
Using the Cabinet Explorer

In Documents lists, on the left-hand side of the lists, as well as the Columns and Filters tabs is the Cabinet Explorer tab. As well as selecting the Cabinet and Categories in the Filters, the Cabinet Explorer can be used to select a Cabinet. When a Cabinet has been selected, this displays the Categories and the Category options that are relevant to the selected Cabinet.

The Cabinet Explorer is available in the Documents list and also in other lists that display documents, such as the tabs in the Client and Job workspaces (Client - Documents, Client - Collaborate, Job - Documents), in your Home tabs (My Starred, My Approvals) and in the Stapled Documents list and the Thread list.

The Cabinet Explorer is not relevant in the Home - My Recent, Home - In Tray, Home - My Edits or in the Templates Knowledge Cabinets.

Only one Cabinet can be selected using the Cabinet Explorer tab. If you want to filter on more than one Cabinet, use the Filters (refer to Sorting and Filtering Documents Lists).

Using the Cabinet Explorer Tab

On the left-hand side of the Documents lists, click the Cabinet Explorer tab to expand the tab and display the selections and options for this.

Click the Cabinet Explorer again to collapse the tab.

Selecting a Cabinet

  1. Expand the Cabinet Explorer by clicking the Cabinet Explorer tab. The width of this section of the list can be dragged left or right.

    When the Cabinet Explorer is expanded, if the currently selected View already has a filter applied to a single Cabinet, and any Categories, these are displayed automatically in the Cabinet Explorer when it is expanded. This could be if a saved view is selected, or if you have already applied any filters using the Cabinet or a Category column heading.

    If more than one Cabinet has already been selected in the Filters, these are not displayed in the Cabinet Explorer.

    If filters have already been applied, selecting a Cabinet or Categories in the Cabinet Explorer will replace those applied in the Filters.

  2. In the Cabinet drop-down, select a Cabinet to use as the filter.
    The selection of Cabinets only includes the Cabinets you have access to.
  3. The selected Cabinet is displayed at the top of the Cabinet Explorer tab. The documents for the selected Cabinet display automatically, and any categories enabled for that cabinet.


The Cabinet selected in the Cabinet Explorer is automatically added to the Filters and shows if the Filters tab is expanded or if the Filters are displayed from the relevant column heading.

Selecting a Category Option

Click to select a Category option in the Cabinet Explorer. You can select more than one category by clicking on each. You can combine selections from more than one Category, if applicable.

The selected Category options are automatically added to the filters, and replaces any that were selected from the Filters tab or the column headings.

If the Category was not already included in the view, this automatically adds it as a new column when the Category Option is selected.

Note: Archived Categories will not be displayed.


Note: The order in which Categories display in the Cabinet Explorer is controlled by the order in which they are set for the specific Cabinet. The order in which the Category Options display is controlled by the order in which they are saved for the Category.

The order in which the Categories and Category Options are displayed can be controlled from within the Cabinet settings and when managing Categories.

Removing a Category

To remove a Category option from the filter, click it again in the Cabinet Explorer to deselect it.

Removing a Cabinet/Resetting the Filters in the Cabinet Explorer

  1. Click the X next to the selected Cabinet at the top of the Cabinet Explorer.
    This removes the selected Cabinet filter from the list.
    If the selected View was filtered on any Cabinets or Categories, after clearing the Cabinet the filters from the View are also removed. To re-display the list with the View filters, re-select the View.
    If any Categories were automatically added to the list as a result of selecting them in the Cabinet Explorer, these are still displayed after clearing the Cabinet.

  2. Click Reset at the bottom of the Categories.
    Note: If the selected View was filtered on any Cabinets or Categories, after clicking Reset the filters from the View are also removed. To re-display the list with the View filters, re-select the View.
    If any Categories were automatically added to the list as a result of selecting them in the Cabinet Explorer, these are still displayed after clicking Reset.

  3. Re-select a View from the View selector.
    This resets the Cabinet Explorer and displays the list with the settings in the selected View.
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