You can remove access to the client folders on the New Collaborate SharePoint Site for all users, or a specific user only.
Note: If a document or client is archived, the client will continue to have access to the document or any client folders unless the client is removed from the Sharing Settings.
Removing Access
For a Specific User
You can remove access for a specific user to the client folders and to all documents that were directly shared with the user with the Share button.
- Search for your client and select the Collaborate tab.
- From the Sharing Settings, click the X alongside the user you wish to remove access for.
- A message displays confirming you wish to disable sharing for the user.
- Click Yes to confirm.
- If the guest user still has access to other clients, a message will be displayed showing a list of the clients. Click OK on the message.
- The Sharing Settings page will be reloaded.
- Close Sharing Settings.
If the guest user no longer has access to any client folders or documents shared with them, they will also be removed from Microsoft 365.
For all users with access to a Client Folder
- Search for your client and select the Collaborate tab.
- From the Sharing Settings, click the Delete Sharing button.
- A message displays confirming you wish to disable sharing for all users and delete all shared documents.
- Click Yes to confirm.
- The Sharing Settings page will be reloaded.
If the guest user has access to other client folders, they will continue to have access to those clients. If they don't have access to any client folders or documents, the guest user will also be removed from Microsoft 365.
Once Access has been Removed
Once access has been removed for a specific user, the user's name and email address are no longer displayed in Sharing Settings.
Should the user try to use the link, they will receive a message "Sorry, you don't have access".
User Removal is Locked
If the user has only just been added to the Sharing Settings, you will need to wait 15 minutes before they can be removed.
When trying to remove the user, if it has been less than 15 minutes, the X button will be disabled. Hovering over the X, a message will be displayed to show the time and date the user will be able to be removed.