
Process Step Details - Alter Document

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When a Custom Process is set up with a Document View as the Filter, or whenever a Process includes a step that creates a document, you can use the Alter Document step. For example, this could be used to automatically add the client name to the name of a document.

  • For a process that is filtered with a Document view to retrieve a collection of documents, you can use the Alter Document to update any key fields.

  • You can also add a Task or a Comment to the document (used as notifications for other staff members)

  • For a process that creates any Documents, Emails, Phone Calls, File Notes or Meetings,  you can also use the Alter Document step to change the filing details, or add a Task or Comment to a document that has been created in that Process. The steps used for this action include Create Word, Create Email, Create Spreadsheet, Create Presentation, Create Phone, Create Note, and Create Meeting.

  • Practices on the Elite Plan: For a process that creates an Invoice (using the Create Invoice step) the Alter Document step can be used to process workflows, for example, create a task to review the Invoice.

  • For practices on the Elite plan using FYI for practice management, Alter Document can also be used to notify staff using a comment when the Invoice is marked as paid. 

Note: Filing details for documents in Co-Edit cannot be updated. The document must first be finished and synchronised back to FYI. Refer to Co-Editing a Document with a Client.

Selecting the Document to Alter

In Alter Document step, in the Action section, the Document field indicates which document to alter.

Selecting the Trigger Document

To select the document that has been retrieved by the Document view in the filter, select "Trigger Document".


Selecting a Document Created in the Process

If the Process includes any steps that create documents, you can select one of these documents as the document to alter. The Alter Document step is available to be selected from the list of Actions if there is at least one Create step in the Process. This applies when the Process is filtered by any type of View, or by the Client Filter.

In the Action section in the Alter Document step, you can select one of the documents that have been set up to be created in the Process. This only includes the documents created in steps that are before the Alter Document step in the Process. The number of the steps in the process is included for clarity, for example, "1: Create Word > Document" indicates a document that was created in Step 1.

Alternatively, if the Process is filtered with a Document view, you can also select Trigger Document. For example, you may have a Documents View for Invoices pending approval (Elite plan only). When an Invoice matches the criteria for this view, it will trigger the automation (i.e. the Invoice will be the Trigger Document). 

In the following example, the Process has steps that create a Document and create an Email. The documents created in previous steps are available to select in the Alter Document action step.


Set the Filing Details to Change

In the Filing section in the Alter Document step, the Name of the document is set as a default as the Original Filename. The fields will default to the Merge Field {{ OriginalFileName }} which leaves what is already selected for the document.

Merge Fields can be used to search and select additional merge fields. Click the Merge Fields icon and select from the available merge fields. Refer to Including Merge Fields in Automations.

Where relevant, update the Cabinet, Category and Filing details.

Note: Filing details for documents in Co-Edit cannot be updated. The document must first be finished and synchronised back to FYI. Refer to Co-Editing a Document with a Client.


The status in Filing can be set to "Archived" to archive documents. The documents will be included in the Documents Archived view. For example, the Document View filters documents with year categories older than seven years, and Alter Document can archive these documents.

If the status in Filing is set to "Delete", the documents will be deleted, and displayed in the Documents Deleted view. Refer to Deleting Documents and Recovering Deleted Documents.


In the Workflow section, the options for Owner, Approver and Workflow status will default to "Don't update" and can be changed. To update, click the Merge Field icon and select the appropriate field from the Merge Field Section. For example, to update the Owner expand the Trigger Client Merge Field section and select the Custom User Role, such as "Accountant".

The Workflow options available in the drop-down will depend on the Approval Level assigned to the user creating the process, in their User Profile. For example, a User with an Approval Level of None will not be able to view or select "Approved". Refer to Workflow Basics and Managing Users.

In the following example, the Owner of the document is being changed to the Client Custom Field "Accountant" using a Merge Field, and the Workflow Status is being changed to "Completed".


An example of when the Alter Document can be used is documents that have been sent by the client using the New Collaborate Client Uploads folder (refer to Receiving Documents from the Upload Folder). When the documents are imported, a Custom Process with the Alter Document step can be used to file the documents, for example, as "Workpapers".

Add a Task

To add a Task, expand the section, set Create a Task to "On", and then enter the task details.


In the example above, a Task will be created when an invoice is created to send the invoice to the partner for approval. Merge Fields have been used to select the Assignee. Invoices are available for Elite plans only.

Refer to Process Step Details - Creating Documents and Tasks.

Add Time 3345_Elite_plan_Swish.png

Time in Task automation steps is used in the Capacity Planning and AutoTime functions, available to practices on the FYI Elite plan. 

By adding time, you can forecast the time for users required to complete tasks, and even create draft timesheets when the task is complete.

The Time section in the drawer will automatically display when the Create a Task step is enabled.

Refer to:

Add a Comment

Automatic notifications can be defined and triggered as part of process automations using Comments. This ensures that you are aware of documents that have been imported, filed or changed automatically in FYI. Refer to Automation Notifications

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