
Managing Job Templates

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Job Templates ensure that jobs are always created with a consistent format across the practice, and save time by removing the need to manually configure the fields each time a user creates a new job.

For each template, the user can configure the Invoice Layout and Description, Custom Fields, and the Chart of Accounts information when costs are synchronised to Xero. 

Job Templates can only be managed in FYI by practices on the Elite plan, with FYI set as the Practice Manager source. Refer to Practice Management Sync. An FYI Admin or a user in a User Group with permissions enabled for Templates can create Job Templates.

Note: Practices migrating to the FYI Elite plan will be able to create Draft Job Templates when configuring their Practice Settings. Refer to Create Draft Job Templates. If your Practice Management Source is set to Xero Practice Manager, existing Job Templates are managed in XPM, not FYI. Refer to the Job Templates section of Synchronising Clients, Staff, Jobs, Time, Tax Returns with Xero Practice Manager

Displaying the Job Templates List

  1. In FYI, click Settings in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Select Practice Settings and then select Jobs.
  3. Click the Templates tab.

The list of Job Templates is displayed.


Creating a Job Template

  1. From the Job Templates list, click the +Add button to open the Create Job Template drawer.
  2. Select the Type. This field will default to Standard. Click the drop-down to select from Standard, Billing or Workflow Job Template types. Refer to Elite Job Type Overview.
    Note: When creating a Job, the Job must be the same Type as the Job Template, i.e. Billing Jobs cannot use a Workflow Job Template.

  3. Enter the Name. This identifies the Job Template internally and should clearly identify when the Template should be used.

  4. Enter a Job Name. When a Job is created, this will be used to create the Job Name, although you'll be able to overwrite the name if needed.

    The Name field supports the use of Merge Fields to personalise the name of the Job when created from the template, for example, adding the client's name. Click the Merge Field icon to select Merge Fields as required. Refer to Using Merge Fields with Job Templates below.
  5. Select an Invoice Layout of either Summary or Detailed. 
    The Invoice Layout can be changed to either Summary or Detailed, depending on the level of information to be included on the invoice. The Detailed layout will display each Job Description on a separate line, while the Summary will only display a single line on the invoice.
    Note: This is relevant for Standard and Billing Job Templates only.

  6. Enter an Invoice Description. This will be used by default when creating a new invoice but can be overwritten if required. 

    The Invoice Description field supports the use of Merge Fields to personalise the name of the Job when created from the template, for example, adding the client's name or the current year. Click the Merge Field icon to select Merge Fields as required. Refer to Using Merge Fields with Job Templates below.
  7. Enter a Job Reference if preferred, otherwise, this field can be left blank. You can select a Custom Field here which has been set up with the type 'Job' or the Job Number.
    Note: This is relevant for Standard and Billing Job Templates only.

    For practices creating a Draft Job Template, move straight to step 11.

  8. If creating a Billing or Standard job, select the relevant Xero Organisation from the drop-down. 

  9. If creating a Standard or a Workflow Job, select the Chart of accounts. Costs for jobs will be synchronised to this account.

  10. Select the Xero Invoice Theme.

  11. Select a default Job State from the drop-down. When a job is created from the Template, the Job State will be populated automatically. If creating a Workflow Job and there is no default State specified, the Billing Job State will be used.

  12. Select a Job Category, used to segment Jobs in the Job List. 

  13. Enter a Budget Amount if creating a Standard or Workflow Job template. When a job is created from the template, for example, a recurring job, the Budget Amount will be added to the job automatically.

  14. Select the required field from the Set Custom Field dropdown to include a Custom Field. The Custom Field will be displayed for you to select the relevant value, or you can click the X icon to remove the field.

  15. Select the Filing Status from the dropdown.
    If your Practice Management Source is not set to FYI, the Filing Status will default to Draft and the selection will be greyed out. Refer to Create Draft Job Templates.
  16. Click Create.

  17. The Template will be added to the Templates list, and a Template ID will be assigned automatically.

Note: Once a Job Template has been saved, the Job Type cannot be changed.

Editing a Individual Job Template

From the Job Templates list, click on a template to open the Update Job Template drawer.


Update the fields as required and click Update. Changes will only apply to new Jobs created using the Template.

Note: The Filing Status can only be updated once FYI has been set as the Practice Management Source.

Bulk Update Job Templates

Job Template details such as Budget, Custom Fields, and Status can be updated using Bulk Update. For example, when a practice has enabled FYI as its Practice Management Source, they can Bulk Update their Job Template Status from "Draft" to "Active".

  1. From the Job Templates list, select one or multiple templates.

  2. Click Bulk Update. The Bulk Update Drawer will display.
  3. Apply to can be selected as the Job Templates that have been selected in the Templates lists or as the filtered Templates list.

  4. Select the setting/s you want to change for the selected Templates.

  5. Update the Filing Status to Draft, Active or Archived. Job Templates in a Draft Status can only be updated to Active once FYI is enabled as the Practice Management Source. Refer to Create Draft Job Templates.

    Note: Where a Job Template is used in Automation, the Template Filing Status cannot be changed to Archived or Draft. An error will be displayed in the Job Template Activity.

  6. Click Run.

Using Merge Fields with Job Templates

Merge Fields can be added to the Job Name and Invoice Description fields, to personalise the details of the Job when created. 

Click the Merge Field icon to display a list of available Merge Fields, including Custom Fields.

The sections displayed will depend on which field you're entering the Merge Field into, and any integrations for the practice. Click on the section heading to display a list of Merge Fields, then click on the Merge Field to add it to the Job Template field.

For details on each of the available Merge Fields, refer to the article Merge Field Glossary.

For more advanced merge fields, you can use formatters and even add text or perform calculations. For example, to put in the current year, use the merge field {{"now" | date: "%Y"}}. Refer to Formatting Merge Fields.

Click Save to save the changes and return to the template.


Custom Fields will be displayed in the relevant section. For example, fields displayed on the Job - Custom Fields tab will be displayed in the Job section of the Merge Field window.

Refer to Managing Custom Fields.


Job Template Activity Log

Changes to Job Templates will be displayed in the Activity section.

Clicking the Activity section heading will expand to display a list of activities for each Job Template.


Adding Additional Columns to the Job Templates List

In the Job Templates list, you can modify which columns are displayed, making it easy to manage your Job Templates. 

Click the Columns tab on the left to select or unselect columns accordingly.

Note: Currently, any changes to the Job Template view cannot be saved.


Job Template ID

When a Job Template is created, a unique Template ID is automatically assigned to the template by FYI.

For practices integrated with Ignition using Zapier, this Template ID can be used to automatically select a Job Template when a new job is created. Refer to Integration with Ignition using Zapier

Archiving Job Templates

Job Templates can be archived if no longer required. Archived Job Templates will be hidden from view, and will no longer be available to select from when creating a job manually or through an automation process.

Archive a Template

To archive a Job Template:

  1. From the Job Templates list, select the relevant template or click the checkboxes to select multiple Templates.

  2. Click the Archive button in the toolbar.
  3. The Archive Job Template confirmation message will be displayed.

  4. Click Yes.
    Note: If the Job Template is currently in use in an Automation Process, a message displays as information with the Automations in which is it used and cannot be archived.

    Click the link in the message to display the relevant custom process to allow you to update the Job Template in the custom process if required.

    If the Billing and/or Workflow Job Templates have been linked to other Job Templates, the template cannot be archived, and a message will display which Job Template(s) are linked to the current template. Refer to Billing & Workflow Job Templates.

  5. If the Job Template is not used in an Automation Process, or linked with other Job Templates, it will be archived.
    Note: Once the Job Template has been created, Activity will display the name of the User and the date the template was archived.

Restore an Archived Template

To restore a Job Template that has been archived:

  1. Click the Unhide archived templates icon to ensure Archived Templates can be displayed.
  2. Ensure the Status filter is set to Archived only.

  3. Click the Job Template in the list.

  4. Click the Restore button in the toolbar.
  5. Click Yes to the prompt. The Job Template will be restored.

Deleting Job Templates

To delete a Job Template:

  1. From the Job Templates list, click on the Job Template row, or click the checkboxes to select multiple Templates.

  2. Click the Delete button in the toolbar.
  3. The Delete Job Template confirmation message will be displayed.

  4. Click Yes.
    Note: If the Job Template is currently in use in an Automation Process, a message displays as information with the Automations in which is it used and cannot be deleted.

    Click the link in the message to display the relevant custom process to allow you to update the Job Template in the custom process if required.

    If the Billing and/or Workflow Job Templates have been linked to other Job Templates, the template cannot be archived, and a message will display which Job Template(s) are linked to the current template. Refer to Billing & Workflow Job Templates.

  5. If the Job Template is not used in an Automation Process, or linked with other Job Templates, it will be deleted.

Assigning a Job Template to a Job

When creating a Job, you will be able to select a Template to automatically populate the fields in the job drawer. Refer to Create a Job.

For existing Jobs, you can select a Template from the Job Summary tab by editing the Job Details. Refer to Job Summary.

Viewing Job Templates on the Jobs List

The "Template" column can be easily added to the Jobs List for sorting and filtering jobs by template. Refer to Adding, Removing and Moving Columns in the Jobs Lists.

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