
Link your OneDrive Admin Account for New Collaborate

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Creating and managing your Collaborate site requires a OneDrive Admin account to be configured so that FYI can create and manage your Collaborate site within Microsoft SharePoint.

Note: This step is only required if you are not upgrading from Legacy Collaborate and don't have a OneDrive Admin User already configured. Continue onto the next step Setting up Microsoft 365 for New Collaborate.

New Collaborate only requires a OneDrive admin account to be connected through FYI. We recommend creating a Microsoft 365 account specifically for the OneDrive admin user account. 

Connect the OneDrive Admin Account

  1. In FYI click the Automation menu.

  2. Click the Apps tab.

  3. Locate the OneDrive tile and click the cog icon to edit it.
  4. In the Settings tab on the right-hand side click Change.
  5. Select the OneDrive Admin User from the drop-down list.
    Reminder: This will also affect the Admin User for the OneDrive Co-Edit feature.

  6. Click the Validate button.
  7. A pop-up will be displayed in the bottom right-hand corner while the user account is validated.

  8. Once the validation is complete, click Save and Update OneDrive Access to apply the changes.
    Note: Changes will not be applied until they have been saved.
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Next Steps: To continue setting up New Collaborate, refer to Setting up Microsoft 365 for New Collaborate.


For information on how to manage OneDrive for using Co-Edit with Team, refer to Link your Practice's OneDrive Admin Account.

To receive notifications when clients add files to their Upload Folder you can share the OneDrive Admin's In Tray. Refer to Sharing your In Tray.

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