Job Numbers are now searchable and displayed for Jobs in FYI. You can now find the Job Number in the Jobs list (as both a column and filter), in the Job Workspace in the "Summary" pane and "Workflow Jobs" tab (if using Workflow Jobs), in the Home "My Jobs" tab, and when exporting the Jobs List. In "Search Jobs" at the top of the Jobs list enter the Job Number to search for a specific Job Number.
For an example of the new features, refer to Using the Jobs Lists. For more information on Workflow Jobs refer to Getting Started with Workflow Jobs.
- For our Australian and New Zealand users, the Client - Tax Tab now has additional columns and filters available, including Estimated Income or Payable/Refundable, Income and Income Variance, and more.
For our New Zealand users, you will be able to use the Period From/To dates, Status (Draft, Filed etc), and Year. The columns with values are not applicable, for example, Estimated Income or Payable/Refundable.
Refer to Client Tax (Australia and New Zealand).
- For external Apps and Integrations using a Secret Key, the Secret Key will now only be visible the first time the key is generated. The Key should then be stored somewhere secure. If the Key is required again, you must disconnect your integration and request a new Key to reconnect your integration. Refer to the Apps and Integrations section for information on a specific integration.
- When clicking the Sharing Settings button in Collaborate, we have re-labelled "OneDrive" to "Collaborate" for consistency. Refer to Sharing the Share folder with the Client.
- The Practice Sync Desktop App has been improved to make it easier to manage integrations. Options have been removed from the Desktop App where they can be configured within FYI in the Practice Sync App settings, for example, Frequency. This applies to MYOB, APS, CCH, and Iris. Refer to the Apps and Integrations section for your specific Practice Sync integration app.
- Clients that have been deleted from MYOB AE will be marked as Archived in FYI.
- Default Views cannot be deleted or archived from the Practice settings - Documents - Views list.
- Tables in the Tasks and Task Templates Editor will now add a new line with a whole word instead of cutting the word off to create a new line.
- The integration with Companies House has been improved to better handle a large number of documents to be filed.
- The Jobs Activity workspace now includes details on when the Job Description has been changed in Xero Practice Manager. Refer to Job Activity.
- When clicking on the User menu icon to load the drop-down menu, the Practice Name you're logged into is now displayed under the email address for both Standard and Admin users. Refer to Individual Settings and Status.
- When viewing the GreatSoft Automation App settings, the "Last Full Sync" time and date will only be updated once the synchronisation has been completed.
- For practices integrated with Xero Practice Manager, the "Sync Tax Returns" option will only be displayed if the "Import Tax Assessments" option is enabled in the Xero Tax Automation App.
- You can now edit the Create Job step of an Automation when the step contains a "Custom Field" value that has since been deleted.
- When viewing the Documents list, filtering the "Source" column by "FuseSign" will retain the correct "Source" value of "FuseSign" instead of resetting to "FYI".
- For our New Zealand Xero Tax users, Individual Tax Returns are now synchronised and filed in FYI with a Type of "GST", and prefix "GST". For example "GST | 1/12/2022 – 31/01/2023. For more information, refer to Xero Tax Return AutoFile (Australia and New Zealand Only)
Important: Any returns with a date from the previous year without a "Type" set will be automatically updated with the type "GST".
- When synchronising from MYOB using Practice Sync, any email addresses that have been updated in MYOB will now update in FYI. For more information refer to Practice Sync Integration with MYOB AE/AO (Australia and New Zealand)
Emails will be immediately marked as Delivered in FYI when using the Draft in Outlook feature. In addition, the Workflow will be marked as Completed, and the grey "Draft" icon will not be displayed in FYI. Emails can be managed through Outlook from that point on. Once sent, any changes will be updated in FYI.
Note: Please review any Automations using auto-complete actions. These steps may be impacted by the Delivery state immediately changing to "Sent".
- Documents will now still show the name of an inactive user if that user had previously modified the document, or was assigned to any of the fields, prior to being marked as inactive. For example, the Activity Log will show the User Name if they changed the "Year" custom field for the document.
- We've improved Timesheet synchronisation error messages to include more detailed information on the reason for the failure, along with the name and link to the Task or Job the timesheet entry failed for.
- Automation Tests now include all entries, regardless of the text case, in the total count. For example, clients with the name "Marshall" or "MARSHALL" would be a total of two.
- Users can now delete a Timesheet from FYI without encountering an error if the timesheet has already been deleted from Xero Practice Manager.
- When updating a Job in the Drawer on the right side of the window, the job will remain highlighted in the Job List in the background.
- Devices can be deleted successfully from "My Devices" or Practice Admin by clicking the Delete button.
- We've improved Practice Activity to include more details on the action required to resolve any failures, for example, if there was a job with an invalid user.
- When trying to use FuseSign to send a PDF to a client for signing, if there is not a valid FuseSign licence an error will be displayed to advise the FuseSign licence requires an agreement.
- When sending Attachments, "OneDrive" has been re-labelled as "Collaborate", to provide more consistency when referring to the Collaborate feature in FYI. This new label will appear when sharing documents with clients and when using the "Create Email" step in automation.
Note: Files are still uploaded to OneDrive as usual; the update is visual only and there has been no change to the functionality of sharing the documents. - We've made it easier to update to select yourself in a drop-down list by introducing a new "Me" option. This feature is available when managing Clients, Jobs, Automations, Tasks, Task Templates, Time, Custom Fields (when set to the "User" type), and when selecting the Partner for users in Practice Admin. Once saved, the field will be set to the current user.
- We've extended the generic Practice Sync to update Job Custom Fields via CSV import. You can now update all custom field types, for example, email, text, decimal, checkbox and more. If the upload can't be processed for any reason, an alert will be added to Practice Activity. For more information refer to Integration with Generic Practice Management Software.
- The User Activity Log now shows more details when updating a User to select a new default Cabinet, Category or Signature. Information on the specific changes will be included, for example, "Signature set to Default Practice Signature". Refer to Managing Users.
- When deleting a user comment from a job, the "Last Comment" column on the Jobs view will display the most recent user comment and not a system message.
- The Automation History tab will display "Deleted Job" if the automation was run against a job that has since been deleted from FYI.
- When filtering the Clients view by a date range, switching between the Fixed or Relative date option will not refresh the client list until the date has been selected.
- When updating Jobs via the Practice Sync CSV upload, if the "State" field is blank the field will be ignored during the upload. The remaining job fields will be updated as per the CSV file.