
Document Migration with a Metadata File

Creating a Metadata file assists with the migration to FYI by defining the values in FYI when the document is imported. 

This article contains instructions on how to create the Metadata file, including a sample file available for download.

Metadata File Template

To get you started, we have prepared a sample Metadata Template file. This file contains the columns available to you to populate for your documents.

The Template also includes "Year" and "Work Type" as the last columns, as examples for categories. If using Categories, you can add more columns as necessary to insert the data for your documents.

Click here to download the Metadata File Template.

File Format and File Name

Important: The metadata file must be saved in a CSV format, and with the file name "metadata" to be detected by the Migrate app.

In Excel, this can be done via:

  1. Select File > Save As
  2. Change the File Name to be metadata
  3. Set File Type to CSV UTF-8 (Comma Delimited) (*.csv)
  4. Click Save


Populating a Metadata file

File Columns

The columns included in the Metadata file are as follows:

Important: The columns must not be changed, or the Migrate app may not perform as intended. 

Column Action if no value is specified
File Path Mandatory - a value is required
Document Name Blank
Client Code If left blank, the Client Name will be used

Client Name

No Client
Reference System-generated

Cabinet Name

No Cabinet

Document Type
(Populate the column with one of the following):

  • Email
  • Spreadsheet
  • Letter
  • Phone
  • Note
  • Meeting
  • Link


This column is best left blank as the file type will be populated from the filename extension e.g. xlsx will be set to Spreadsheet.

Created By

The Migrate app defaults to the 'System' as a user, but the actual user/owner would be set from this field


Created On
(date format - dd/mm/yyyy)

Database default

Last Modified By

Database default

Last Modified On

Database default


Remains blank


Remains blank


Remains blank


Remains blank


Remains blank

Category Name e.g. Work Type

Remains blank


Essential Notes

When preparing the file:

  1. The File Name must be metadata.csv and saved in a CSV file format. Refer to the section File Format and File Name above for more information.

  2. File Location - the file must be placed into the lowest level of the folder selected in the FYI Migrate app. For example, if the folder selected in the Migrate app was C:\Data\Clients, the metadata file must be stored in the Clients folder.

  3. The File Path is relative to the migrating folder and includes the document file name. 

    For example, if the folder selected in the Migrate app was C:\Data\Clients, and the document "Checklist for Quarterly Tax.xlsx" is stored in "C:\Data\Clients\Marshall, Frank" the File Path would be "Marshall, Frank/Checklist for Quarterly Tax.xlsx".

    Note: File Path is mandatory and is used to identify each file in the migrating folder. The File Path should contain forward slashes, "/" instead of backslashes "\" and is case sensitive.

  4. The File Extension is mandatory in the file path, otherwise, the Migrate app will fail to recognise the File Type, for example, .xlsx for an Excel Spreadsheet.

  5. If Cabinet Name does not exist in FYI before running the migration, the Cabinet will be automatically created. 

  6. A Client Name is not required for documents filed to a Knowledge Cabinet. 

  7. If there is no entry found in metadata.csv for a file found in the migrating folder, an error will be generated in the Migration Report CSV file as "No entry found for file in metadata file".

  8. Column headers are case insensitive - the Column Names must match exactly.

  9. If the Client Code is left blank, the Client Name will be used for auto-matching instead. If the Client Name is blank, no client will be applied. If Client Code and Client Name cannot be matched to a Client in FYI, an Unmatched Client will be created.

  10. The Template has Year and Work Type as the last columns, as examples for categories. If using Categories, you can add more columns as necessary to insert the data for your documents.

Selecting the Metadata file in FYI Migrate

When running the FYI Migrate app, users are prompted to select the folders to be migrated. The metadata.csv file must be located within one of these folders.

Note: Ensure your file is called metadata.csv and stored in one of the folders selected in the Migrate app.

If the file metadata.csv is detected, the Migrate app will load the file and display the contents in the window to be reviewed.

If the file is not detected, this step will be skipped and will move to the final step of the migration, where you'll be able to begin synchronising the files. Click Restart to return to the start of the wizard, and save the file to the correct location.

Important: Documents not identified by the Metadata file will be imported into FYI without a client or key information. We recommend checking the Metadata screen carefully before proceeding with the migration.

Do not start a metadata migration without reviewing this screen.


Once the data has been imported a Migration Audit Report is produced to display the results of the import. Refer to Implementors: Migration Audit Report.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you encounter any errors trying to load the metadata file, or it isn't detected at all (skipping the metadata review step) the issue may be caused by the following:

  • File location: Confirm the file is located in the appropriate folder selected within the FYI Migrate app. Move the file to the correct folder, and restart the Migrate app import.
  • Review the Column Headings to ensure they match the headings above, along with any Category Names you may have added. If in doubt, download a fresh copy of the Template and copy/paste your data (excluding column headings) into the new file.

If there is an issue with any row in the metadata file, it will skip that row and add an entry to the Migration Audit Report. The process will continue to run on remaining rows in the file. 

If you continue to experience issues, contact your FYI Client Success team member, or FYI Implementation Partner. 

File Download

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