
Activity Statement Recurring Job

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This automation is designed to automatically create recurring jobs for clients that require IAS and BAS work completed. The custom process will automatically create IAS jobs for Month 1 and Month 2 and skip Month 3 to align with your quarterly BAS process.

There are alternatives to consider, and these are explained at the bottom of the article.

Watch the tutorial and follow the steps below to get started with automating recurring jobs for your practice.

Create Client Custom Fields

Review and create the required client Custom Fields to be used for the Process. Ensure the Custom Fields are populated accordingly against your clients. Refer to Client Custom Fields.

This example uses a client Custom Field “Activity Statement”, with drop-down options consisting of: IAS, BAS, BAS & IAS. This will ensure that we can create recurring jobs for each scenario as required for your clients.


Note: you can create any custom fields that are appropriate to your practice. You might like to use the frequency of Activity Statement with drop down options of “Quarterly, Monthly, Annually” instead.  

As this automation uses Client - Select Filters, a saved Custom View is not required.


Add the Custom Process

  1. In Automation - Processes, click Add Custom Process.
  2. Add the Name of the Process, in this example, "Recurring IAS Jobs".
  3. If required, add any additional description of the Process in the Description.
  4. In this example, the process will run regularly therefore the custom process has the Trigger set to "Schedule". This will ensure that FYI automatically creates the IAS jobs.
  5. Define the schedule according to how often the Process should run. In this example, this is set to run every three months, starting from the 1st January.
  6. The Filter Type is set as "Client - Select Filters" to filter clients based on the pre-defined client Custom Field. The Activity Statement Custom Field is selected for the “BAS & IAS” option.


Add Step 1 - Create Job

  1. Click Add Step
  2. Click FYI Actions and select Create Job.
  3. Give the job a Name, for example "IAS".
  4. Select the Job Template.
  5. Select the State as "Planned" or similar, to help with planning.
  6. Enter the Budget, as required.
  7. Review the DatesAssigned UserManagerPartner and any Custom Fields as required. Merge Fields can be used to select specific values. Refer to Including Merge Fields in Automations.
  8. Click Save.


Add Step 2 - Delay

This step creates a delay so the process doesn't continue until the next step is required.

  1. Click Add Step and select Delay.
  2. Complete the Delay Length as 30 Days.
  3. Click Save.


Add Step 3 - Create Job

  1. Copy the Create Job step from Step 1 and drag it to step 3.

Add Steps 4-5 Delay

  1. Copy the Delay step from Step 2 and drag it to between steps 4 and 5.

Custom Process Example

This process can be used for clients that have both IAS & BAS work that needs to be completed interchangeably. By having this IAS process and a separate quarterly BAS process running it will ensure that you have the correct Activity Statement job for the correct period.

In this example, the IAS Jobs will be created for January and February and skipped for March. The process will commence again for the subsequent quarter.

Example process steps:


Alternate Custom Process Scenarios

The following provide alternatives to creating recurring jobs based on Activity Statement requirements. The best option is based on the requirements of your practice 

IAS - Monthly Job Custom Processes

An alternative to the above and for precise job creation with due dates and naming conventions is to create a process for each cycle, for example, Jan IAS, Feb IAS, April IAS etc. These processes trigger every 1 year, pointing to the same custom fields at client level.

  • The Filter Type is set as "Client - Select Filters"
  • Activity Statement Custom Field is "IAS".
  • Step 1 will be to create the job and Step 2 will be to Execute Process and selecting your overarching Activity Statement process.


IAS - Stand-alone Custom Process

For those clients with a stand-alone IAS Process, create a Custom Process with Step 1 only, to repeat every month (no delays required). This process triggers on the first of each month pointing to the same custom fields at the client level.

  • The Filter Type is set as "Client - Select Filters"
  • Activity Statement Custom Field is "IAS".

BAS - Stand-alone Custom Process

For those clients that have BAS only, you can use the following stand-alone Custom Process. This process triggers every quarter, pointing to the same custom fields at a client level.

  • The Filter Type is set as "Client - Select Filters"
  • Activity Statement Custom Field is "BAS".


Testing a Scheduled Custom Process

When setting up a Custom Process, it is very important to test it to ensure it is working as expected.

You can test a Scheduled Custom Process directly from the Process itself while the Process is still "Draft".

  1. Click Test.
  2. The Select Test pop-up displays a list of the Clients based on the filter that has been set up in the process.
    Note: A Test Client is handy for testing scheduled automations.
  3. From the Select Test, search and select a specific Client to run the test for and click Run Test.
    Refer to Testing Custom Processes.

Reviewing the Process History

When a Process has run (from a Test run or at any other time) you can review the status and check what was processed. The Process can be reviewed from the Process itself, or from the Client workspace for the relevant client.

Refer to Automation History, Client Processes and Process History and Client Process History Checklist.

Set the Status of the Process to "Active"

When you are ready, set the Status of the process to "Active".

Scheduled Process runs Automatically

This example is a Scheduled Process. Once the Status is set as "Active", the Process will run automatically according to the schedule that was set.

For details of the different ways to run a Custom Process, refer to Running Custom Processes.

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