
Comparison between Legacy Collaborate and New Collaborate

When you upgrade to New Collaborate, you'll be able to start taking advantage of the new and improved features. We've compared the features of Collaborate with New Collaborate below so you can prepare for the transition.


Feature Collaborate New Collaborate
Customisable Site (referred to as Collaborate Site or Client Portal) N/A New Collaborate uses SharePoint to share news and information and documents shared from FYI. The site can be customised to reflect the Practice branding.
Easy setup


New sites can be created manually, or using an easy-to-use wizard in FYI. The  SharePoint site is created with a standard template to help you get started.  

Status screen to review Collaborate configuration


Yes - quickly identify any potential configuration issues affecting the ability to use New Collaborate.


Client and Staff Access

Feature Collaborate New Collaborate
Secure Access

Required use of a Secure Code to access documents.

Uses Microsoft 365 Authentication, or Google/Facebook at the practice's discretion, with the ability to implement Multi-factor Authentication.

Update Permissions to access Folders or Documents

Manually configured within OneDrive

Managed from within FYI

Access to the Share Folder or Documents

Documents are uploaded to OneDrive.

The client accesses the document or folder via a secure link requiring a verification code.

Documents are uploaded to SharePoint.

The client can access the file or folder using a direct link to the SharePoint Client Portal (after securely logging into the SharePoint Collaborate site).

Auto share folder with client


If sharing a document with an email address that matches the client's email address as per the Client - Summary in FYI, the user is automatically updated to access all files in the client folder. The user will also be added to the Sharing Settings window in the Collaborate tab.

Adding users to the Share Settings

Email Drawer will automatically be displayed to send an invite to the user.

Email Drawer does not automatically display, so that users can be added and files shared before sending the invitation.

Remove access to Share Folder for individual clients

Managed from OneDrive

Available within FYI

Remove access to Document for individual clients

Managed from OneDrive

Available within FYI

Client Security to restrict staff from viewing specific client folders

Manually managed in OneDrive by the OneDrive Admin

No (Coming Soon)

Status Check for individual users

Not Available

Available from the Client Sharing Settings window. A check will be performed to confirm the guest user has the correct permissions.


Sharing Documents and Folders

Feature Collaborate New Collaborate
One link to access all files and folders

No - users without Share Folder access must refer to the Email each time to use the link to access documents.

Yes - using the link for the Collaborate Site, the client can access all Files and Folders they have been added to.

Send attachments via Collaborate

Files are uploaded to OneDrive, and the client is sent a link to view the file.

Files are uploaded to SharePoint, and the client is sent a link to view the file.

Share No Email - Share Documents without notifying the client via email



Sharing multiple documents

Documents will be uploaded to the client folder relevant to the client the document is filed to in FYI.

Documents will be uploaded to the client folder relevant to the client the document is filed to in FYI.

View list of files shared via Collaborate in FYI

Yes - Collaborate tab

Yes - Collaborate tab

Upload folder automatically imports files into FYI



Sharing settings to view a list of who files or the Share Folder has been sent to



Support for changes to the client's name

A new folder was created and documents required to be manually moved to the new folder

Warning in FYI on the Client Collaborate - Sharing Settings window. Clicking the "Fix Me" button will rename the folder on SharePoint automatically and retain the client permissions.

Support for multiple clients with the same name

Not supported.

Yes - folders are created with the Client Name and Client ID for unique folders for each client.



Feature Collaborate New Collaborate
Client Co-Edit

Files are hosted on OneDrive under the OneDrive Admin Account

Files are hosted on the New Collaborate Site on SharePoint

Team Co-Edit

Files are hosted on OneDrive under the OneDrive Admin Account

Files are hosted on OneDrive under the OneDrive Admin Account, not the New Collaborate SharePoint site


Email Templates

Feature Collaborate New Collaborate
Merge Fields

Merge fields available for Attachment Links, Share Folder, and Upload Folder.

New Merge Fields are available, although the Templates are backwards compatible with historical Merge Fields. Practices are encouraged to update their Email Templates. Refer to Setting up Collaborate Email Templates

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