
Synchronising Clients, Jobs and Users with IRIS (United Kingdom only)

When FYI is integrated with IRIS, your Clients, Client Contacts, Jobs and Users are imported from IRIS and continuously synchronised with FYI. Changes made in IRIS are reflected in FYI.

The sync from IRIS to FYI happens every 15 minutes. This ensures that IRIS continues to be your single source of truth for client information. The sync frequency refers to the time interval between the completion of a full sync process for all data and the start of the next sync. For example, if the last sync was Contacts, there will be a 15 minute wait before the next full sync starts.

Note: If a client email address field contains multiple addresses, these will be imported as a single value to FYI, making the email field unusable for email selection, AutoFile and Collaborate. Refer to Client Email Address Synchronisation.

Summary of Synchronisation

The following is a summary of the data that is currently synced from IRIS to FYI.

  Event in IRIS Notes
Clients Create or Edit

All clients, including archived and clients displaying a padlock, are synced.

Only Client Types of People, Businesses, and Trusts will be synchronised.

All Business Types will be synchronised.

If a client email address field contains multiple addresses, they will be imported as a single value, making this field unusable in FYI. Refer to Client Email Address Synchronisation.

Client Contacts Create or Edit

Contact details are synchronised as individual rows on the Client - Contacts tab in FYI. Contacts with the "Main" flag selected in IRIS and contacts within the Main Address will be displayed at the top of the list, followed by contacts under Billing address and Registered office.

The Contact Name will be based on the description within IRIS.

Client Addresses Create or Edit Only two address lines appear in FYI.
Client Custom Fields Create or Edit

Will be created as "Checkbox" Type in FYI. 

When changing the value of a Category field in IRIS, a new Custom Field will be created in FYI and set to "True". The previous Custom Field will be set to "False".

Client Groups Create or Edit Non-Charge Client Groups, or if there are no clients assigned to the group, it will not be synchronised.
Jobs Create or Edit Job Names will use the format (Job Type Description) (End Date)
Users Create or Edit All active employees must have an email address recorded in IRIS.

FYI does not currently sync the following: 

  • Client Security - it will need to be set up in FYI directly
  • Relationships
  • Time
  • Document and Email Templates
  • Internal Documents such as Policies and Procedures
  • Tax Returns

We will continue to work on these areas so they are included in the future.

Additional Notes:

  • Any data deleted in IRIS will not be reflected in FYI by the synchronisation.
  • Clients archived in IRIS are not auto-archived in FYI by the synchronisation.
  • No data is synced from FYI to IRIS including time.
  • The Open in PM icon does not open the Client in IRIS.

Field Synchronisation

Client Code
Client Name
Company Number (not applicable for individuals)
Contact Name
Postal Address
Postal City
Postal Country
Postal Postcode
Postal Region
Physical Address
Physical City
Physical Country
Physical Postcode
Physical Region
Tax Number
Client Group
Client Manager
Client Custom Field Values
Client Custom Field Definitions
Client Contacts

Any contact details selected as "Main" in IRIS will be displayed at the top of the Client - Contact list in FYI.

Name (based on the description in IRIS)
Phone - Where both Phone and Mobile are selected for a single contact, the Mobile number only will be displayed in FYI. Fax Numbers and Extensions will have "(Fax)" and "(Ext)" added to the end of the Name in FYI.

A new user will only be created if the email address does not already exist for another user in either the FYI Email or Alias fields.

Job Name - using the format (Job Type Description) (End Date)
Client Group
Job Stage - synchronised to the FYI Job State
Start Date
Due Date

Additional Synchronisation Details

Client Email Address Synchronisation

Where a Client Email address field in IRIS contains multiple email addresses for the client, these will be imported as a single value in FYI. This format means the email field is unusable for sending emails, AutoFile, and using the Collaborate feature in FYI.

Practices should update the Client Email address field in IRIS to include only one email address for the client. Where any additional email addresses are required for that client, the Contact fields should be used to manage these separately.

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