- When selecting a Task in My Tasks or Task lists:
- Tasks now display a read only Details section in the drawer. Editor is used to add or update Task details. When updating Task details, the information entered automatically displays as read only in the Details section in the drawer.
- When the Editor pane is displayed for a Task, you can click the Comments icon in the drawer to create a comment whilst displaying the Task Details.
Refer to Using the Task Drawer.
- In the Clients - Summary tab, the Salutation displays and is synchronised from your practice management software. Refer to Displaying Information for a Client.
- When creating a job from within FYI, users can select the Custom Fields for the Job, and select the options for each Custom Field. For example, you can add Custom Fields such as Type of Service or Accountant, and set the options when creating the Job in FYI. Refer to Create Job in FYI.
- Time entries:
- A new time status 'Syncing' displays when time entries have been submitted and the sync to Xero Practice Manager is still in progress. Refer to Displaying and Updating Time.
- Where submitting Time entries, if an entry fails, the reason displays in Practice Activity. Refer to Practice Activity.
- In the Client - Process History tab, to see further details of any of the Processes, click an entry to open the Process History Checklist for that process. When the Process History Checklist is open and there are incomplete steps, the process will automatically refresh every 5 seconds. Use the drop-down alongside the counter to select your preferred refresh option of "Off", "5 seconds", "10 seconds" or "30 seconds". When a specific step is selected and the drawer displays, the process can be manually refreshed. Refer to Client Process History Checklist.
- In the Jobs Lists, you can now filter on multiple job names using the "Name (multi)" column. This column offers a choice of unique job names for users to select from to filter and save the Jobs list. New jobs and modified job names will automatically display in the column selections without users having to refresh the page. Refer to Sorting and Filtering Jobs Lists.
- In the Clients Lists, the "Client Code" column can now be sorted in ascending or descending order, and saved in a view.
- When starting a FYI trial, Email AutoFile will be enabled for the practice following best practice recommendations. Users' My Settings - AutoFile mode will be set to "Disabled" and no emails or attachments will autofile to FYI or import to their In Tray. Refer to Default Automations.
- When using FuseSign for digital signing, Merge Fields for partner name, partner email and partner mobile included in the email template display in the email message.
- In the Home Workspace, moving between the tabs refreshes the count based on the number of rows.
- In Jobs lists, the Budget column displays the values for workflow and billing jobs.
- When selecting a Client, Client Group or Job from the Documents list, you are taken to the Documents tab in the relevant workspace. Similarly when selecting a Client or Client Group from the Jobs or Tasks lists, you are taken to the Jobs or Tasks tab in the relevant workspace.
- When deselecting the Job in the Clients - Documents tab, the Documents list continues to display for the relevant client.
- If you are using Client Order No in Xero Practice Manager for billing purposes, updates to the Name, Budget, Start Date or Due Date in FYI will maintain the Client Order No value in Xero Practice Manager.
- When clicking on the column heading for Date Custom Fields, the dates initially display in ascending order. Click the column heading again to sort the column in descending order.
- When updating Client AutoFile Settings individually or using Bulk Update, the user name who made the changes displays in the Client - Activity tab.
- In FYI, when updating the Client Partner, Client Manager, Job Partner or Job Manager to "Unassigned", this will sync in near real time back to Xero Practice Manager and update the appropriate field value to "None".
- When moving a Workflow Job to a "Completed" Job Type state, the state is now retained in FYI.
- When updating a date custom field using Bulk Update, the user must select a date for the update to run. If selections are not made, an error message will display.
- When merging documents from one or more clients from the Clients List, all archived and unmatched clients display an "Archived" or "Unmatched" label to differentiate between active, archived and unmatched clients. Refer to Merge Clients.
- In the View selector in Practice and Admin lists, the link to a view can be copied to the user's clipboard. In all lists, the Copy View Link icon is now right aligned in the view selector. Refer to Copying a Link to a View.
- When using the Search jobs field in the Jobs Board, searching by Job State is not case sensitive.
- In Client lists, the Client Group column can be filtered for blanks to display a list of all clients that are not part of group.
- In Jobs lists, when a Job has been deleted in Xero Practice Manager the job will no longer display after a manual or overnight sync is performed.
- In the Clients - Tax tab for New Zealand practices, all IR4 returns display with status and year.
- The quick access menu options for Clients, Jobs, Documents, Tasks and Automation allows users to use the mouse scroll to select and open the view in a new browser tab.
- Files with the extensions .pxif and .backup will now export from FYI with the original extensions intact.
- The recently accessed documents in the quick access menu for Documents displays options relevant for each user.
- In the Clients Lists, you can now display Clients that have client Security enabled. Additional columns for "Security Enabled" and "Authorised Users" are available in the Clients Lists columns which can be added to the list. You can filter the "Security Enabled" column to display the Clients where security has been enabled. The "Authorised Users" column displays the users who have been given access to each Client. Refer to Client Security.
- In Practice Settings - Documents - Cabinets and Categories, when adding or updating the Name of a Cabinet or Category, a character counter displays to indicate the number of characters entered and the maximum characters allowed. Refer to Managing Cabinets and Managing Categories.
- In Jobs Lists, when any Search text has been entered in the Search jobs field, the View cannot be saved. A message displays that you should apply a Filter to any relevant columns and then Save the View. Refer to Saving Changes to the View Layout, Modifying and Deleting Views.
- Filters and search criteria are retained when changing between the Jobs List and the Jobs Board.
- When using Bulk Update to change filing details for documents or to delete documents, the Activity section in the drawer displays the user who made the change.
- When a client is assigned to multiple client groups, the Jobs in the Client Workspace Jobs drop-down do not display as duplicates.
- When using the Copy View Link to create a hyperlink in the Knowledge - Templates view, the list of templates, signatures or stationery displays.
- In Home - My Time, the Update button for Workflow job time entries displays by default if a mandatory field has not been completed. The Submit button displays by default when all mandatory fields are complete for a time entry.
- In all Workspaces, users can use the mouse scroll to select a view to open the list in a new browser tab.
- In Jobs and Clients Lists, any decimal Custom Field entered with a comma or decimal place displays the complete number for example, 4,000 or 5,000.00.
- When creating or updating an Alter Document step in a Process, the fields in the Filing and Workflow sections default to "Don't update". This leaves the values to what is already selected for the document.
- When using Send for Signature to send a PDF document to a client, the list of Email Templates displays in alphabetical order in the Template drop-down. For those practices using Adobe Sign as their signing service, the service displays as Adobe Sign rather than Adobe.