutes format (hh:mm), a whole number, or as a decimal. Decimals will be converted using 6-minute increments. For example, to add 12 minutes, you could enter 00:12, 12, 0012, or 0.2. Once entered, the time will be converted to display using the hours and minutes format (hh:mm). Refer to Time Overview.
- Confirm the Rate.
The Rates are used when invoicing time to a client, and will only be displayed once a Client and Job have been selected. A rate will be selected automatically if a default Time Rate has been assigned to the Client, Job, or User (in that order). For example, If there isn't a client default rate, the rate assigned to the job will be used. If a default rate hasn't been selected for either the client or the job, the default rate for the user will be selected. If required, click the drop-down to select a different rate. Archived rates will not be displayed.
The value of the Rate will be displayed first, followed by the name of the rate, and the source e.g. 180.00 (Accountant) (Client Rate).
To create new Rates, refer to Managing Rates for Time and Disbursements. Time Rates can be assigned on the Client - Settings tab, the Job - Summary tab, and in the Settings - General - Users list.
- Select the Status as "Draft" or "Submitted".
"Submitted" finalises the Time entry. When time has been submitted, it will be able to be invoiced to a client (for Elite practices) or submitted to Xero Practice Manager (for Pro plans integrated with XPM).
"Draft" leaves the Time entry in FYI as a draft. For Elite practices, Draft time cannot be invoiced. To submit time refer to Displaying and Updating Time.
- Record any Notes for the Time. When creating a Time entry for an email, document, task or job, this defaults to the type and the name of the selected document, for example, "Letter: ATO Overdue Payment", "Email: BAS Due", "Task: Follow up with client", "Job: 2020 Compliance". The notes can be changed if required.
Document - When creating Time in the drawer for an email or document, the document link displays.
Custom Field - Select a Time Custom Field if required. Once selected, choose the Option to be applied to your Time Entry. If the selected Job has values populated for the Custom Fields, the time entry will automatically inherit the value.
Click Create.
The Time is saved in FYI and can be displayed in My Time in the Home workspace.
Displaying/Creating Time in the Email or Document Drawer
Expanding the Time section in an email or document drawer shows any Time that has been recorded for the email/document. This is useful to check if you have already entered the time details for that email/document.
You can also add Time for the email/document by clicking the Add Time button in the Time section. This displays the Create Time in the drawer with the client and job pre-filled.
Displaying and Updating Time
Go to your Home - My Time tab to see how many hours you have recorded with individual time entries for the relevant day and to check and add hours to any time created by the Bulk Time Entry. Refer to Displaying and Updating Time.